This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 729 There will be 4 singers competing for the final championship

Yan Lingyu was very nervous at first, but now, she is really calmer.

This surprised her very much, what Ye Qingxian said was true.

Then, through Ye Qingxian's introduction, Li Han understood the process of getting acquainted with Yan Lingyu and the reason why Yan Lingyu was looking for him.

Ye Qingxian met local singer Yan Lingyu when she was performing in a place in the Western Regions.

Ye Qingxian and Yan Lingyu hit it off at first sight, and they hit it off very well. Yan Lingyu's strength is not bad, and she is very famous in the Western Regions.

However, after leaving the Western Regions, almost no one knew about Yan Lingyu.

Ye Qingxian felt a little regretful about this. She thought that with Yan Lingyu's strength, she should be famous all over the country and become a star singer.

What Yan Lingyu lacks is a platform to become famous and enough opportunities.

Now, there is a platform for Yan Lingyu to become famous, that is, a singer competition program that is currently underway.

"I'm a singer"!

Li Han also had a singer program in his previous life called "I Am a Singer".

But the two programs just have the same name, and there is no other similarities.

The new "I Am a Singer" kicked off, and Ye Qingxian was invited to be the commentary guest.

Ye Qingxian accepted the invitation. Then, thinking that this is a good platform for Yan Lingyu to show her strength, she suggested that Yan Lingyu participate in the competition.

As long as you are a singer, no matter if you are famous or not, you can apply for the competition.

Not a singer, but those who want to become singers can also sign up for the competition. As long as your strength is enough, you can meet the minimum standards required by the program.

After careful consideration, Yan Lingyu accepted Ye Qingxian's suggestion and signed up for the competition.

Then, he showed his strong strength in the game, passed the test all the way, and directly entered the finals.

In the finals, Yan Lingyu will compete with three other singers for the final championship.

Yan Lingyu's strength is very strong,

But the other three singers are equally strong.

In general, the strength of the four people is equal to each other, and no one is sure that they will be able to win the other.

To win the final championship, on-the-spot performance is the key.

Whoever plays the best on the spot may be the closest to the championship.

And then there's a very important, and possibly miraculous, bonus point, which is to sing a brand new song at the finals.

The finals were different from previous games.

The previous games were all recorded, and the finals were broadcast live.

Four singers each sing a song, and then the winner is decided.

Simple and rude!

In other words, a person only has the opportunity to sing a song. If you don't play well, there's no second chance.

The four singers drew lots to decide the order of singing. After the four singers finished singing in turn, they entered the scoring session.

The singer's score consists of three parts: the score of the commenters, the score of all the audience at the scene, and the score of the audience in front of the TV.

After the three parts of the score are converted according to the corresponding rules, it is the final score of the singer.

The one with the highest score is the champion.

Fair, open and just.

There is only a chance to sing a song, so the choice of the song is undoubtedly very critical.

And if it's a high-quality new song, it's likely to get a high score.

Of course, because it is a new song, everyone has not heard it before. If you only listen to it once, you may not feel how good it is, and you may get a low score.

Benefits and risks always coexist.

If you are not sure about the new song, it is best to choose a classic old song.

As long as you perform well on the spot, it is absolutely impossible to get a low score, and it is possible to get a high score.

But if you are sure about the new song, you might as well choose the new song.

In this way, it is possible to get an extremely high score and win the championship in one fell swoop.

Choose oldies? Or choose a new song? The four singers must be carefully considered.

Yan Lingyu heard that the other three singers seem to choose new songs.

Knowing that there is a lot of risk in choosing a new song, but still choose a new song.

That means that the other three singers are very confident in their new songs.

This made Yan Lingyu a little nervous for a while.

Because the song she prepared is an old song.

Her old songs may be able to kill one singer's new songs, but the possibility of killing three singers' new songs is very unlikely.

Now that they have entered the finals, Yan Lingyu is of course very eager for the championship.

And now it seems that the possibility of her winning the championship is not very big.

Of course, she can also choose a new song to gamble, but where is she now looking for a new song that is enough to win the championship?

She has no resources. She is just an ordinary singer famous in the Western Regions, while the other three singers are all popular star singers. The resources available are far more abundant than hers.

Besides, the new songs of the other three singers might have already been prepared.

Even if she found a new song, how could she compare?

Yan Lingyu smiled bitterly, very helpless. This time she should have missed the championship.

There's nothing unfair about that either. People with good resources can prepare a good enough new song in advance, which is understandable.

Although Yan Lingyu felt regretful, she accepted it calmly.

For an ordinary singer like her, being able to enter the finals is already a great success.

You know, she eliminated several star singers along the way.

Besides, the game has not yet started, and she is not completely without a chance.

Ye Qingxian found Yan Lingyu and said: "Ling Yu, if there is no accident, the three of them should all sing new songs in the finals. The song you prepared is classic, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to surround the three new songs. Kill to win."

Yan Lingyu nodded and said, "I know, Qingxian. But there is no way, I can only do my best."

Ye Qingxian said: "Actually, it's not completely impossible. If you have the chance, maybe you can get a new song. Besides, it's a new song that is enough for you to win the championship."

Yan Lingyu couldn't believe it, but she was surprised and excited, and said, "Qingxian, is what you said true? Why do you say that?"

Ye Qingxian said: "Of course it's true. Ling Yu, you know, I know Mr. Li Han. And... there is a certain intersection. If Mr. Li Han is willing to write a song for you, your chances of winning the championship. It's going to be huge."

Yan Lingyu was very excited after hearing this. Although she was far away in the Western Regions, she was already familiar with Li Han's name.

Which singer doesn't know about Li Han?

If Li Han is really willing to write a song for her, her chances of winning the championship will indeed be very high.

Of course, she also knew that Ye Qingxian knew Li Han. But she never thought of asking Ye Qingxian to introduce Li Han to her.

Because she felt that was too far away. She is just an ordinary Western singer, how dare Li Han write a song for her?

But now Ye Qingxian took the initiative to propose, obviously willing to introduce Li Han to her.

This made Yan Lingyu inexplicably moved. The distance is far, but it is not completely impossible.

"Qingxian, do you want to introduce Mr. Li Han to me?" Yan Lingyu asked excitedly.

Ye Qingxian nodded and said, "However, is Mr. Li Han willing to write a song for you? It depends on your own chance."

Yan Lingyu said: "Of course I understand this. Even Mr. Li Han is not interested in writing songs for me. It is enough to know Mr. Li Han."

Ye Qingxian nodded, and then there was the matter of her calling Li Han.


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