Then, they were even more excited to think that this was a very important message.

Now there are many people on the Internet who are speculating, which sports will Li Han choose this time?

Then there is no answer.

Now that they know the answer, if it is made public on the Internet, it will definitely become the focus in an instant.

Excited to think about it.

So, they said on the Internet: "I ran into Li Han today in Yuanxi Village. Li Han is strolling around the village very leisurely. According to Li Han's personal disclosure, the sport theme he chose this time is basketball."

As soon as the news came out, it quickly became the absolute focus on the Internet.

There are two points of concern, one is that Li Han is hanging out in the village. The second is the choice of sports theme is basketball.

When is this all, Li Han is still hanging out in the village?

Everyone is a little helpless, doesn't that fellow know that time is pressing? Why don't you hurry up and create works, what are you still hanging out in the village?

However, that fellow's mentality can be so relaxed, which is a lot more reassuring.

Those who were a little worried in their hearts thought so.

Then, Li Han chose basketball, which made everyone feel suffocated.

Is Li Han going to be tough with Kenichi Yamamoto? Kenichi Yamamoto writes about basketball, and he also writes about basketball, which makes one have to think that Li Han deliberately chose the same sport as Kenichi Yamamoto.

This is a bit surprising, but it seems to prove that Li Han has absolute confidence this time.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him and Kenichi Yamamoto to choose the same sports theme.

"Is Li Han's confidence really okay?" All the cartoonists were thinking about this question in their hearts.

They are not sure if Li Han's confidence is really okay? But they were relieved a lot.

Comic book readers are more excited than ever. In this way, the game will be more exciting and interesting than before, and it is more worth looking forward to.


The theme chosen by Li Han is basketball news.

It also gradually spread to the island countries.

The response from the comics of the island country was far stronger than that of the comics of the Yan kingdom.

The first is a kind of surprise for island cartoonists.

Li Han clearly knew that Kenichi Yamamoto's work was "Basketball Boys", but he still dared to choose basketball?

What does he mean?

Is it a provocation? Is he confident enough that he will use the same theme to win?

Or that he played a little clever and deliberately chose the same sports theme as Yamamoto Kenichi. In this way, in the future creative process, he can learn from and imitate the works of Kenichi Yamamoto?

Cartoonists don't know the answer. It feels like the last case should be more likely.

But Li Han's fellow has completely drifted away, and it is not impossible for him to be provocative.

Both situations are possible.

Kenichi Yamamoto sneered and said in the circle: "It doesn't matter whether he is provocative or really wants to learn from my works. He is provocative, and he will lose ugly in the end. He wants to learn from my works, but My work is not something he can borrow if he wants to.”

"Yes, no matter what kind of intention Li Han has, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that he loses anyway."

"However, in this way, this contest between the two of you will be even more interesting! I really look forward to the contest between the two of you starting soon."


A large number of comic readers are also thinking about why Li Han chose basketball as the theme?

First of all, it is definitely not a coincidence, Li Han must have deliberately chosen to share the same theme with Ken Yamamoto.

The reason?

After the readers discussed it for a while, they came to the same answer as the cartoonists.

"Then Li Han is a bit interesting. The competition is becoming more and more curious and exciting." The readers thought so.

They couldn't wait to see the scene where Li Han was defeated by Kenichi Yamamoto.


In the next period of time, the comic fields of the two countries have always been discussing related things.

Finally, under the expectation of countless people, half a month passed.

Tomorrow, the new work of the contest between the two will be released.

Excited people get more excited, and worried people get more worried.

Those who gloated, of course, became more and more gloating.

This time, the works of the two people will be published in the same magazine, so that readers can compare them more conveniently.

Then you only need to buy one magazine, you don't need to buy two.

Yan Guo's side is published in "Interesting Comics", while the island country's side is published in "Daily Comics".

Both magazines will issue a special issue for this competition.

Only the works of two people are serialized in the special issue, and the release time is different from the main issue of "Transformers".

Tomorrow is the first issue of the special issue.


the next day.

Yan Kingdom.

Early in the morning, there were long queues in front of many bookstores and newsstands across the country.

Naturally, they all came for the special issue of "Interesting Comics" released today.

Most of the people in line were manga readers, and there were also a few non-manga readers.

They didn't read comics before, but this time they wanted to see with their own eyes, can Li Han defeat Kenichi Yamamoto of the island country?

So came to line up to buy magazines.

While waiting in line, everyone talked a lot, and most of them had absolute confidence in Li Han's works.

Only a few are somewhat concerned.


at the same time.

island country.

In front of bookstores and newsstands all over the island country, there are also many people queuing up for bookstores and newsstands to open.

They're here for Comics of the Day. The number of people queuing up is not much less than that of Yan Guo.

And they are also full of absolute confidence in Yamamoto Kenichi's works, and believe that Li Han is absolutely impossible to be Yamamoto Kenichi's opponent.

Under everyone's eager anticipation, the owner of the newsstand and bookstore finally came.

Officially open for business.

The first issue of the "Daily Comics" special issue was finally held in the hands of comic readers.

Readers think about it before they get the magazine. After they get the magazine, they first need to confirm two questions.

That is the work of Kenichi Yamamoto, is it really "Basketball Boy"? And does Li Han's work really use basketball as the theme?

Now that the book is in hand, determine those two questions.

This is very convenient, just look at the magazine cover.

On the cover, the names of the two people's works are one on the left and one on the right, with a big "VS" in the middle.

On the right is the work of Kenichi Yamamoto, which is "Basketball Boy".

The first problem to be solved is that Kenichi Yamamoto's work is indeed "Basketball Boys" that he has already prepared for a long time.

Then on the left is the name of Li Han's work, which is also four words:

"Slam Dunk"!

Obviously, Li Han's works really use basketball as the theme.

The news that has been circulating before is indeed true.

Both of them use "basketball" as the theme, which is really interesting!

If Li Han loses, he will lose even more.

The comic readers of the island country are all a little excited.


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