Then, the media of all the island countries are also very concerned about the situation of the two works after this issue.

In the last issue, they originally planned to report with great enthusiasm, but because Kenichi Yamamoto's "Basketball Boy" was not as good as Li Han's "Slam Dunk", they had to die and pretend to be deaf.

At that time, cartoonists said that in the next, Kenichi Yamamoto could turn defeat into victory.

The media are looking forward to the time when Kenichi Yamamoto turns his defeat into a victory, and plans to report it well at that time.

Now the new issue has found that Kenichi Yamamoto has turned a defeat into a victory?

The media are very concerned.

However, after some inquiries, they found that the situation was not ideal.

It seems that Kenichi Yamamoto not only failed to turn a defeat into a victory, but also lost more.

The media was stunned.

What's the meaning? Is Kenichi Yamamoto really going to lose completely to Li Han? There is no chance of turning defeat into victory next?

Did the island country comics really lose this time?

How is this possible? Before starting, isn't it inevitable that the island country cartoonists will be awesome?

How did you lose so soon?

So what do they do with the media now? Do you want to report?

The last issue has been pretending to be deaf, and this issue will continue?

The previous issue of pretending to be deaf and dumb has already been ridiculed by the media of Yan Kingdom. If you pretend to be deaf and dumb this time, wouldn't it be even more mocked?

But if they report it truthfully, they will feel ashamed and don't say it, and readers won't like to watch it, or they will be dissatisfied with them.

Knowing that they don't like to watch it, they still have to report it. Isn't this intentional to make them feel blocked?

Such an outcome would be worthless.

It's not good to report now, and it's not good to not report it. Isn't this embarrassing for them and the media?

The media are very depressed, what are those cartoonists doing to provoke Li Han of the Yan Kingdom?

It's not that you find yourself uncomfortable.

The media doesn't mean to blame the cartoonists, they just feel depressed and don't complain for a while and feel uncomfortable.

Speaking of which, Li Han of the Yan Kingdom is really strong! One of the most powerful cartoonists in their island country couldn't even beat him.

Is the island country comics about to rise completely?

This is not good news for the island country comics field.

No, now the focus is not on this, the focus is on whether they want to report? If so, how should it be reported?

It's a real headache.

Forget it, let's see how the cartoonists react first.

The entertainment media in the island country are also really depressed.


Many cartoonists in the island country, especially Kenichi Yamamoto, are feeling a lot of pressure now.

Because they know that at this time, all relevant people are waiting for them to express their opinions.

The Yan country is waiting, and the island country is also waiting.

Under this circumstance, even if you choose to continue procrastinating, you will feel a lot of pressure.

What should I do? Kenichi Yamamoto has been struggling to make a decision.

He really regretted it now, and shouldn't have come forward to provoke the evil star Li Han.

But regret is useless now.

In the end, Kenichi Yamamoto sighed and made a decision.

He knew that the chances of his "Basketball Boys" eventually winning over "Slam Dunk" were slim to none.

In this case, there is no point in dragging it on, it will only make people watch jokes for a longer time.

Then admit defeat.

Now admit defeat, and perhaps win an upright accolade.

It's not ashamed to lose so thoroughly.

"I've decided, let's just admit defeat. There is no way out. If there is a chance in the future, I will try to win back the loser this time." Yamamoto Kenichi said in the circle of cartoonists.

When the rest of the cartoonists saw it, they all sighed helplessly.

Of course, they also understand that dragging on is just a dying struggle.

And, the longer it drags on, the more pressure and criticism they will be subjected to. Continuing to drag on is indeed not a good choice.

Taking the initiative to admit defeat now is the best choice.

This time in the field of island country comics, after all, it still lost. This is the first time in the last 20 to 30 years that the comics field of the island country has failed, right?

It must be a big loss. Fortunately, it is not the end of the world, and the island country comics will have time and ability to win it back in the future.

It has to be won again.

Island comics are the number one comics in the world, and this is absolutely not allowed to be changed.

"If you lose this time, you will lose, but next time our island country comics must win back. Moreover, it must be won back from Li Han. No matter who wins, it can be back." A cartoonist said so.

"That's right, it's not the end of the world if you lose this time, it's just a matter of winning next time. From now on, winning once from the hands of Li Han of the Yan Kingdom is the duty and responsibility of every cartoonist in our island country. Do you agree with this? ?"

"Agreed. We must win Li Han once. From now on, we must all work hard for this goal."

"No matter who shoots next time, you must be 200% sure before shooting. You can't lose again next time."

"That's for sure. Next time we play against Li Han, we must win. This is an explanation for ourselves, as well as an explanation for comic book fans, the rest of the world, and the media."

"This is the duty and responsibility of all our cartoonists."


When Yamamoto saw that everyone did not blame or exclude him, he was quite moved.

For the next time, of course he wants to win it back in person, but this can only be said in time.

Now, he has publicly published an article on his social account. In the article, he said that Li Han's "Slam Dunk" is indeed better than his "Basketball Boys", and this time he lost the contest.

Then he also said that if there is another chance in the future, he hopes to compete with Li Han again.


The news that Kenichi Yamamoto voluntarily conceded defeat quickly spread on the Internet.

All the comic book fans, the entertainment media, and all the rest of the world who followed the event, sighed.

Yamamoto Kenichi finally conceded defeat, and the island country comics finally lost this time.

The deep-rooted sense of superiority in the hearts of comic book fans has finally been impacted by a wave.

Comic book fans are very sorry and very unwilling.

However, their hearts were suddenly much lighter.

In this way, they can honestly accept the fact that Kenichi Yamamoto failed this time.

Then, I can finally stop worrying about failure all the time.

The rest, they can be completely excited and excited for "Slam Dunk".

Their hearts can no longer be as contradictory and complicated as before.

Therefore, they exhaled a long breath, their hearts were more relaxed than ever, and they were a little excited.


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