This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 679 Isn't that lucky singer among you?

The latest website: Yuanxi Village.

Li Han received a call from Liang Sheng.

Liang Sheng said that the animation video of the song "Breakpoint" has been made, and now he has sent a copy to Li Han's mailbox.

Li Han returned home, turned on the computer, downloaded the video sent by Liang Sheng, and clicked it.

Li Han is very familiar with animation and has seen a lot in his previous life.

For Liang Sheng's "Breakpoint" animation, Li Han is still looking forward to it.

After clicking, the scene is very beautiful, the character design of the male and female protagonists is also good, and the content of the screen can also match the lyrics sung.

After looking at it again, Li Han was still very satisfied.

As for Liang Sheng's singing, Li Han was equally satisfied. Although Liang Sheng's singing skills are somewhat lacking, the song "Breakpoint" is not difficult, and Liang Sheng is completely able to control it.

Overall, it's not bad, Li Han is very satisfied, and it can be officially released on the Internet.

Li Han called Liang Sheng back and said that there was no problem with the video and that it could be released, and let Liang Sheng decide the release time.

Then, Li Han sent the video to Li Xiaoru, Su Yuqing, Qin Xiaoyue, Luoxue, Ling Jiangyan and others.

When the news about Li Han's new song came out on the Internet, Su Yuqing, Qin Xiaoyue, Luo Xue, Ling Jiangyan all called and asked about the song.

And let Li Han be the animation of the song and send it to them to see.

Li Han naturally agreed.


Li Xiaoru had already heard Li Han sing "Breakpoint", so she was quite calm after seeing the video.

It's just that the animation is used to enhance the expression of the song, which makes her eyes bright, and it really feels more felt when she looks at it.

This kind of song is really suitable for expressing the content of the story in the form of animation.

No wonder Li Han suggested this at the time.

And Su Yuqing, Qin Xiaoyue, Luoxue, Ling Jiangyan and others,

It was the first time I heard the song.

Looking at the animation screen and listening to the song, several people felt a little sentimental.


After Liang Sheng got Li Han's affirmation, he was unprecedentedly excited and excited.

Is it finally ready for an official release on the web?

In the past few days, he practiced songs, recorded songs, and found someone to design and make animations. He didn't stop for a moment, and he was always very excited.

For the moment when the song can be released on the Internet.

Now, the wait has finally come.

Then, what made him excited was that he could finally sing this song in the night bar where he was stationed.

Although he had a chance against the sky and got a song by Li Han, Liang Sheng still decided to continue singing in the bar.

For one thing, he liked to sing in bars, where he showed himself on stage.

Second, he must maintain his original intention. He can't just because he got a chance against the sky and become famous is just around the corner.

With such a status, Li Han didn't feel that he was superior to others. How could he be qualified to float?

Liang Sheng is looking forward to and eager to sing this song in Ye Tian Bar.

This is not only a great song, but a song of his own.

The feeling of singing this song must be completely different from the feeling of singing other songs.

At the same time, it will definitely surprise the guests, colleagues and bosses of Ye Tian Bar.

Liang Sheng hasn't revealed to the outside world that he is the bar singer with unforeseen circumstances.

The owner of the bar, colleagues and guests still don't know about it.

He intends to shock everyone directly at that time.

Every night in the past few days, Liang Sheng also went to Ye Tian Bar to sing.

The rest of the bar's singers and band members would talk about Li Han writing a new song for a bar singer every day.

In the words, in addition to envy, it is still envy.

Everyone is a bar singer, why can others have such an opportunity?

Last night, after Liang Sheng finished singing a song, he went to rest in the lounge, and several singers were talking about related things.

A singer named Huang Ming saw Liang Sheng come in and said, "Old Liang, who do you think that singer is? After so many days, why is there no reaction at all?"

Liang Sheng smiled and said skillfully: "Maybe they are still preparing. That is Mr. Li Han's song. If he is not ready, how dare he release it easily?"

Huang Ming said again: "Of course preparation should be prepared. He can release the song in no hurry, but at least he should reveal some news! How come there is no response at all?"

Liang Sheng said: "Maybe the time is not ripe. When the time is ripe, there will be a reaction naturally."

Huang Ming said: "Maybe."

Then, another singer named Ye Xiao said, "Could it be that the news is fake? In fact, there is no such thing at all."

Huang Ming shook his head and said, "I have carefully studied the relevant remarks on the Internet these days, and I feel that there is a high possibility that it is true."

Ye Xiao said: "Really? That bar singer is quite calm! If it were me, I would like to let the world know right away."

Huang Ming sighed: "I don't know if the singer can hold his breath. I only know that I am envious. That's Mr. Li Han's song! Every singer dreams of being there."

Then, a singer who never spoke suddenly said: "That lucky singer, shouldn't it be one of you? Tell me honestly! Don't keep pretending."

This statement surprised Liang Sheng, "Exposed?"

However, the other singers such as Huang Ming and Ye Xiao did not respond much.

Huang Ming said: "Brother Zhang, why do you say that? The probability among us exists in theory. But the possibility is too small and too small."

Ye Xiao and other singers nodded, and they thought so too.

The singer who just spoke was called Zhang Yuansheng, and said, "Of course it makes sense for me to say this. According to my analysis, the singer may be not far from us."

"Oh?" Huang Ming, Ye Xiao and other singers were all interested and said, "Zhang Ge, what do you say?"

Zhang Yuansheng said: "I studied it carefully and found that the day the news first came out was the day the first episode of "Brave Forward" was recorded."

When Huang Ming heard this, he nodded affirmatively and said, "Yes, it was that day, and I found it too."

Zhang Yuansheng nodded and said, "Now, let's assume that on the day of the program recording, Mr. Li Han also came to the scene of the program. The scene of the program is just outside the film and television base. That is to say, Mr. Li Han may have been there on that day. The film and television base. Then, the place where the bar singer and Mr. Li Han met is likely to be near the film and television base. And our Ye Tian bar is not far from the film and television base, so the bar singer may naturally be Who is among you?"

Huang Ming, Ye Xiao and other singers were stunned when they heard it.

If you think about it carefully, it does seem to make some sense.

However, Zhang Yuansheng's analysis has several assumptions. Those assumptions seem reasonable, but in fact there is no basis for any.

Therefore, the analysis that seems to be reasonable, in fact, has no practical significance.

Huang Ming, Ye Xiao and others did not think that the singer was by their side.

It's impossible for something like this to happen against the sky, right? That's amazing too.

They don't think that magical things can happen around them.

Liang Sheng said in his heart, "Well hung", thanks to the guests at the scene that day, they did not disclose the relevant information of "Shi Shang Restaurant".

Otherwise, everyone can easily guess that the lucky singer is him.

If so, it would be less interesting.


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