This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 818 The creativity of this show is perfect

Then, Li Han still said it.

And said that those four people are his ideal guest candidates.

Liang Yong was really taken aback, one was not enough, and he even needed four.

The cost of one person's appearance is 30 million, and the cost of four people is 120,000, plus other expenses, the total investment is at least 150 million.

Almost double the original plan.

Although Magic Capital TV can spend so much money, it will definitely not approve it.

80 million is already a big investment, it can be said that the capital has been invested, and now it is 150 million, how is this possible?

Moreover, even if the above really approves it and gets 150 million, the four big coffees will not be moved!

Not even one, let alone four.

Liang Yong smiled bitterly: "Mr. Li Han, don't say that the above won't approve so much money, even if it is approved, please don't move those four big names!"

Qin Xiaoyue, who had never said anything on the side, suddenly said: "Director Liang, can you please move? Maybe you can try this. It is absolutely impossible for the rest of the lyrics talent show to move the four of them. But if it is Those four may be interested in the program that Li Han personally planned."


Liang Yong's eyes lit up, yes! Why didn't he think of this one?

If the four of them knew that the program was designed by Li Han himself, they might indeed be interested.

All four are singers and musicians who write songs for themselves and for other singers.

Then, they should not directly reject the program planned by Li Han himself.

However, if you want to move four people, you need at least 150 million investment, no money!

Liang Yongdao: "Mr. Li Han, the budget of 80 million is already the limit given by the above."

Li Han smiled and said, "The money doesn't have to be very high. You can go to sponsorship, title, etc., and you can sell advertising space. It shouldn't be a problem to get 70 to 80 million yuan."

Liang Yong smiled bitterly: "Mr. Li Han may not know something,

Now the market for singing talent shows is very sluggish. It is difficult to find a company willing to be named. Even if it can be found, the naming fee is very low, which will not exceed 5 million. As for the advertising space, it can't sell for a good price. It is not bad that one advertising space can be sold for 1 million. The other second- and third-grade advertising spaces are even more affordable. "

Li Han thought about it and said, "Well, after I plan the program for you, you can go to sponsorship and sell advertising space first. If it is an exclusive title, the title fee cannot be less than 80 million. Less. This number will not be sold. Then the first tier of advertising space is 10 million, and the number will not be sold. The remaining second and third tiers of advertising space, Director Liang will just reduce it. "

"This..." Liang Yong was startled again, Li Han really dared to say that for the 80 million title fee and the 10 million advertising space.

No variety show can be so exaggerated!

Liang Yong said helplessly, "Mr. Li Han, it is absolutely impossible to sell at such a high price."

Li Han said: "Try it. You won't know until you try it. Then you will have enough money to invite those four as guests, right?"

Liang Yong had no choice but to nod: "Okay, then let's try it. But there's really no hope."

Li Han said: "If it really doesn't work, just follow the budget of 80 million. I won't invite those four."

Liang Yong breathed a sigh of relief, and Li Han said so.

He was really afraid that Li Han insisted on inviting those four people. In that case, he would not know what to do?

"Director Liang," Li Han continued, "No matter who you invite as a guest, I hope our show will be absolutely fair and impartial, and there must be no shady scenes."

Liang Yong hurriedly said: "Mr. Li Han, please rest assured, we can definitely do it. In fact, if Mr. Li Han doesn't say it, I will do it and ask for it."

Li Han smiled and said, "I believe Director Liang. If that's the case, I will write down the program plan in the past two days and give it to Director Liang at that time."

Liang Yongdao: "Okay. Thank you very much, Mr. Li Han. But will two days be too hasty?"

Li Han said: "No, it's enough."

Liang Yong nodded and said with a smile: "Mr. Li Han really creates very fast no matter what kind of works he creates."

Li Han also smiled and said, "My program's requirements for participating singers may be somewhat different from traditional singing talent shows. I hope Director Liang can strictly follow my planning requirements."

Liang Yongdao: "Please rest assured, Mr. Li Han."

After a while, he asked curiously, "What's the difference?"

Li Han said: "Director Liang will naturally understand after seeing the program planning."

Liang Yong nodded helplessly and said, "Okay, this is very exciting!"

Li Han said: "I hope that Director Liang will not be disappointed."

At this point, the business is over.

Qin Yun, who hadn't spoken much, laughed and said, "You guys are done talking about business, then let's talk about other things. Xiaohan, is it true that you have Costin in Yuanxi Village?"

Li Han smiled and said, "It's true. Is my uncle also interested in Haidongqing?"

Qin Yundao: "Of course, I'm very interested. I've always wanted to see the legendary Haidongqing. Now I can finally see it. When I'm free, I'll go to your Yuanxi Village to see it."

Li Han said: "Welcome anytime."

After that, a few people continued to chat casually. Liang Yong was the host in the evening, and everyone ate together.

After eating, Li Han and Qin Xiaoyue returned to where Su Yuqing lived.

Li Han turned on the computer and started writing a plan.

The program he plans to bring over this time is the "Voice of Good" program in his previous life.

The program creativity of "The Voice" is very good, very interesting, and very attractive.

When the previous life first aired, it was very popular and very popular.

In the next few seasons, for various reasons, the popularity has declined a lot.

It's a bit of a shame, but the show is really a really good show. It is also an ideal stage for many people who like to sing and who are good at singing, but who are not very prominent.

Now, Li Han brings it to this world, and then demands absolute fairness and justice, I believe it will become popular in this world.

And it will continue to be popular, providing an ideal stage for many people in this world who like to sing, but whose image is not very good.

Li Han's speed was very fast, and it didn't take too long to write the entire plan.

It's basically the same as "The Voice" in the previous life, but Li Han has also made changes in some places.

What was changed was not bad, but Li Han felt that it was better after the change.

"Is it finished?" Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue asked at the same time.

Li Han nodded, and then said, "How about you guys?"

Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue nodded and watched together.

After watching it, both of them were very excited.

Sure enough, Li Han can really think what ordinary people can't think of, and his show is really different.

In the eyes of two people, the idea of ​​this show is perfect, it's great!

They had no interest in singing talent shows, but at this moment, they suddenly developed a strong interest.

More interest than ever.

They can't wait to see the show airing.


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