This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 685 Thanks to Li Han for pointing out a new creative direction

The latest website: Yuanxi Village.

Li Han also noticed the news on the Internet.

"Is it nine o'clock tomorrow morning? You can take a look then."


Under the discussion of countless people, the night was getting darker.

The guests at Ye Tian Bar finally dispersed, and the Internet finally became quiet.

Countless people are waiting for the arrival of nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

Of course, Liang Sheng was even more excited to wait. After returning home from Ye Tian Bar, he went online to briefly understand the situation on the Internet.

After learning about it, it was destined to be a sleepless night for him.

The night finally passed.

The next day, eight in the morning.

Liang Sheng, who was tossing and turning last night, was already sitting in front of the computer guarding.

Waiting for time to pass.

On the Internet, countless people have also been waiting.

Everyone is very excited, Li Han's new song can finally be heard.

While waiting, there are various discussions, the time is getting closer and closer to nine o'clock, and the atmosphere on the Internet is getting higher and higher.

Finally, it was nine o'clock in the morning.

Liang Sheng clicked to publish on time, and the animated MV of "Breakpoint" finally appeared on the Internet.

This is the first song to be expressed in animation, and it is destined to have an extraordinary meaning.

Countless people were shocked and opened one after another.

A melodious melody with a touch of sadness. Lyrics that easily resonate, make people listen quietly.

Feeling very uneasy.

Li Han's songs never disappoint them.

This song deserves their so much anticipation.

Many people who have a story in their hearts have their eyes moistened when they listened to it. They are very grateful to Li Han for creating such a song.


In the singer circle, the vast majority of singers also clicked on the "Breakpoint" animation MV.

Including the vast majority of star singers.

They have been very concerned about this matter.

After listening to the song only once, many singers sighed faintly.

Liang Sheng, they remembered this enviable name.

Then I also look forward to when I can get a song by Li Han.


"Breakpoint" continues to spread on the Internet, and more and more people hear it and like it.

This song gradually has a kind of meaning, once released, it immediately became popular on the whole network.

Singer Liang Sheng, naturally, it can be said that he became famous with one song.

Although it can't be said to be a star singer now, he has already gained a certain reputation on the Internet.

Everyone doesn't know him, but they know that there is a singer named Liang Sheng who sings a song called "Breakpoint", which is very popular on the Internet now.

The entertainment media also reported it one after another, and even the media made headlines.

Of course, the reason why it was on the front page was because of Li Han.

The focus of the report was all on Li Han, but Liang Sheng also benefited from it, and his fame increased.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that it is a popular Internet.

Although it may not last for long, at this time, it is definitely a real explosion.

So many ordinary singers and bar singers, while envious, can't help but shine.

It seems that Liang Sheng's way of becoming famous can be copied!

Just release a song on the Internet in the form of an animated MV.

If you can get a good song, it can be said to be almost zero cost!

It does seem like you can give it a try.

A lot of ordinary singers and bar singers are just around the corner.

And then, many ordinary musicians are equally thoughtful.

They were analyzing the song "Breakpoint".

This song is very obvious, very suitable for distribution on the Internet.

So, could they also try to compose some of these songs?

If they can also sing on the Internet, wouldn't they be famous?

There is no need to explode like "Breakpoint", just ordinary fire is enough.

Now is the age of the Internet, and they should probably seize such an opportunity.

Many musicians started to get excited after thinking about it.

Then I was grateful to Li Han for this song "Breakpoint", which pointed out a new creative direction for them and the opportunity to become famous.


Yuanxi Village.


Li Han received a call from Wang Chang, who hadn't seen him for a while.

Wang Chang said on the phone that he brought Xiao Haoling to the farm to order food, and now he has arrived in the village. Ask if Li Han is free? Xiao Haoling wants to see brother Li Han.

Of course Li Han was free, and said he would go to the farm soon.

The farm has a small farm in an area that is directly rented out.

Wang Chang, Huang Jian and others each rented a small farm and planted various vegetable seeds provided by the farm. Every so often, they would come to the village to collect vegetables, envy the rest of the guests.

After Li Han hung up the phone, he went straight to the farm.

When he reached the gate of the farm, he saw Wang Chang and Xiao Haoling waiting for him from a distance.

Immediately quickened his pace.

After Xiao Haoling saw Li Han, she cheered and ran towards Li Han with her short legs.

Since getting to know Li Han, the little guy has always liked to play with Li Han.

Li Han quickly asked Xiao Haoling to run slower and stop falling.

Then he trotted a few steps and joined the little guy who ran over.

Pinching the little guy's face, after playing around for a while, he took the little guy's hand and walked towards Wang Chang.

After approaching, Li Han smiled and said, "Old Wang, long time no see!"

Wang Chang also smiled and said, "It's mainly because little friend Li Han didn't spend much time in the village during this time."

"Is that so?" Li Han laughed again.

After that, Wang Chang said again: "Li Han's new song "Breakpoint" is very popular on the Internet today. Congrats to Li Han!"

"Oh?" Li Han said in surprise: "Old Wang also noticed? Does Mr. Wang also like to listen to this type of song?"

Wang Changdao: "I did listen to it once. But, to be honest, people are getting older and don't like listening to such songs anymore. The reason why I know this is because of what their young people say. I think those young people like this song. The song, I like it very much!"

"So that's the case." Li Han smiled, "It's good if someone likes it."

Then, the two walked towards the farm while talking.

Xiao Haoling ran in front of him by himself.

He has been here many times and already knows the way.

Wang Chang said, "I heard from Lao Huang that he is going to have a painting competition in a few days. Is the competition venue in the village?"

Li Han nodded and said, "I have already selected the location. When the time comes, simply arrange it, and it can be used as a competition venue."

Wang Chang smiled and said, "Then I will choose a place. I heard that little friend Li Han will attend as a special guest at that time?"

Li Han nodded and said, "That's true. Elder Wang should also be there when the time comes, right?"

Wang Chang nodded and said, "When the time comes, let's join in the fun."

Li Han smiled and said, "I am here to join in the fun."


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