This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 731 The Most Precious Gift

Afterwards, Li Han no longer hesitated, picked up a page of paper in the recording studio that was specially used for writing notation, and began to write notation.

Ye Qingxian had already seen it, Li Han's ability to write with a pen.

So, not surprised at all, just really looking forward to it.

Yan Lingyu has also heard that Li Han is writing songs very fast, but he has never seen it with his own eyes.

Now, Yan Lingyu's eyes are wide open, and her face is incredible.

Is Li Han already starting to write songs?

Although it is said that Li Han wrote songs very fast, but this is too exaggerated, right?

It's just a matter of picking up a pen!

Yan Lingyu leaned into Ye Qingxian's ear and whispered, "Qingxian, is Mr. Li Han already writing a song?"

Ye Qingxian nodded and said, "It should be. Do you think it's more exaggerated than the legend?"

Yan Lingyu said: "Indeed. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn't believe it."

Ye Qingxian smiled and said, "The first time I saw Mr. Li Han compose a song, I was as unbelievable as you were."

Yan Lingyu nodded, her heart pounding inexplicably, nervous and expectant.

Li Han's speed was very fast, and it didn't take long for a song to be written.

This is a song that Li Han liked very much in his previous life.

This song is the most suitable for Yan Lingyu to sing. No one is more suitable to sing this song than Yan Lingyu.

Yan Lingyu was surprised and excited about this opportunity. What she didn't know was that Li Han was actually very happy.

It is not always easy to meet a very suitable singer for a song.

Take the sheet music to Yan Lingyu and motion to Yan Lingyu to read it for herself.

Then, Li Han began to make accompaniment.

Yan Lingyu took it with both hands, and because she was too excited, her hands trembled slightly.

Can't wait to look at the sheet music. Ye Qingxian also couldn't wait to lean over and read the sheet music.

The more she looked, the more Yan Lingyu's hands trembled.

Every lyric she saw was so beautiful!

Loulan, a peerless beauty sleeping in the desert.

Who and the beauties bathe in the sand river together?

Who else sleeps with the beautiful woman in the sunset and gets drunk for two thousand years?

The corners of Yan Lingyu's eyes gradually became wet, she knew that she had got the best song.

For her, there is no better song in the world than this.

This is no longer just a song, but a most precious gift.

She was so lucky!

Ye Qingxian said softly, "Ling Yu, congratulations!"

This song is so beautiful and beautiful, Ye Qingxian is very envious, she also wants to sing this song.

But she knew that Yan Lingyu was more suitable to sing this song than her.

This song is tailor-made for Yan Lingyu by Li Han, and she is the most suitable person to sing this song.

The live broadcast of the finals of "I Am a Singer" a week later. Yan Lingyu will be famous in every corner of Yan Kingdom because of this song.

Ye Qingxian is very sure of this. She was sincerely happy for Yan Lingyu.

Yan Lingyu is so lucky. Her chance this time was better than what she had imagined before.

The mood of the two people, especially Yan Lingyu's mood, has always been difficult to calm down.

The two of them looked at Li Han who was busy making the accompaniment, and their hearts were pounding.

In such a short period of time, he has written such a beautiful song.

There is only one person in the world.

Li Han's movements were still very fast, and the accompaniment was completed.

Li Han handed the accompaniment to Yan Lingyu and said, "I believe that Miss Ling Yu can sing this song well."

Yan Lingyu got up, bowed deeply to Li Han, and said, "Please rest assured, Mr. Li Han. I will definitely do my best to sing this song well. This song is very good for you. For me, it is precious!"

Li Han smiled and said, "I look forward to your singing this song in the finals."

Yan Lingyu said: "Please rest assured Mr. Li Han, I will sing it well."

Li Han nodded and said, "I believe you."

Afterwards, Li Han said goodbye to the two and returned to the place where Su Yuqing lived.

Su Yuqing muttered: "I've been gone for so long. What is she looking for you for?"

Li Han smiled and told the matter.

"Yan Lingyu?" Su Yuqing nodded slowly, as it turned out, and said, "The beauty of the Western Regions was originally at a disadvantage. Now the chance of winning the championship is already very high."

"Oh?" Li Han said, "Are you also paying attention?"

Su Yuqing said: "I don't pay much attention. However, I pay more attention than you."

Li Han laughed and said, "I really didn't pay much attention. I didn't know that among the singers who made it to the finals, there was such a beautiful woman from the Western Regions."

"Really?" Su Yuqing said, "Now you know. For such an exotic beauty, people are grateful to you again. It is estimated that you will not refuse any request you make. Are you very tempted?"

Li Han smiled and said: "She is indeed very beautiful. Even though her beauty is different, she is still incomparable to yours. If I want to be tempted, it must be tempted for you! In other words, if I have something to say to you. Will you refuse the request?"

"Really?" Su Yuqing smiled sweetly and said, "You can try it!"

"Can you still try it?" Li Han said, "I'll think about it then."

After a while, he smiled and said: "Forget it, I guess you won't agree, so don't try."

"Cut!" Su Yuqing gave a "Cut" and said, "I'm hungry."

Li Han immediately said: "What do you want to eat? Make it for you immediately."

Su Yuqing was very satisfied and said, "This is almost the same, I want to eat..."

Ordered several dishes in one go.

Li Han said: "Good! This guest officer, please wait a moment."

Then, went into the kitchen and got busy.

Su Yuqing smiled.


In a singing room, Yan Lingyu is practicing songs.

The finals start a week later, and she has another week to practice singing.

Although there is still plenty of time, Yan Lingyu does not dare to relax at all.

She has to practice the song to perfection.

This is for Li Han, for her song skills, for herself, and for countless listeners.

Now, she is full of confidence in the championship.

The song practice was closed, completely soundproofed, and she was the only one at the scene.

She didn't tell anyone on the show that she had gotten a new song by Li Han.

Everyone in the program group now thinks that what she is practicing is the old song she prepared before.

Many people are discussing this in private.

"Yan Lingyu's strength is not inferior to the other three, but unfortunately she does not have enough resources to prepare a good enough new song in advance. Even if you practice the old song to perfection, it is estimated that it will be difficult to stand out."

"Old songs also have the advantages of old songs. As long as they play well on the spot, the score will definitely not be low. It's just that it is really unlikely that you want to stand out in the siege of three new songs."

"There is no way out. The competition is about strength, but also resources. Yan Lingyu can only hope that the other three singers will not perform well on the spot."



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