This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 704: Raising martial arts novels to a new level

It is difficult for book fans to release the scrolls, and it is equally difficult for most martial arts authors in the martial arts field to release the scrolls.

They are also reluctant to end "Shooting the Condor".

They read "Shooting the Condor", firstly, as pure book fans. The second is to look at it as a martial arts author.

The two identities feel very different. And no matter what kind of identity it is, I am reluctant to end "Shooting the Condor".

While watching "Shooting the Condor", they studied it.

Studying "The Condor" can always benefit them a lot.

Now "Shooting the Condor" is over, but their research is far from over.

They have to continue to study "Shooting the Condor", researching over and over again.

Such a peak work, there are too many places worthy of their careful study.

They dream of being able to write something like this themselves.

Although they knew it was almost impossible. But there is nothing wrong with dreams.

They are also very excited for the field of martial arts to be able to produce such a martial arts.

They themselves benefited greatly from this. More importantly, this film has greatly enhanced the influence of martial arts.

Because of it, many new martial arts fans were born.

The readership of martial arts is even larger.

Then, more importantly, the status of martial arts has been greatly improved.

Before, although martial arts was the mainstream, the readership was huge.

But to be honest, martial arts have no place in the field of literature. Many bigwigs don't even admit that martial arts belong to literature.

The martial arts writers are very helpless about this, but there is no way to do it.

Even many martial arts authors themselves believe that the martial arts they create are indeed not qualified to be called literature.

Literature, that is high. Martial arts are not enough.


Many martial arts fans think so too.

They like to watch martial arts, but honestly they don't think martial arts have much force.

To say it is literature is indeed somewhat inappropriate.

Martial arts writers and martial arts readers all believe that martial arts is not qualified to be called literature.

This is quite frustrating.

The status of martial arts is not high, naturally it is taken for granted.

Of course, martial arts writers all very much hope that the status of martial arts can become higher.

In this way, as martial arts writers, they are also more arrogant, and they are even more capable.

But they themselves know at the same time that this is almost impossible. No matter how you write about martial arts, I am afraid that it will be difficult to enter the hall of elegance.

It was not until Li Han's "Seven Weapons", "Yue Girl Sword" and other works appeared that everyone suddenly saw a little hope.

The martial arts writers discovered that their previous views seemed to be wrong.

Martial arts might also be able to enter the hall of elegance.

The martial arts writers were pleasantly surprised. But works such as "Seven Weapons" and "Sword of Yue Girl" are not enough, and more excellent works are needed.

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" was born, and the martial arts writers were ecstatic. They felt that "The Condor Heroes" was enough.

It turned out that martial arts can also board the hall of elegance.

They thought they couldn't, just because they couldn't write good enough martial arts.

They are excited and looking forward to the fact that "Shooting the Condor" can elevate the status of martial arts.

Now, "The Condor" really did it.

There are many high-ranking figures who have publicly commented on "The Condor".

And, basically, it's all positive reviews.

For example, Luo Tianyuan, a famous literary critic, once publicly stated, "I have always heard during this time that a peak martial arts work "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" was born. Out of curiosity, I came to read it. People have an amazing feeling, and it can indeed be said to be the pinnacle of martial arts. This work is likely to change people's traditional impression of martial arts. It is a work worth reading. "

Another example is Liu Guanghai, the winner of the Classic Literature Award, after the conclusion of "The Condor Heroes" today, he publicly stated, "In the last chapter of today's "The Condor Heroes", Li Han has sublimated the theme and thought of the entire work.

Guo Jing's two words show that he has a heroic heart that sacrifices his life for justice. It's just a pity that the story has ended here, and Guo Jing's chivalrous image of sacrificing himself for justice has not been fully formed.

However, Li Han has obviously sublimated this work, and even the entire martial arts. People with high martial arts skills should also have the enthusiasm to protect the family and the country. This is very rare. "

The famous historian Cen Xuegeng has expressed his love and admiration for "Shooting the Condor" many times.

Today, at the end of "Shooting the Condor", Cen Xuegeng said publicly: "Guo Jing first named Yang Kang's son Yang Guo, and he changed it. I hope Yang Guo can do more benevolent and righteous things when he grows up.

Then he said to Huang Rong, 'Although we are weak, we must do our best to defend the country against insults. Even if he died on the battlefield, he would not be in vain to raise his parents and teachers. ’

Then he said to Genghis Khan, 'A hero who is born and admired by the world and admired by future generations must be a person who benefits the people and loves the people. ’

It can be seen that Guo Jing is no longer just a man in the world. What is more important in his heart is the family and the world.

This is a realm of sublimation.

This kind of sublimation appeared for the first time in martial arts. In the past, martial arts were all fighting and killing people on the rivers and lakes, trying to deceive others. Today you kill me, tomorrow someone will avenge me. Of course, there is no problem in writing this way, but the level is not high.

Now "Shooting the Condor" has brought martial arts to a new level through Guo Jingzhi's mouth.

Then, Guo Jing and Huang Rong were on their way back to the south. What I saw was that the skeletons and bones were scattered among the long grass. What worries me in a hurry is that the suffering of the world is so deep, and I don't know when will there be peace?

The two saw that it was no longer the grievances and grievances of the rivers and lakes, but the suffering of the people. What I think about is no longer revenge and hatred, but the world's suffering is so deep, when will it be peaceful?

This is the real chivalrous warrior. Wuxia has risen to a new level.

At the same time, this is the creative thought of martial arts authors for martial arts, which has risen to a new level.

Of course, to be precise, it is Li Han, the author of this work.

The martial arts in his writings are no longer just fighting on the rivers and lakes.

I think this kind of creative thinking is very positive and can influence more martial arts writers.

In short, I think "The Condor Heroes" has raised martial arts to a new level. "

Then, many bigwigs also publicly commented.

They are basically affirmation of "Shooting the Condor", indicating that the appearance of "Shooting the Condor" has greatly changed their impression of martial arts.

Although this does not mean that the bigwigs have admitted that martial arts are qualified to be called literature.

But at least it means that the big guys' impression of martial arts has changed a lot.

You know, in the past, it was absolutely impossible for the big guys to publicly evaluate a martial arts in such a positive way.

This definitely shows that "Shooting the Condor" has really enhanced the influence and status of martial arts to a great extent.

Wuxia writers are naturally excited and excited about this.


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