This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 848 This audience rating is very meaningful

The suspense and adventure writers in Izumo Town made such a decision.

The staff of the major radio stations, including Yang Lindong, who were on a business trip to Izumo Town, also made a decision.

That is to ask who is the author of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"? And what kind of contract did he sign with Radio Izumo?

Because, they all wanted to introduce "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" to their radio station.

"Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is such a wonderful open-stream work, should the little Izumo Radio Station be exclusive to it?

"Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is on Izumo Radio, it's purely a hidden gem.

If it were broadcast on their radio station, "Ghost Blowing Out the Lantern" would probably be a hit by now. How could he not be as famous as he is now?

I really don't know how Izumo Radio found "Ghost Blowing the Lantern"? How did you fool the contract signed by the author of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern"?

It is estimated that the author was cheated by the Izumo radio station.

The staff of the major radio stations thought so in their hearts.

By the way, I don't know how many people will listen to "Night Story" today?

Yesterday's highest audience rating was 1.02, and the average audience rating was 0.86.

Today's data should be higher, but it should not be much higher.

The area covered by the Izumo radio signal is limited after all, the number should have almost reached its peak yesterday, right?

The staff of the major radio stations who went on business trips to Izumo Town thought so in their hearts.

However, when today's listening rate was released, they were shocked again.

The highest listening rate is 1.45, and the average listening rate is 1.38.

This Nima is so tall!

This audience rating is not bad on a big radio station, but as far as Izumo Radio is concerned, this Nima is definitely a miracle!

The staff of the major radio stations on business trips in Izumo Town were completely shocked!

At the same time, I was thinking that the value of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" might be much higher than what they thought before.

I must introduce "Ghost Blowing Out the Lantern" to my radio station, and I will report to the radio station tomorrow, so that the radio station must understand the value of "Ghost Blowing Out the Lantern".


Izumo Radio.

Director Wei Wanyang, anchor Tang Wenliang, and all the staff of the radio station are all very excited now.

Because of the ratings of "Night Story" today.

Even they themselves were extremely shocked by the ratings.

The previous trump card program "Let's talk about the clouds", the highest audience rating record is only 1.08.

The average listening rating record is 1.02.

Now, "Night Stories" has suddenly surpassed by a large margin.

This listening rate is already close to the listening rate of Izumo Radio's flagship program ten or twenty years ago.

But at that time, radio programs were in full swing, with the highest market share, and it was the most important way of program dissemination.

But now the radio program market has long been lonely, and it is no longer the mainstream of the market.

It can be said that the market environment in the two periods was very different.

But this audience rating was close to the audience rating of the ace program at that time.

Isn't this a miracle?

Moreover, this listening rate is of great significance.

This means that even now, when radio programs are far from mainstream, as long as the content of the programs is exciting enough, there are still many people who are willing to choose to listen to radio programs.

This is of great significance to the entire radio industry.

The reason why the listening rate is so high this time must be because many people who have not listened to radio programs for a long time chose to listen this time.

There are even people who have never listened to radio programs before, but this time they chose to listen.

This of course makes a lot of sense.

And it is true.

In the just-concluded "Night Story" program, many listeners listened to it and shared it on the Internet in time.

When the saying "people light candles, ghosts blow out lanterns" appeared, some listeners said on the Internet, "Fuck! It's so awesome! It's an eye-opener! Do you want to know what is 'people light candles, ghosts blow out lanterns'? Hurry up and listen to Izumo Radio's "Night Stories" column. You will definitely regret not listening."

Almost every time a classic scene appears, many listeners will express similar words on the Internet.

This has completely aroused the curiosity of many people within the coverage area of ​​the Izumo radio signal.

"Nimma! I can't bear it anymore, I'm going to listen to it now. I want to see how good "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is?" Many people turned on their listening devices during the program and chose to listen to "Night Story".

Many of them have not listened to radio programs for several years, or even more than ten years.

Some people have never even listened to radio programs before, and they don't understand why people still want to listen to radio programs now?

I didn't understand it at all before, but now I choose to listen.

Under such circumstances, the ratings of this issue of "Night Stories" reached an astonishing highest rating of 1.45 and an average rating of 1.38.

Everyone in Izumo Radio, including Wei Wanyang and Tang Wenliang, was very excited.

This time, their Izumo Radio will definitely become the focus of the entire radio industry.

Because this listening rate is of extraordinary significance to the entire radio industry.

I didn't expect their small, almost insignificant Radio Izumo to have such a bright moment.

It's incredible.

And all this is just because of a work, a work that opens up a new genre.

Of course, to be more precise, it was only because of one person.

As expected of a legendary genius who was never born in the world, he was really awesome.

"Director, now the author of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is Mr. Li Han's business, so there should be no need to deliberately keep it secret?" Tang Wenliang said.

Wei Wanyang said with a smile: "It is indeed time to stop deliberately keeping secrets. Our Izumo Radio Station has already benefited greatly from this. Tomorrow, major radio stations across the country, even CCTV Radio Station, should wantonly inquire about "Ghost Who is the author of "Blowing the Lamp"? And what kind of contract did you sign with us? Then, let them find out the news naturally. By then, the news will explode further, which is really exciting!"

Tang Wenliang said: "Li Han's work is of great value, and it should indeed go to more and higher platforms."

Wei Wanyang said: "That's true. But no matter what, our Izumo radio station will always be the platform that benefits the most."

Then he paused for a moment, and said with great emotion: "A work of such high value, Mr. Li Han was willing to broadcast it on our small Izumo radio station. What kind of opportunity is this for our Izumo radio station? How free and easy is Mr. Li Han? It really makes people feel emotional."

Tang Wenliang also said with emotion: "It is said that Mr. Li Han lives in seclusion in the city, and now it seems that it is indeed the case. It is like an expert playing in the world, which is really enviable."

Wei Wanyang said: "Yes! It's very enviable!"


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