This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 740 Who wrote such lyrics?

Then, just listen to Yan Lingyu continue to sing:

"I want to ask which red thread to borrow from marriage,

Buried deep in the blood of life.

Moisturize your skin with silk,

I was lingering in that embrace.


Hearing this, more and more people became less and less calm.

They have determined that this is a very nice song.

Even better than the previous songs of Si Yurou, Xia Leng, and Wu Yunwen.

Whether it was on the scene or in front of the TV, the loyal fans of the three were originally listening to the song with a very relaxed attitude.

But now, they are inexplicably nervous.

Getting more and more nervous!

They had an obviously bad feeling that this song by Yan Lingyu would pose a very big threat to the three people they supported.

Their previous judgments were all wrong.

However, in addition to being nervous, they felt a little excited and had some expectations.

Excited about Yan Lingyu's song, and looking forward to the latter part of the song.

They are indeed big fans of the three, and they made up their minds to support the three this time.

However, that doesn't mean they won't get excited when they hear other good songs.

Even if they don't want to get excited, their nerves will instinctively get excited.

This is the situation now, they are instinctively excited, and they are looking forward to the next part.

The neutral audience is naturally even more excited.

surprise! This is a huge surprise!

I didn't expect that they didn't hold any hope, Yan Lingyu's song would be so good.


The song has not reached Gao Chao and the chorus, but it is already so good. The Gao Chao and the chorus part in the back are simply too much to look forward to.

At this time, the neutral audience was stunned to find that they should not have been worried and regretful for Yan Lingyu before.

No wonder Yan Lingyu is so confident in her songs.

It turned out that she really got a good song.

As for Yan Lingyu's supporters, they were naturally so excited that they wanted to laugh out loud.

Who said that Yan Lingyu's songs are of average quality?

Who said that Yan Lingyu's score was destined to be the lowest among the four?

This is all bullshit!

They had forgotten that they were not optimistic about Yan Lingyu's songs before, so they sighed and comforted themselves that Yan Lingyu's ability to enter the finals was already a great success.

Of course, this is also true.

But now, Yan Lingyu seems to be more than just entering the finals.

in the singer's lounge.

Wu Yunwen and Xia Leng, as well as their manager or assistant, were also becoming more and more restless and flustered.

At the same time, I don't understand more and more, where did Yan Lingyu get such a song?

Maybe this song is really better than their song.

What exactly is going on?

Wu Yunwen and Xia Leng couldn't understand.

Si Yurou became more and more calm, she was basically sure that she hadn't thought too much before.

Nine times out of ten, this song was written by Li Han.

It is not wrong to be defeated by Li Han's songs!

Si Yurou smiled wryly, then shook her head.

On the comment table.

Liu Yiqi and the other two commentators were also secretly a little scared.

Their previous judgment turned out to be wrong. The quality of this song by Yan Lingyu is not inferior to that of Wu Yunwen, Xia Leng, and Si Yurou!

Even better.

Fortunately, it's not necessarily how much better it can be.

All three breathed a sigh of relief. If Yan Lingyu's song is of much better quality than the other three's songs, then their previous judgment would be too shameless!

fine! fine!

Ye Qingxian glanced at the three of them calmly. Based on their facial expressions, she could probably guess what they were thinking.

But will it really be on par, or just slightly better?

A smile slowly emerged from the corner of Ye Qingxian's mouth.

In a place in the back of the stage, the corner of director Fang Jian's mouth also showed a smile.

He finally waited until Yan Lingyu sang this song.

Sing it and conquer the scene and everyone in front of the TV.

Surprise everyone with this song.

The final stage of "I Am a Singer" will be honored because of the birth of this song.

The melody of the song was originally a little low and tactful, but now, the melody has become a little high-pitched.

Everyone at the scene, as well as all the audience in front of the TV, were all slightly stunned.

They had a hunch that the tone of the whole song was about to change.

Sure enough, only listening to Yan Lingyu's voice began to become high-pitched.

"You always stick the silver hairpin on the sun at will,

Thousands of rays of light fluff the waves of your long hair,

I smell the fragrance and travel infinity,

Just to see your face clearly.


Hearing this, countless people's heads exploded with a "hum".

Let's not talk about the melody, let's talk about the lyrics.

The lyrics make people feel excited, an indescribable excitement.

Just stick the silver hairpin on the sun, and thousands of rays of light will fluff up the waves of your long hair.

Everyone felt that they couldn't express their excitement and excitement for this lyric in precise words.

All they know is that this lyric makes them restless.

What kind of person can write such imaginative lyrics?

The lyrics are so beautiful and so exciting!

I am afraid that such lyrics can only be written by ordinary people.

And then there's the melody, one of the most beautiful they've ever heard.

The lyrics and melody are perfect.

To be able to see such a lyric, to be able to hear such a melody, they suddenly felt very lucky.

Who the hell wrote these lyrics? Write such a melody?

Everyone can't wait to know the answer.

Where did Yan Lingyu get such a song?

It's a pity that no one has told them the answer now.

If everyone thought that this song was no worse than the songs of Si Yurou, Xia Leng, and Wu Yunwen, or even slightly better.

Now, it's not just a little bit better.

Rather, it's much, much better.

Both the lyrics and the melody are perfect.

Everyone's judgments were wrong! Wrong!

And the exploding lyrics and melody that make people's heads "buzz" are not over yet.

Surprises are still coming.

"You always accidentally lean the shadow against the moon,

Thousands of hectares of moonlight dance your beautiful dreams.

I smell the fragrance and travel infinity,

Just to see your face clearly.


Everyone only felt their heads explode with a "hum" once again.

From the sun to the moon, from ten thousand rays of light to ten thousand hectares of moonlight, from the waves fluffing your long hair to dancing your beautiful dreams, it is also very imaginative, and it is also impossible to express in words, the inner excitement and excitement .

Everyone just feels that the lyrics are so beautiful!

Who the hell wrote these lyrics?


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