This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 700 This is not just a painting, but an art treasure!

Not suitable, this time the awards have to be given out first.

Good thing it doesn't take much time.

Soon, the awards are over.

Liu Yuan and the other two winners, Jiang Rui and Yue Shan, also returned to their positions.

Originally, the game was over at this time, and the next was the end of the game.

However, everyone on the scene was still looking forward to one thing.

Including Huang Jian, Wang Chang, Du Ruchun and others.

This one can't be over yet.

What are you all looking forward to? Naturally, how would Li Han draw himself, the question "The sound of a frog can come out of a mountain spring ten miles away"?

The answers of the players did not give people too many surprises. After thinking about it for so long, they didn't think of any good solutions.

Including Huang Jian, Wang Chang, Du Ruchun and others, all shook their heads helplessly.

After thinking about it for so long, they still couldn't think of a good way to make the "frog sound" visible with their eyes?

The tourists on the scene have nothing to do.

Then, we can only look forward to Li Han's own answer.

If Li Han does not give an answer, it will definitely make everyone's heart itch very uncomfortable.

Li Han could understand what everyone at the scene was thinking, and could also feel the desire of everyone to see his answer.

In this regard, Li Han is naturally willing to satisfy everyone's desire.

When he decided to use the phrase "The sound of frogs is ten miles out of a mountain spring" as the question, he had already planned to draw the answer together.

This sentence is not original by Li Han, but the title of Mr. Lao She, a famous writer in the previous life, when he invited the famous painter Mr. Qi Baishi to make a painting for him.

At that time, Lao She was a guest at Qi Baishi's house, and after a long conversation, he wanted to invite Qi Baishi to paint a painting for him.

Then I picked up a book and saw a poem written by the Qing Dynasty poet Zha Shenxing, "The Rhythm of the Moon Stepping by the Stream of Cishijun".

One of them is "The sound of frogs comes out of a mountain spring ten miles away". This poem was used to invite Qi Baishi to paint.

Qi Baishi thought for a few days before writing.

On the four-foot-long vertical axis, first with a simple brush and ink, against the backdrop of a distant mountain, a rapid stream gushed out from the rocks in the mountain stream.

Then, I drew six tadpoles in the rapids, waving their little tails while playing and frolic as they went down the river.

Then, the whole painting is finished.

There is not a frog in the picture, but people can pass the little tadpoles down the river, play and frolic, and think that there must be frogs living in the mountain stream.

When there are frogs, there will naturally be frog calls. Combined with the sound of galloping spring water, the combination of movement and stillness allows the perfect combination of hearing and vision to play a melodious movement, which is connected to the effect of frog sounds.

It can be said to perfectly explain the charm of "painting in poetry and poetry in painting".

This is one of Qi Baishi's classic paintings.

Li Han now decides to paint this picture in this world. Let people in this world also appreciate this classic work by Mr. Qi Baishi.

This is also an important reason why Li Han agreed to ask questions for the final round.

Therefore, Li Han smiled and said that there is no problem, he can draw his own ideas so that everyone can discuss and discuss with each other.

Seeing that Li Han agreed, everyone at the scene was excited.

The contestants who did not win the award, of course, are still very sorry and sighed that they did not win the award.

But at the same time they feel that they are so lucky today.

Opportunities like this are absolutely impossible to come by.

They are excited and looking forward.

The three winners, especially Liu Yuan who won the championship, felt that this time the competition could not be more perfect.

There won't be a more perfect match.

Liu Yuan's heart has been beating a little since she just stepped onto the podium, and she has not completely calmed down until now.

The tourists at the scene were so excited that Li Han made his third shot.

Today's surprises really come one after the other. Choosing to visit Yuanxi Village today was one of the most correct decisions in their lives.

They are way luckier than the guys on the internet. The sense of superiority came to the fore again.

This feeling is really cool.

That being the case, then go and stimulate those guys on the Internet.

"Hahaha! The competition is about to end. However, there is still a big surprise before the end. Mr. Li Han is going to draw the last question he has asked himself. Do you want to see Mr. Li Han's paintings?"

The tourists at the scene knew that as soon as these words came out, the guys on the Internet would be excited to let them take pictures again, looking impatient.

They like to see the impatient look of people on the Internet.

And the truth is of course what they think it is.

Countless people on the Internet were really impatient, and asked them to quickly take pictures of Li Han's paintings to show them, expressing that Li Han's own answer was so curious and expected!

The tourists at the scene were inexplicably relieved when they saw it, and then said: "What's the hurry! Mr. Li Han hasn't started painting yet. After Mr. Li Han has finished painting, we will naturally take pictures for you to see after we have enjoyed enough. Yes. Don't worry."

Saying this makes me feel better.

at the guest seat.

Huang Jian, Wang Chang, Du Ruchun and others are also looking forward to it.

Huang Jian laughed and said, "Li Han Xiaoyou, please!"

Li Han nodded, no longer wasting time, and started painting.

The process of painting is still shown to the public.

Everyone was staring at Li Han's drawing paper.

Distant mountains, mountain streams, rapids, tadpoles and other elements appear one by one.

Everyone looked at it, and already understood the beauty of it.

More and more excited.

When Li Han stopped writing, everyone seemed to have never seen a frog on the screen, and heard the sound of frogs.

This movement came out from the depths of the mountain stream, slowly from far to near, getting louder and louder.

The sound of frogs, which should have been heard with ears, was "seen" by everyone's eyes.

Everyone was excited.

Huang Jian laughed and said, "What a sound of frogs coming out of a mountain spring. This painting by little friend Li Han is not only a painting, but also a treasure of art!"

Li Han was modest on the surface, but he believed it in his heart. This is the classic masterpiece of Mr. Qi Baishi in the previous life, which is a treasure of art.

Of course, Li Han and Qi Baishi's painting skills are very different. This painting is far from comparable to that of Qi Baishi.

However, the painting is more about the idea. On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with being called an art treasure.

Wang Chang also smiled and said, "This painting, plus the previous two paintings. Xiaoyou Li Han's three paintings today are all of great value! I'm afraid they are destined to be a good story in the future."

Du Ruchun also smiled and said, "Three paintings and three ideas are all impressive. In this respect, Little Friend Li Han is indeed the best."

The three of them were all compliments, and the contestants and the onlookers were naturally full of emotion.

They feel lucky to be able to witness the birth of these three paintings with their own eyes today.


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