This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 808 The Rumors About Yuanxi Village Turned Out To Be True

Li Han does not sell, no matter how much money is given, he will not sell. Those who are interested in buying are all very helpless and very unwilling.

But if the owner doesn't sell it, what can be done?

At least for the time being there is no way.

There is no way, it can only temporarily give up. Then, buyers all have a very strong desire, that is, can they see Costin with their own eyes?

It doesn't matter if you don't sell it, then let them take a look at it, right?

They have only heard of Costin's name, and they have never seen Costin with their own eyes.

For this request, Li Han is of course willing to meet it.

However, Li Han did not let them see Costin immediately, but only said that Costin should appear in the village again in the last two or three days.

Maybe it will be today, or tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, anyway, within two or three days.

Buyers are of course dissatisfied with this answer, but there is nothing they can do if they are dissatisfied.

Forget it, then we can only wait in the village for Hai Dongqing to appear.

If you can't wait today, continue to wait tomorrow.

Not to mention that it only takes two or three days, it is worthwhile to wait for Costin to appear for a longer time.

Moreover, the village is very beautiful, there are many interesting places, and it is very lively. Waiting in the village is not boring at all.

Of course, it would be best to show up today if you can.

They really couldn't wait to see Haidongqing.

They thought so, and the other tourists who came specifically to see Costumes also thought the same way.

For the whole day today, buyers and all tourists have been looking forward to Costin's appearance.

However, to their great regret and disappointment, Costin never appeared until it was getting late.

There should be no hope today.

Tourists leave the village one after another.

Buyers also left the village.

There is no way, Li Han's restaurant is still under construction, and the village can't provide accommodation for the time being. They can only go to Xunxian Town, or to stay in Changle County, and come over tomorrow morning.


the next day.

The buyers arrived at the village early and they will continue to wait today.

Of course, it will not be dull and boring while waiting.

Look around at the scenery, or go fishing, or sit on a bamboo raft, there are many things to do.

Also, the restaurant at the entrance of the village, although it doesn't look very high-end, is very clean and hygienic, and more importantly, the food inside is very delicious.

They are all home-cooked dishes, but they taste far better than the delicacies of mountains and seas they have eaten before.

They have never eaten such delicious food before.

Food, beautiful scenery, all kinds of very interesting experience projects, waiting here, it is definitely a superlative enjoyment.

Buyers have already liked it here.

They originally thought that the waiting process would be a little difficult, but now they realize that it is purely for enjoyment.

Yuanxi Village really lives up to its reputation.

In addition to these buyers who arrived yesterday, another batch of buyers came one after another today, and they naturally wanted to buy Costin.

Li Han clearly stated yesterday that he would not sell Costin, so everyone should not come to buy it.

But now it doesn't seem to have any effect.

Li Han was a little helpless.

Of course, the new buyers couldn't get their wish, and they could only take the second place with great regret. They wanted to see Costin with their own eyes in Yuanxi Village.

What to do then? Join the waiting army.

In addition to the buyers, of course, there are also many ordinary tourists who come just to see Costin.

Some of them came yesterday and continue to wait today, and some of them didn't come yesterday.

Of course, many of the tourists who came yesterday did not come today.

It's not that they don't want to come, it's that they can't come today, and their time is only yesterday.

As for Costin, I can only pray that when I have time to come again next time, the chance is good enough to see it.

Then, Costin still did not appear that day.

Buyers are regretful, but it doesn't matter, continue to wait tomorrow.

It's a new day, and the buyers come to the village again to start a new day of waiting.

And today there are still new buyers coming, including some from island countries.

Li Han was a little surprised. Has the news spread to the island country? Why do people from island countries come to buy Costin?

"Mr. Kojima and Mr. Takagi, first of all, you are very welcome to come to Yuanxi Village. Then, to be honest, I am very curious, how did you know that there is Costin here?" Li Han asked curiously.

The people who came were called Kojima Jiro and Takagi Kusu, and they finally arrived at Yuanxi Village today.

To be honest, until now, they are still very shocked in their hearts.

Shocked by what they saw in the village.

After they came to the village, they did not go to Li Han immediately to express their intentions, but planned to go around the village first.

There are two magical places in the village that most make them suspicious.

First, the ingredients produced by Happy Farm are the most delicious ingredients in the world.

Second, there are hundreds of species of birds living in the Tingxi Corridor.

They plan to go to verify these two places first.

Relatively speaking, the latter is easier to verify.

So, they inquired all the way, and finally came to the legendary Tingxi Corridor.

Then I was completely shocked at first sight. They saw a shocking scene that they will never forget.

There are too many birds, different species, different body types, all gathered together without interfering with each other.

As soon as they looked, they saw at least twenty species of birds.

There is even a bird that is very rare in the world.

Then, looking around for a week, I saw more variety.

"Mr. Kojima, I just looked around for a week and saw no less than fifty species, many of which are rare." Takagi Nan murmured, he was a little shocked and stupid.

Kojima Jiro's situation was not much better, and he said in a low voice, "I'm afraid there are more than fifty kinds, maybe sixty kinds. If you look around for a week, you can see so many. Maybe there are really many kinds here. There are hundreds of them. The rumors are not false."

Gao Munan said with emotion: "I'm afraid it's true!"

The two were completely shocked. They never thought that the rumors about Tingxi Corridor were true.

It's unbelievable. But now seeing is believing, they have to believe.

More importantly, since the rumors in the Listening Creek Corridor are true, then maybe the rumors about the ingredients produced by the farm are also true.


The two were utterly stupid.

Yuanxi Village is so magical!

So, are the rumors about Costin also true?

Although they came here because of Costin, to be honest, they don't really believe that Costin really exists here.

If they didn't come to see it in person, they would always feel unwilling to come here.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived at Yuanxi Village, they were sure that there really was Costin here.

In addition to being shocked, they became very excited and excited.

Can they finally see the legendary Haidongqing?

So, they couldn't wait to verify the ingredients produced by Happy Farm, but immediately began to ask how they could visit Li Han?

Then after some twists and turns, they finally met Li Han.


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