This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 687 You want to go to my house to eat and drink again?

The latest website: After picking it off, Xiao Haoling proudly put the bitter gourd into the vegetable basket.

Wang Chang shook his head helplessly and smiled: "This child..."


the next day.

Magic City, a legendary game company.

The company's operations are already on track.

Eight game developers, including Yang Xu, Zeng Yu, and Yang Lin, have also officially started working in the company.

in their office.

Zeng Yu said: "I don't know when Mr. Li Han will be able to design another game? Or is it the most exciting to develop the game designed by Mr. Li Han."

Yang Lindao: "Although "Plants vs. Zombies" is very popular, a game company can't just run one game. I think Mr. Li Han can really design another game."

Yang Xu smiled bitterly: "But Mr. Li Han doesn't seem to be too keen on launching a new game."

Zeng Yudao: "That's true. The main reason is that Mr. Li Han is too talented. This time it's a variety show and a song. I don't know when I'll think about the game?"

All eight were helpless.

At this moment, a girl knocked on the door and said, "Yang Xu, President Qin asked you to come to her office now."

"Okay. We'll go right there," Yang Xu said.

The girl nodded and went out.

Zeng Yudao: "President Qin usually doesn't look for us. I don't know what happened this time?"

Yang Lindao: "To be honest, when I meet President Qin, I always feel a little unnatural and can't let go at all."

Yang Xu, Zeng Yu and the others smiled bitterly, but they were actually the same.

President Qin is naturally Qin Xiaoyue. When Yang Xu and others faced Qin Xiaoyue, they didn't dare to watch more, but they couldn't help but want to watch more.

Want to see but dare not see more,

They didn't dare to look at it but they wanted to watch it again, they naturally felt a little unnatural.

However, the eight people were still very excited when they heard that Qin Xiaoyue was looking for them.

No matter what, they can finally see Qin Xiaoyue's beautiful face again.

The eight people came to Qin Xiaoyue's office excitedly.

knock on the door.

"Please come in!"

Eight people pushed open the door, walked in, and said forcefully, "Mr. Qin."

Qin Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Please sit down!"

The eight agreed and sat down.

Yang Xu said, "I don't know if President Qin came to us..."

Qin Xiaoyue said: "I have a document here. Yang Xu, take it and send it to one person. Let's take a look first."

"Okay." Yang Xu quickly got up, walked to Qin Xiaoyue's desk, took the information handed over by Qin Xiaoyue, and sent a copy to him.

""Happy Farm"?" The eight people became excited as soon as they watched it a little.

This turned out to be a brand new game design.

Could it be that Li Han finally designed a game again?

Yang Xu excitedly said, "Mr. Qin, did Mr. Li Han design another game?"

Qin Xiaoyue nodded and said, "You guys have a look first, and if you have any questions, ask them."

"Okay." The eight people said at the same time, their hearts were extremely excited.

Finally, they can develop the game designed by Li Han again. Only the game designed by Li Han can make them so excited.

They looked at the game plan carefully, word by word.

Qin Xiaoyue's heart was dark, Li Han's fellow designed a new game, and he didn't come to the magic capital in person, but just a phone call, and then sent the game plan and data and it was over.

"Don't you know how to come to the magic capital in person?" Qin Xiaoyue kept muttering in her heart.

As for this game called "Happy Farm", Qin Xiaoyue found it quite interesting.

Especially the related settings of "stealing vegetables" are even more interesting.

Moreover, the market prospect should be bigger than that of Plants vs. Zombies.

Many people have lived in cities for a long time, or even lived in cities all the time. They should be very interested in such a game.

After Yang Xu, Zeng Yu, Yang Lin and others read the game plan carefully, they were very happy. This game is very interesting!

Yang Xu said: "This should also be considered a leisure game. But it is a new type of casual game. This type of casual game has never appeared before."

Zeng Yu, Yang Lin and others all nodded in agreement. They know the game market very well.

There are many casual games on the market now, but this type of game has never appeared.

This can be said to be a new type of game.

Simulation business class?

As if to say so.

Qin Xiaoyue said: "So, what do you think of the market prospects?"

Yang Xu pondered: "I feel that the market prospect will be very good, maybe it will be better than "Plants vs. Zombies". However, I feel a little uncertain, after all, this type of game has never appeared before, so it is not very good to judge. ."

Zeng Yu, Yang Lin and others also expressed the same.

This game looks very interesting, and it stands to reason that the market prospect should be very good.

However, several people are not sure about their judgment.

After all, this is a whole new type of game. Is the market good or not? Only after the game is released, it is handed over to the market for testing.

Qin Xiaoyue nodded, he naturally said the same thing.

However, since Li Han has designed such a game, it proves that there is absolutely no problem with the market prospects.

For Li Han, Qin Xiaoyue has 100% trust.

So he said: "You are right. However, Mr. Li Han... Since Mr. Li has designed such a game, it means that it will definitely have a great market. From today, you will fully develop this game. I will wait for the relevant data. It will be sent to Yang Xu's mailbox shortly."

Yang Xu nodded and said, "Yes. Mr. Li Han's vision is far from what we can match. The market will definitely be very good. President Qin can rest assured that we will develop the game in the shortest possible time."

Zeng Yu, Yang Lin and others also expressed the same.

They are very excited and can't wait.


Yuanxi Village.

Li Xiaoru said to Li Han, "How did you think of making our farm a game?"

Li Han smiled and said, "What do you think of this game?"

Li Xiaoru said: "It feels quite interesting. However, will everyone like to play? It's hard to say."

Li Han said: "Look at it. The influence of this game will be greater than that of Plants vs. Zombies."

Li Xiaoru said, "So sure?"

Li Han said: "Of course. You will definitely like to play by then."

"Cut! That's not necessarily true." Li Xiaoru was very skeptical.

Li Han smiled and said, "I'll know when the time comes. By the way, are you going to cook again tonight?"

Li Xiaoru said, "Why? You want to go to my house to eat and drink again?"

Li Han said: "I prepared all the ingredients, can this be called eating and drinking? This is called flattening the fire. Okay?"

Li Xiaoru said: "Then you go to prepare the ingredients, then I will cook and you will set the fire."

Li Han said: "No problem. What do you want to eat?"

Li Xiaoru said, "Carp and crab."

Li Han said: "No problem."


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