Moreover, it seems to be very confident.

Wang Yun couldn't understand why the other party's confidence was so strong? Even a program planned by Li Han himself can't sell for 80 million, right?

"Mr. Wang, Li Han's influence may be greater than we thought before," the assistant said.

"Oh?" Wang Yun said, "how to say?"

The assistant showed Wang Yun some screenshots of netizens' discussions on the Internet, and said: "According to the current situation on the Internet, not only those who still like to watch singing talent shows are excited and excited, but those who liked to watch them before, People who don’t watch it now are equally pleasantly surprised, and there are even a lot of people who have never watched this kind of show before, and also said that they must watch it this time. I’m afraid their ratings will definitely not be low this time.”

Wang Yong was a little surprised, "Is Li Han's influence already so great?"

The assistant said, "That's true. Maybe that's why they are so confident."

Wang Yun nodded slowly and said, "If you look at it this way, they do have a reason to be confident, but even so, 80 million is still too expensive. However, it can indeed be higher than 15 million."

The assistant said, "Then shall we make another offer now?"

Wang Yundao: "Let's observe it first, don't worry too much, this matter will not be settled in ten days and a half month."

The assistant said: "Okay."


"It costs 10 million yuan for an advertisement space? Is this price too high?"

"Mr. Liu, this is a program planned by Mr. Li Han himself. Moreover, I believe that Mr. Liu has seen how influential it is on the Internet. The price is indeed not cheap, but it is definitely worth it."

"I was willing to bid four million just because I saw the influence. Otherwise, how could I buy an advertising space for a new singing talent show? Four million is the highest price I can offer."

"If that's the case, then I can only say I'm very sorry. I'm really sorry, Mr. Liu."

"Really not for sale?"

"Mr. Liu, 10 million is really the lowest price."

"Then let's talk about it later."


Mr. Liu, I'm really sorry. "

After Liu Yang, the total experience of Tuojiang Wine Industry, hung up the phone, he frowned. The attitude of the other party seemed to be that he would not sell it if it was less than 10 million yuan.

This is a bit too high for your own show, right?

Even a program planned by Li Han himself can't sell for such a high price, right?

That's right, it seems that the influence is indeed great, and many people have expressed that they must watch it, giving people a feeling that the ratings are about to explode.

But in fact, all of this is just illusory.

Everyone said that they must watch it when they are there. This should be true, but everyone is just curious because the show was planned by Li Han himself, and not really interested in the show itself.

That is to say, in the first episode of the premiere, everyone will choose to watch it out of curiosity, and the ratings will be very gratifying.

But once the novelty is over, the ratings will definitely drop sharply, how much will it stabilize in the end? Now who knows?

So, now everything is still illusory, how can it be possible to spend 10 million to buy an advertising space?

Their Tuojiang wine industry is not that stupid.

"Mr. Liu, should we continue to pay attention to this matter?" the assistant asked.

Liu Yang said: "Of course we will continue to pay attention. When they find out that they can't sell 10 million, they will definitely reduce the price. We will talk about it later. After all, this is a program planned by Li Han himself, and its ratings and influence are both great. It won’t be low, it’s still worth it for four million to buy an advertising space.”

The assistant said: "Okay, Mr. Liu, I will continue to pay attention."

Liu Yang nodded.


At the same time, there are more than a dozen companies, either actively or passively, negotiating with the "Voice" program group on the title fee or advertising space, and then they all feel that the "Voice" program group's asking price is too high .

The show was planned by Li Han himself, and now it seems that the influence is indeed great. Under such preconditions, the show team does have the qualifications and confidence to ask for the price.

But you can't blindly ask for prices, you still have to ask for truth from facts. After all, this is a singing talent show whose market has been seriously sluggish!

If it weren't for the fact that the show was planned by Li Han, and now it seems to have a great influence, it would be impossible for the title and advertising space of this kind of show to be sold.

Now they are buying in good faith, but the other party has a big mouth, which is boring, there is no sincerity to sell at all.

The major companies were shaking their heads, and then they all decided to wait, waiting for the program team to take the initiative to lower the price, they were too lazy to talk too much about the price.

They believe that the program group will take the initiative to reduce the price.

Then, the asking price of the program group gradually spread to the outside world.

After everyone heard the asking price of the program group, their reactions were somewhat different.

Does anyone think this Nima is the asking price? It's clearly a money grab. Do you really think that because of the fact that the show was planned by Li Han himself, it can be sold for a sky-high price?

The show is planned by Li Han himself, which can indeed sell for a good price. But a good price does not equal a sky-high price!

Could it be that Magic Capital TV is seriously short of money? It's unlikely.

Or are those people in the program group who no longer understand the market value of singing talent shows?

In short, this price is absolutely stealing money, and it is absolutely unsellable.

No business would be so stupid.

"You really take Li Han as a god, don't you?" He thought that the show crew was robbing money.

For example, people from Hunan Satellite TV, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV, Lingnan Satellite TV and other TV stations think so.

There are also many people from enterprises, as well as those who are very unhappy with Li Han, etc., also think the same way.

Then, some people think that the program planned by Li Han is worth the price.

Eighty million and ten million, the price is really high. Especially for singing talent shows, it is simply sky-high.

However, the program planned by Li Han is worth this price.

The price is low, I'm sorry for Li Han's identity.

The influence is great now, and when it is broadcast in the future, the influence will be even greater, and the ratings will definitely explode.

At that time, the price was simply too cheap.

Those companies that feel expensive now have really bad eyesight.

To support the pricing of the program group, it is to sell at this price, and never reduce the price.

I believe that there will always be companies with vision who are willing to buy.


"The Voice" program group.

"Director Liang, there are more than ten companies who are interested in buying and have the ability to buy title and advertising spaces, but they all feel that our offer is too expensive. The outside world also has different opinions on our offer. Some people support, Some people say we are robbery and think we are crazy about money. What should we do now? Should we lower the price appropriately?" Tang Yu said.

Liang Yong shook his head and said, "If you don't cut the price, just this price. Even if you really can't sell it in the end, you won't cut the price. This is what Li Han said at the time, and I think so now."

"Okay, Director Liang." Tang Yu said.


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