This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 802 Is it really the legendary Haidongqing?

After a while, Xiao Haoling said: "Brother Li Han, can I take pictures? I want to take a few pictures. If there are no pictures, my classmates and teachers will definitely not believe that I have seen the real sea. Dongqing."

Li Han nodded and said, "Of course."

Xiao Haoling said, "Thank you brother Li Han."

After that, I took Wang Chang's mobile phone and started taking pictures. After taking more than a dozen photos in a row, I stopped in a hurry.

After a while, Xiao Haoling said that he had observed it.

Li Han nodded, then waved towards Hai Dongqing.

Hai Dongqing let out a soft whistle, then flew into the depths of the jungle, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Wang Chang looked at the direction in which Costin had disappeared, and said again with emotion: "It's amazing, little friend Li Han is simply divine."

Li Han smiled and said, "It's just because Haidongqing is very smart. Let's go back now."

Wang Chang nodded and said, "Okay. It's an eye-opener this time."

Although the four of them got on the bamboo raft in turn, Li Han shook the bamboo raft and went down the river.

Along the way, Xiao Haoling was always very excited and kept looking at the photos of Costin just taken.

An hour later, the four returned to the village.

After wandering around the village for a while, Wang Chang and Xiao Haoling said goodbye and left.

This trip to Yuanxi Village was extremely satisfying for their grandfather and grandson.

Whether it was Xiao Haoling or Wang Chang, they couldn't wait to go back and tell their companions about Costin.

Li Han did not ask them to keep it secret.

It's nothing to keep secret. Now in the eyes of the outside world, whether it is him or Yuanxi Village, it is a somewhat magical existence.

Therefore, he has a Costin thing, even if it is spread in the outside world, it doesn't matter.

Everyone will only feel incredible, only excited and excited.

After Wang Chang and Xiao Haoling left,

Li Xiaoru said: "Since you didn't ask them to keep it a secret, the story of you having a Costin will definitely spread soon. At that time, I am afraid that a lot of people will come inexplicably and want to see the sea. Dongqing's style. Do you want them to see it?"

Li Han said: "That's it. I'll let Costin come and circle around the village from time to time. When will it come? Let it decide for itself. Then, can those who come here to see Costin? Just look. Their own luck and chance. If they don't see it once, then it's better to come several times, and they will be able to see it once."

Li Xiaoru's eyes lit up when he heard this, this is really good.

As a result, the popularity of the village will probably increase a lot.

You must know that there are absolutely many people who are interested in Costin.

This legendary condor is known to many people.

However, the vast majority, more than 99 percent, just know about it and have never seen it.

For those who are interested in this, if they know that Costin exists in Yuanxi Village, they will be very excited and excited, even crazy.

That could be the legendary condor!

It actually exists in the world, how can this not make people crazy?

Then, there must be a lot of people coming to Yuanxi Village, wanting to see the condor.

The popularity of Yuanxi Village, isn't it going up?

The more Li Xiaoru thought about it, the more delighted he became. Li Han, this kid, usually never cared about the popularity of tourists in the village.

Quite clever!

Li Xiaoru was in a good mood and said, "What do you want to eat tonight? I'll make it for you."

Li Han's eyes lit up, this kind of situation is extremely rare, and he naturally won't be polite.

After thinking about it, Li Han said, "Tofu, I want to eat your best Mapo tofu."

Li Xiaoru said: "No problem. I'll call again and ask Xiaoyu what that girl wants to eat? By the way, that girl just didn't see Haidongqing, will she be so depressed that she doesn't want to eat?"

Li Han said: "Probably not. A half-year-old girl may not be interested in Costin. Even if she is shown, she will not necessarily go."

Li Xiaoru said: "Yes. She really doesn't seem to be interested in Hai Dongqing."

After speaking, Li Xiaoru called Xia Xiaoyu...


After Wang Chang and Xiao Haoling returned home.

Wang Chang couldn't wait to say in a group of old friends: "What are there? Come out quickly, I have something important to tell you."

There were Huang Jian, Du Ruchun, Ouyang Zhong and others in the group, and they all bubbled up after seeing the news of Wang Chang.

"Pharaoh, you are so hot, what happened?"

Wang Changdao: "Today, I took Haoling to Li Han's little friend's village. You all know about Haoling's holiday composition. That boy wanted to write about a rare animal, so we went to Fate. Xicun asked little friend Li Han for help."

"Yes, this is a good idea. There are hundreds of species of birds living in Yuanxi Village, many of which are rare."

"Pharaoh, what's the big deal?"

Wang Changdao: "Do you know what kind of bird Li Han asked us to observe?"

"How do you guess this? There are quite a few rare and rare species there, and any of them is possible! I said, Old Wang! When did you get so rude? Hurry up, what happened?"

Wang Changdao: "It is indeed impossible for you to guess. Even if you have guessed the more than 100 species, it is impossible to guess. It is an eagle, a condor, a legendary condor."

"The legendary condor?" Huang Jian, Du Ruchun, Ouyang Zhong and others in the group were all surprised.

There is only one kind of condor in the legend, that is Haidongqing.

It turned out to be Costin? how can that be?

Even if Costin does not only exist in legends, it must be a rare existence.

Li Han's Yuanxi Village is indeed magical. There are many kinds of rare birds, but to say that there is a legendary Costco, this is unlikely, right?

Wang Changdao: "I know you won't believe it. However, I have already prepared. You should be optimistic."

Having said that, Wang Chang sent a photo of Costin, taken by Xiao Haoling, to the group.

The visual impact of the photos, as well as the sense of oppression that can be felt, is far less intense than when I saw Costin with my own eyes.

Therefore, Huang Jian, Du Ruchun, Ouyang Zhong and others were very relaxed.

But soon, their hearts were all inexplicable. The eagle in the photo seemed to be quite different from ordinary eagles and eagles.

Not only the difference in shape, but also because of the eagle in the photo, it gives people an inexplicable and powerful aura, like the arrival of a king.

They have never seen an eagle in this form, and they have never felt a kingly aura from an eagle.

Could it be... is it really Haidongqing?

Huang Jian, Du Ruchun, Ouyang Zhong and others were all shocked.


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