This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 727: Huge Influence

Liu Xudong and other high-level personnel in the game field also saw the relevant statement after getting up.


Liu Xudong and others didn't know what to say anymore.

This Nima passed overnight, and suddenly found out that Li Han's game was much more popular than they thought last night.

What else can this Nima say?

A game that has just been launched for a day, actually allows players to set an alarm clock, get up in the middle of the night, and enter the game to operate in the middle of the night.

Moreover, the number of people is obviously not small.

What else can one say? To say that it is the most influential game in history so far, I am afraid it is not an exaggeration.

Who would have thought that the influence of Li Han's new games would be so great?

Incredible, but it is the truth.

Liu Xudong and others sighed helplessly. Li Han and his legendary game company, Nima, will really become a legend in the game field in the future.


The rest of the people in the game field are also powerless to sigh at this time.

"Although I knew that Li Han's new game would never hit the street, I never thought it would become so popular. Li Han really exists like a legend."

"The word 'stealing vegetables' became popular all over the Internet overnight, and I'm afraid it will continue to be popular for a long time in the future. Li Han's happy farm has entered hundreds of millions of Internet users. It's a game, and it's so successful, really Nima is a genius."

"The only person who can do this is Li Han. After the game field, I'm afraid there will be legends."

"Probably. It's very exciting!"



The word "stealing vegetables" became popular on the Internet overnight, and many people who didn't play games woke up with a confused look on their faces.

Although there were already quite a few people who had never played games before, they chose to try "Happy Farm".

But from the perspective of the proportion of people who do not play games, it is a minority.

There are many more people who have never played games, did not choose to try it out, and some people don't even know that Li Han has launched a new game.

What the hell is stealing food?

Steal green? Last night wasn't New Year's Eve either!

In some places, on the night of the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the new year, there is a custom of stealing greens.

Stealing green leaves, that is, stealing vegetables with green leaves, is a mysterious and romantic custom. Many people know it, but last night was not the Lantern Festival! It's still some time before the new year.

Out of curiosity, I inquired on the Internet and found out that it was a new game "Happy Farm" by Li Han.

People who know that Li Han has launched such a new game are secretly surprised, "Didn't many people say yesterday that this new game of Li Han is going to hit the streets? Why did it become so popular overnight?"

People who don't know that Li Han has launched a new game are very curious, what kind of game is it, and it can make people steal food?

No, it should be said that it can make people crazy to steal vegetables?

Driven by strong curiosity, they who never played games also decided to enter the game to have a look.

They didn't think about playing by themselves, they just wanted to be puzzled.

But the final result was that most of the people who went to solve their doubts, after their doubts were solved, completely fell into the pit and failed to come out.

Since then, he has also become a member of the army of hundreds of millions of stealing vegetables.

There are constantly people who have never played games before.

After entering the pit, more than 90% of the people were unable to get out.

"Happy Farm" continues to sweep hundreds of millions of netizens.

A few days later, the number of downloads of the "Happy Farm" game client exceeded 500 million times, the number of registered players also exceeded 400 million, and the maximum number of simultaneous online users exceeded 80 million.

One data after another shocked the entire network again and again, as well as all fields.

Countless people were dumbfounded again and again.

Now no one can deny that the game "Happy Farm" is already a legend.

At least it's the beginning of a legend.

Liu Xudong and other high-level personnel in the game field have long been unable to sigh.

Then, watching "Happy Farm" refresh one after another data, slowly, their mentality changed.

Now, they have started slowly, excited and even a little smug about the birth of such a game in the game field.

You must know that many people who used to advertise that playing games was playing with things and feel a little bit disgusted with games, now quietly play "Happy Farm".

Growing vegetables, collecting vegetables, stealing vegetables every day, have a lot of fun.

They were conquered by the games they once hated.

Thinking of such a situation, Liu Xudong and others felt a little relieved.

The birth of "Happy Farm" may be the luck of the entire game field.

They are of course lucky to be able to witness the birth of such a game.

The mood is different, and the mood will naturally become happy.


Growing vegetables, collecting vegetables, and stealing vegetables are the main themes on the Internet. There are not a few people who set the alarm clock to wake up every night to collect vegetables and steal vegetables.

Li Han proudly said to Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue, "How is it? Now that I know what I said before, it's not an exaggeration at all, right?"

Su Yuqing said quietly: "In order to play a game, those people are really hard enough."

Qin Xiaoyue giggled and said, "Okay! It's okay! I know you are amazing."

At this time, Li Han's phone rang, and it was Wang Chang who called.

"Li Han Xiaoyou, didn't disturb you?"

Li Han smiled and said, "No. Mr. Wang, I knew you would call in the next two days."

On the phone, Wang Chang laughed and said, "I really didn't expect the method Li Han said last time to be realized so quickly. Moreover, the effect is surprisingly good."

Before the farm rental area last time, Li Han and Wang Chang talked about the problem that the leased land is far from meeting the needs of customers.

It was at that time that Li Han thought of launching the game "Happy Farm".

He told Wang Chang that he could launch a game to let people experience the planting and harvesting in Happy Farm.

At that time, Wang Chang did not think that Li Han's method could be effective.

But now, Wang Chang can be said to be very emotional.

In the past few days, Wang Chang has been paying attention to the game. Of course, he is also playing and feeling it himself.

After paying attention and experiencing it personally, Wang Chang knew that the effect Li Han said at the time had come true.

Moreover, the effect is much better than Wang Chang imagined.

Wang Chang finally couldn't help but called Li Han.

Li Han continued: "Is Mr. Wang playing?"

Wang Changdao: "Yes! It's not only me who is playing, but Lao Huang and Lao Du are also playing. This game of Xiaoyou Li Han has given us a lot of fun."

"Oh?" Li Han was a little surprised, "Huang Lao, Du Lao and the others are also playing?"

Wang Changdao: "Yeah! The two old guys still like it very much."

Li Han laughed and said, "I'm really honored."

Wang Chang also laughed: "Li Han's game is really interesting. To be honest, we didn't even think that at our age, one day we will play online games."

Li Han smiled and said, "This is a good thing!"

After that, after chatting with Wang Chang for a while, the call ended.

Su Yuqing asked, "Wang Lao, Huang Lao, and Du Lao are also playing?"

Li Han said proudly: "Yes! How about it, has a great influence?"

Su Yuqing rolled her eyes and said, "It's okay!"


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