This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 763 Another classic work:

"Transformers" is the work that Li Han is going to launch this time.

This is definitely a killer work.

In the previous life, "Transformers" was an extremely large and successful business chain, covering products in many fields such as animation, comics, toys, and movies.

Among them, the character is one of the most successful characters in the previous life, and it is definitely legendary.

The story of Transformers is long and rich in content.

But the whole story can be summed up very simply in one sentence.

That is the war between the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, who represent justice, and the Decepticons, who represent evil, led by Megatron.

Yan Jun's "Pet Battle" this time is indeed very good, but in front of "Transformers", he has absolutely no combat power at all.

Li Han is very much looking forward to what kind of waves "Transformers" can make in this world?

Now, the waves are just beginning.



I finally know the name of Li Han's work this time.

What does it mean? Transformable King Kong?

Looking at the few robot characters on the cover, King Kong seems to be able to understand the meaning of robots.

Transformable robots?

It also seems interesting.

Of course, it doesn't matter what the name is, or whether it's good or bad, what matters is the specific content.

Different people have different thoughts, and then they all turned to the specific page of the serialization of "Transformers".

It starts with a background introduction.

In the boundless universe, there is a very special planet called Cybertron.

This planet is the origin of the whole story.

Just saw this background introduction,

Everyone was slightly taken aback.

This background is very atmospheric!

Of course, this still does not explain anything, continue to look below.

On the planet Cybertron, there is a kind of intelligent metal life form.

These metallic lifeforms fall into two categories, Autobots and Decepticons.

The Decepticons are evil, brutal, and ambitious. In order to gain supremacy, they decided to eliminate the peace-loving Autobots.

Thus, on the planet Cybertron, a war between good and evil began.

The Decepticons and Autobots each have their own leaders.

The leader of the Decepticons is called Megatron, and the leader of the Autobots is called Optimus Prime.

Seeing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

There are three robots on the cover of the magazine, and then two here.

Among them, the most cool and domineering robot turned out to be the leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime.

Another robot that is equally domineering, but feels a little dark, turns out to be Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons.

In addition, there is a robot with obvious yellow elements. I don't know what it is called?

These robots should be the main characters.

It looks very cool, and the visual impact is very strong.

If the visual impact alone is concerned, "Transformers" has far surpassed Yan Jun's "Pet Battle".

This made the people who stood on the opposite side of Li Han frowned slightly.

They don't want Transformers to be any better than Pet Fight.

But "Transformers" appeared at the very beginning.

For comics, visual impact is undoubtedly very important.

Now at the beginning, the visual impact of "Transformers" is stronger than that of "Pet Battle", which is not a good omen!

However, after thinking about it, I thought, well, Li Han is Li Han after all, even if his work this time is going to lose, he really shouldn't lose so much that he doesn't even have the strength to fight back.

The visual impact is stronger, but it's not a big problem.

And Li Han's supporters were a little excited.

The visual impact is stronger, which does not mean that the work is better.

But from the very beginning, "Transformers" showed a stronger side than "Pet Battle", which makes people have to look forward to whether there will be more "Transformers" in the next, stronger than "Pet Battle" place?

Then, at the beginning of "Transformers", it also showed a strong momentum of giving up.

This kind of momentum is not found in "Pet Battle".

This made Li Han's supporters even more excited. They suddenly had a feeling that Li Han would really create another miracle this time.

The next story is so exciting!

Then, everyone is thinking, since the name is "Transformers", it means that these robots can be deformed.

So, how will it be transformed? What will it become like? Also very curious.

Then, move on to the story behind.

Still the background of the story.

The war between the Autobots and the Decepticons, which lasted for millions of years, consumed all the energy on the planet Cybertron.

In order to find new energy, Optimus Prime led the Autobots to leave the planet Cybertron and go to the universe.

After Megatron got the news, he immediately took the lead in the pursuit of the Decepticons.

This pursuit made everyone look excited and excited.

The robot led by Optimus Prime is in front. However, its form is not a robot, but a number of cars.

One of the heavy-duty trucks is the most domineering.

Then, the Decepticons chasing behind were also not in the form of robots, but several flying objects flying in the air.

Both the front and rear are galloping, and the speed is extremely fast, just like a blockbuster of life and death is being staged, it is still very enjoyable to watch, and the visual impact is very strong.

It's just that what makes everyone a little puzzled is that the narration clearly states that the two sides chasing are the Autobots and the Decepticons.

The form of the chasing parties should be robots! In the front is the robot led by Optimus Prime, and behind the robot led by Megatron.

How could it be cars and flying objects?

Although the picture is also very exciting and the visual impact is very strong, everyone still wants to see robots, Optimus Prime and Megatron.

Just when everyone was muttering in their hearts, starting from the screen on the next page, all the excited and excited images appeared.

I saw the domineering and majestic heavy truck galloping in front, running and running, and then suddenly its shape began to change.

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, the heavy truck quickly turned into a cool and domineering robot.

It's Optimus Prime!

Then, the number of cars that followed the heavy truck before, also began to change in shape.

Then, it quickly turned into a domineering robot.

One of them is the robot with the obvious yellow element on the cover of the magazine.

After turning into a robot, Optimus Prime immediately led the rest of the robots to strike at the flying objects that were chasing behind.

Then, I saw the flying object chasing behind, and its shape also began to change, and soon it became a robot.

Among them is a robot, which is clearly Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons.

After becoming a robot, Megatron immediately led the Decepticons to fight back.

This scene and process of the deformation of the two sides made everyone excited and excited.


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