This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 835 This story has no modification value

Li Han listened to the two people talking about the story on the radio, and not only became interested, he asked, "Director Wei, I don't know what kind of story it is?"

Wei Wanyang said: "Suspense is a niche genre. However, since the broadcast time of the "Night Story" column is at 11 pm, it is more suitable for this type of talk."

Li Han said: "The suspense category is actually not too niche. Moreover, the stickiness of readers is still relatively high. The listening rate of this column may not be high, but it should be relatively stable."

Wei Wanyang nodded and said, "As Mr. Li Han said, the listening rate is relatively stable. It's a pity that the listening rate is too low, and no matter how stable it is, it is useless. In the end, the quality of the story is mediocre and cannot attract more people."

Li Han nodded, the quality of the story was average and there was no way.

Regardless, story quality is always paramount.

Wei Wanyang sighed in his heart.

In fact, the "Night Story" column is very good, and it is very suitable for telling suspenseful stories. If the quality of the story is high enough, there should be a relatively gratifying listening rate.

It's a pity that high-quality suspense stories are hard to find! Even if there is, it is difficult for them to get the copyright of Izumo Radio.

hmm... wait...

Wei Wanyang looked at Li Han and suddenly thought in his heart, since Li Han is here now, why not ask Li Han to help him read the story told in "Night Story"?

Then ask Li Han if the story can be modified to make it more exciting?

Thinking of this, Wei Wanyang only felt inexplicable excitement and anticipation in his heart. Although his words would definitely seem a little abrupt, he couldn't help but say: "Mr. Li Han, I have an unkind request, I want to trouble Mr. Li Han. ."

Li Han smiled and said, "Taiwan Chief Wei doesn't need to be polite, just say it directly."

Wei Wanyang said what was in his heart, and then carefully observed Li Han's expression.

Li Han nodded and said, "Of course there is no problem. This is my honor."

It's just to help me read the story, of course Li Han will not refuse.

He had a good impression of Wei Wanyang Dao and was willing to do such a favor.


He was actually a little curious about what kind of story it was.

Seeing Li Han's agreement, Wei Wanyang was very excited, and said, "Since that's the case, I'll let Tang Wenliang, the anchor of "Night Story", come to visit Mr. Li Han with the story script. Does Mr. Li Han think it's okay? "

Li Han said: "Of course you can."

Wei Wanyang smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr. Li Han."

Liang Yong smiled and said at this time: "Old Wei, it's alright, I'll take chances!"

Wei Wanyang laughed and said that it was necessary.


After eating, Wei Wanyang invited Liang Yong, Li Han, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue to rest in the lounge.

After a while, Tang Wenliang, the anchor of "Night Story", hurried to the door of the lounge with a stack of manuscripts in his hand.

The expression on his face was excited and expectant.

Not long ago, he received a call from Wei Wanyang, saying that Li Han was on the radio now, and he was willing to help him read the manuscript of the story he was broadcasting, and asked him to take the manuscript to the lounge later.

This news surprised and excited Tang Wenliang.

The listening rate of "Night Story" is very low. Tang Wenliang knows that it is not because of his low level of broadcasting, but the quality of the story itself.

Tang Wenliang tried many times and wanted to revise the story to be more exciting, but unfortunately he did not have that talent.

The more the story changes, the more specious it becomes, and every time it reaches the end, it can only be reluctant to give up.

Well, tell this story while looking for a better one.

Modifying the story is not going to work.

Unexpectedly, a big surprise appeared like this, Li Han actually came to their radio station, and he was willing to help to watch the story he was broadcasting.

If Li Han is willing to help revise one or two after reading this, then maybe the quality of the story can be improved a lot.

As the quality of the story improves, the listening rate is bound to increase.

Tang Wenliang was very excited.

"Xiao Tang is here, come in quickly." Wei Wanyang said after seeing Tang Wenliang coming to the door of the lounge.

Tang Wenliang pushed the door and walked into the lounge, feeling a little cramped.

Wei Wanyang laughed and introduced Li Han, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue to Tang Wenliang.

As for Liang Yong, Tang Wenliang knew him, so naturally he didn't need an introduction.

Tang Wenliang hurriedly greeted the three of them, even more embarrassed.

Li Han smiled and said, "Mr. Tang is holding the manuscript of that story?"

Tang Wenliang quickly handed the manuscript to Li Han and said, "Yes, Mr. Li Han. Please also ask Mr. Li Han to take a look."

Li Han took over the manuscript and said with a smile, "Mr. Tang is very polite. Since that's the case, I'll take a look at it."

Open the manuscript, the name of the story is "Always on Sunday".

The name seems to have a certain appeal.

Look at the text.

The story is a medium story with about 150,000 words.

Li Han roughly flipped through it. Although he didn't look closely, he also understood a few things.

To be honest, the quality is really not that great, and there is hardly much attraction in the whole story.

It's no wonder that a story like this can have a good listening rate.

Seeing that Li Han finished the whole story, Wei Wanyang couldn't wait to ask, "What do you think of Mr. Li Han?"

Li Han understood what Wei Wanyang meant and hoped that he could help revise the story. It's not that he was asked to revise it himself, but to tell Tang Wenliang his thoughts directly, and then Tang Wenliang would revise it himself.

As a story anchor, Tang Wenliang still has some basic writing skills.

But honestly, the story isn't worth revising.

No matter how you modify it, the quality of the story will not be substantially improved.

Unless it's all pushed to a rewrite, but that's not a revision, it's a new creation.

Li Han said, "Master Wei, I understand what you mean, and I am willing to help. But to be honest, this story is not worth revising."

"This..." Wei Wanyang smiled bitterly and said, "Then there is no way."

Wei Wanyang knew that Li Han was not afraid of trouble and unwilling to help, but that in Li Han's view, this story really had no value for revision.

Thinking about it, Li Han must have a very high vision. Such a story really shouldn't be in Li Han's eyes.

There is no way.

Tang Wenliang was also very helpless and said, "I still have to thank Mr. Li Han."

Li Han smiled and said, "How many years has Mr. Tang been a story anchor?"

Tang Wenliang was stunned for a moment and didn't understand why Li Han asked this question, but he replied immediately: "It's been ten years since I debuted as a story anchor, and I haven't changed since then."

Li Han said: "Ten years is indeed long enough. I think Mr. Tang is already a very good story anchor."

Tang Wenliang hurriedly said modestly: "Mr. Li Han is wrong. I still need to continue to work hard to do better."


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