This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 695 I can only see Li Han

at the guest seat.

Wang Chang said, "Old Huang, who made this question? Your questions this time are very interesting."

Huang Jian smiled and said, "This is a question from a vice president of the Painting Association. Our competition this time is mainly about comparing ideas."

Wang Chang nodded and said: "I see. However, it seems that this question is difficult to have any skills."

Huang Jian said: "It's because of the difficulty that I took it out for the competition."

Wang Chang nodded, and then said to Li Han, "What do you think of little friend Li Han?"

Li Han said: "It is indeed difficult to have skills. However, it is not completely absent. I think there are still some players who can find skills."

Wang Chang smiled and said, "It seems that little friend Li Han has another idea. To be honest, it makes people very curious."

Li Han smiled and said: "There is indeed an idea. However, it may not be better than the players' ideas. Let's take a look at the players' answers first."

Wang Chang said: "Alright."

Time passed quickly, and the second round was over.

The players stop writing.

After stopping writing, most of the contestants' expressions were a bit bitter, as if they were not satisfied with their work this round.

However, there are also a few players with confident smiles on their faces.

Contestants present their work for this round.

The onlookers couldn't wait to scan them one by one.

When the tourists were discussing just now, they slowly reached a unified point of view. That is, the topic of this round should not really ask the contestants to draw more camels, the more the better.

However, I should still hope that the players will use some skills to show more camels.

However, after discussing for a while, we found that there seems to be no skill to show more camels.

One is one, two is two, what skills can make it more?

However, the tourists also thought that they couldn't think of skills, so it didn't mean that the players couldn't think of skills either.

Perhaps, there are players who will be pleasantly surprised by their answers, as they did in the previous round.

Therefore, tourists are also very looking forward to and curious about the works of the players in this round.

Now that the contestants finally showed their work, they naturally couldn't wait.

However, after scanning the works of the contestants one by one, the tourists were a little disappointed.

There are many contestants' works, all of which draw a page full of camels. Except for the one or two camels in the theme, which are more delicately drawn, the rest of the camels are drawn relatively briefly.

This kind of work obviously does not use any skills, it can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

Although there are also a small number of works that make people's eyes shine, they feel a little interesting.

But it's hardly a surprise.

This round of works is quite unsatisfactory, far less than the previous round, and many works give people a feeling of surprise.

It seems that even for the players, there are not many skills to speak of in this round of questions!

However, this should also be normal. No matter how you think about this question, it doesn't seem like there is any skill.

In the end, it's still a bad question.

How can there be no comparison between quality and quantity?

Some disappointed tourists did not forget to share the scene on the Internet.

This time, everyone did not hang their appetites, but directly explained the whole situation.

After everyone on the Internet learned about the situation, they were also a little disappointed.

What a trick indeed!


And what about Li Han? Didn't Li Han make a move this time?

"Friends at the scene, what about Mr. Li Han? Didn't Mr. Li Han make a move this time? Even Mr. Li Han thinks there is no skill this time?"

"The live competition has just ended, and the judges are scoring the contestants. After the scoring is over, the guests will comment. Mr. Li Han has not expressed his opinion on this."

"I'm going! Mr. Li Han hasn't expressed his opinion yet, so you are so panic! I thought even Mr. Li Han didn't have any skills."

"That's right! We can't think of any skills, and the contestants don't have any good solutions. It doesn't mean that Mr. Li Han can't do anything! What are you anxious about? We'll talk about it after Mr. Li Han expresses his views."

"Of course we know this! However, Mr. Li Han may not necessarily express his opinion on this! Mr. Li Han is a special guest, not a contestant. This has already been shot once, and it is very likely that he will not make another shot. ."

"That's true. Then we can only expect Mr. Li Han to take another shot! To be honest, I am very curious and looking forward to how Mr. Li Han will draw this question?"

"Nonsense! We are also very curious and looking forward to it! We can only hope that Mr. Li Han can take another shot."


game scene.

The onlookers murmured in their hearts, and the guys on the Internet said it as if they didn't expect Li Han to take action.

Can they not expect it? The key is that Li Han may not be able to shoot!

I can only pray that Li Han can shoot again.

At this time, the judges have finished scoring the contestants.

The judges scored, but did not count how many camels were drawn by which contestant?

This can also prove that this question does not really require the contestants to draw as many camels as possible.

However, it is still necessary to test the ideas and skills of the players.

But the difficulty is a little too big, and the judges must be disappointed and helpless, right?

The judges were indeed disappointed and helpless.

Still, the judges were totally understandable.

Because they don't have any good ideas in their hearts.

at the guest seat.

Wang Chang, Huang Jian, Du Ruchun and others were also a little disappointed.

However, they are equally well-understood. After all, the players are not Li Han, and they can only do so much.

Wang Changdao: "Li Han Xiaoyou, it seems that you are the only one who has come forward!"

Huang Jian also said: "To be honest, I am also very curious and looking forward to the thoughts of Little Friend Li Han. As for the players, they have already thought about it actively. If they can learn about Little Friend Li Han's thoughts, they will definitely think about it again. It has benefited them a lot at one time. I also ask Li Han Xiaoyou not to delay."

Li Han said: "Old Huang is serious. This is my honor."

After hearing this, Huang Jian laughed and said, "It is indeed very correct to invite Li Han as a guest."

Next, the guests began to comment on the works of the contestants.

After the comments, it was time for the contestants to ask the guests questions.

All the contestants on the scene were all in high spirits, and they were waiting for this time.

If it was Li Han, how would he conceive this question? All the contestants are very curious and looking forward to it.

They really want to know Li Han's answer.

Therefore, a contestant asked directly: "Mr. Li Han, may I ask, if it were you, how would you conceive this question?"

Just ask directly.

This kind of questioning also made the rest of the players and onlookers shine brightly.

It was a good question and they loved it.


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