This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 777 This is good news

Zhuxingda's words surprised the rest of the comic writers?

How powerful is Li Han of the Yan Kingdom? Specializing in so many completely different fields at the same time?

real or fake?

It doesn't look real anyway! No matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible to be good at so many completely different fields at the same time, right?

The rest of the comic book writers questioned, and they really didn't want to believe it.

Kenichi Yamamoto questioned the most.

Zhu Xing sighed: "I know it's hard for everyone to believe it. In fact, even I myself can't believe it. But what I said is indeed the truth. If you don't believe it, you can go to the Internet to find out in person. too difficult."


Some cartoonists, including Kenichi Yamamoto, really went to the Internet to find out.

After a lot of trouble, I found that Li Han of the Yan Kingdom really seemed to be as Zhu Xingda said.

How could there be such a genius in the world?

Of course, the words on the Internet cannot be trusted, and it should be exaggerated.

Moreover, even if what is said on the Internet is not an exaggeration, it does not mean that Li Han's "Transformers" will be very good.

This is only Li Han's second comic work, no matter how good it is, it can't be that good.

At least it can't be better than Kenichi Yamamoto's new work "Basketball Boy".

Not only Yamamoto Kenichi thinks so, but also other manga writers.

Even Zhuxingda did not deny it.

Zhuxingda didn't say that Li Han was stronger than Yamamoto Kenichi, he just said that they should pay enough attention to Li Han.

"Anyway, it is a fact that "Daily Comics" introduced Li Han's "Transformers". Then, let's see how Li Han's level is."

"This is the end, and that's the only way it can be. Very good, let's see how far Yan Guo's comics have developed?"


Comic writers say the same thing.

Zhu Xingda frowned slightly. He found that what he just said did not seem to attract enough attention.

That's all, let's take a look at the specific situation first.

After all, Li Han was able to create one miracle after another in the Yan Kingdom, which did not mean that he could also create miracles in the island country.

Maybe he really thinks too much?

I hope so.

Kenichi Yamamoto hummed lightly and said to himself: "Very good, then let me see your "Transformers", what qualifications can you have to replace my "Basketball Boys"."


In addition to people in the comics field, there are also people in other fields who have noticed the relevant news.

For example, in the field of painting, Kenta Suzuki, Shiho Miyano and others.

That is to say, in the painting competition at the West Lake in Tangzhou of the Yan Kingdom, those painters who had an intersection with Li Han and Luo Xue.

Since the Tangzhou West Lake Painting Competition, Kenta Suzuki, Shiho Miyano and others have always been sensitive to the name "Li Han".

No way, the impression that game left on them was too deep and too deep.

I often think of it, and every time I think of it, I will sigh in my heart for Li Han's talent in painting.

Now as soon as the official news of the Daily Manga Magazine is released, they pay attention to it as soon as possible.

"Li Han? Could it be that Li Han?" Miyano Shiho asked.

Kenta Suzuki said, "I don't know! I didn't hear that Li Han was also a cartoonist! People in the Yan Kingdom called 'Li Han', there are no one thousand but eight hundred, maybe they have the same name and surname."

After the last Tangzhou West Lake painting competition ended, they went to inquire about Li Han's situation.

I know that Li Han is good at not only painting, but also music, children's literature, martial arts, poetry, couplets and other fields.

But it doesn't include comics.

No way. At that time, many people forgot that Li Han had also been involved in the field of comics, so they naturally couldn't find out. Li Han was also a comic artist at the same time.

"Have the same name and surname? Maybe," Shiho Miyano said. "But what if it's the same person?"

Suzuki Kenta said: "If it is the same person, this is still good news for us."

"Oh? How do you say it?" Miyano Shiho asked.

Kenta Suzuki said: "I have a very good relationship with cartoonist Kenichi Yamamoto. As far as I know, this time Li Han's "Transformers" replaced his new work "Basketball Boy". It's very uncomfortable. Maybe it will cause some trouble for Li Han. Isn't this good news for us?"

Miyano Shiho's eyes lit up and said with joy, "This is indeed good news. Then, I hope this Li Han is really that Li Han."

Suzuki Kenta smiled and said, "Yes, I hope so."


Relevant news is constantly being discussed on the Internet, and some entertainment media have noticed it.

The entertainment media was interested in this and reported it one after another.

With the reports of entertainment media, more and more non-comic readers are aware of relevant things.

They don't read comics, so they don't really care about things.

However, it was the first time they heard the name Li Han of the Yan Kingdom.

And I'm still thinking in my heart, this Li Han is very good! Our country's comics magazines even want to introduce his works.

Although they don't read comics, they also know that their country is the largest country in comics. In the field of comics in one's own country, one does not look down upon the comics of other countries.

Therefore, they sighed in their hearts that Li Han of the Yan Kingdom was quite the critique!

However, it was just a sigh of relief.

They never cared too much.


Two days later.

Nanshan Zhuyi returns to the Daily Comics Magazine.

On this trip to Yuanxi Village in the Yan Kingdom, he gained a lot. There are too many photos and words to share with the netizens in the island country.

However, before that, the "Transformers" serialization must be arranged.

The main work "Chess Students", which is currently being serialized, will end in the next issue.

That is to say, the next issue of the magazine will start serializing "Transformers".

So, it's time to start planning and preparing.

He brought back enough drawings for five serials.

Nanshan Zhuyi is in charge of the arrangement, and supervises the layout of the magazine and the preview of the new book in person.

He knows that everyone else in the magazine is against it, and everyone will inevitably slack off in related operations.

So, he decided to ask himself.

After everything was arranged, Nan Shanzhu began to organize the photos he took in Yuanxi Village.

There are many photos of the farm, photos of various birds in the Tingxi Corridor, and so on.

While arranging the photos, I am also preparing the relevant copy.

He decided to give a systematic introduction to Yuanxi Village, so that people in the island country can also understand Yuanxi Village.

He didn't deliberately promote Yuanxi Village, he just wanted to recommend Yuanxi Village to the people of the island country from the bottom of his heart.

In his opinion, Yuanxi Village is really worth knowing and visiting.

He was in high spirits.


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