This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 854 is a challenge, but also an opportunity

People who feel very cool are talking about it on the Internet.

Related topics easily climbed to the top of the trending list.

This is already a very routine operation for Li Han.

So, no one was surprised.

Then, Modu Radio and Shonan Radio took the lead in announcing that from this evening, they will start broadcasting "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

The start times are 9:30 pm and 10:00 pm respectively.

Those who can receive these two radio signals are of course excited and become extremely looking forward to it.

Even the old listeners such as Zeng Yuchao and Yan Chufeng were all bright.

They were all able to receive the signal from the Magic City Radio.

The signal of the Magic Capital Radio can cover Izumo Town.

The broadcast time of Modu Radio does not conflict with Izumo Radio's "Night Story".

If that's the case, then they don't mind choosing to tune in and revisit the beginning of the story.


Different people have different expectations in their hearts.

Then in their different expectations, the time slowly arrived at 9:30 in the evening.

The "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" program on Magic Capital Radio was the first to start broadcasting.

Those who could receive the signal chose to listen in excitement.

Zeng Yuchao, Yan Chufeng and other old listeners also chose to listen and relive.

Listening to it again, because of the difference in the broadcast, the background sound effects, the speed of speech, the timbre, etc. are different, but it makes them hear a different feeling.

It still feels very good.

As for Tang Wenliang's broadcast, which one is better?

It may be because of preconceptions, they still think that Tang Wenliang is better.

Of course, for those of you who haven't heard Tang Wenliang speak,

At this time, I thought that the broadcast of Modu Radio had done a very good job.

Then at 10 p.m., Shonan Satellite TV's "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" program also started on time.

Another large group of people cheered excitedly and began to listen.

Whether it is the audience of Magic City Radio or the audience of Shonan Radio, they are extremely satisfied at this time.

Finally, they finally heard the story of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

It's really attractive, it's very nice, and it's hard to stop listening to it.


With the passage of time, the programs of Modu Radio and Shonan Radio have ended one after another.

Soon after, the ratings came out.

Magic City Radio 3.02, Shonan Radio 2.98.

Whether it was Magic Capital Radio or Shonan Radio, they were all excited.

The listening rate was higher than they expected.

The decision to introduce "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" was indeed too correct.

The rest of the major radio stations, including CCTV Radio, are also paying attention to their listening rates.

After seeing their listening rate data, the other major radio stations and CCTV radio stations were equally excited.

Since the listening rates of Modu Radio and Shonan Radio are both so high, after their radio broadcasts, the listening rate will definitely not be as low.

Their previous judgment was indeed correct. Even if it is not an exclusive copyright, the listening rate will be very gratifying.

And that should be just the beginning.

There will definitely be many people who are interested in "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", but this time they did not choose to listen.

Because they are not used to listening to radio programs.

However, they are faced with the temptation of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" every day, and it is impossible to endure not listening to it all the time.

There will be times when they can't help it, and they will eventually choose to listen.

The listening rate will increase by then.

In other words, the current listening rate still has great potential.

The more people on the major radio stations thought, the more excited they became.

Then on the second day, the listening rate of Modu Radio and Shonan Radio spread on the Internet.

Countless netizens on the Internet naturally have all kinds of heated discussions.

While lamenting that "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is really awesome, there are people who are very interested. They compare the broadcasts of the three radio stations, Izumo Radio, Modu Radio, and Shonan Radio, and analyze who is better and who is worse?

Then, related discussions and disputes continued to emerge.

And Tang Wenliang, as well as the broadcasts of Modu Radio and Hunan Radio, all watched netizens excitedly and nervously, comparing and arguing with them.

They had known for a long time that such a situation was inevitable.

There are only three of them now. When more radio stations start broadcasting, there will definitely be more broadcasts of "Ghost Blowing Lamp" being pulled in and put together for comparison.

This is all inevitable.

Who made this situation so special.

Major radio stations broadcast the same story at the same time. Such a rare scene is destined to make the outside world compare the broadcasts of various radio stations together.

Many people are very interested in this.

As for the broadcasts of major radio stations, it makes them feel excited, looking forward to, but also a little nervous and worried.

There is no need to say much about the excitement. The expectation is naturally that I want to see the evaluation of myself, which is higher than other broadcasts.

The worry is naturally the fear of seeing your own evaluation, not as good as other broadcasts.

Tang Wenliang and the broadcasters of Modu Radio and Hunan Radio, this is the situation now.

They were excited, looking forward, nervous and a little worried watching the netizens discussing.

Netizens' comments made them very concerned.

This is when they fight each other.

For Tang Wenliang, he had never expected such a situation to occur before.

At that time, how could he have imagined that there would be a grand occasion where major radio stations would broadcast "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" at the same time?

To be honest, he wasn't much prepared.

It all happened quite suddenly.

However, Tang Wenliang was not afraid, let alone timid, but very excited.

He has absolute confidence in his own strength.

He is now a man who has reached the peak of his career. The number of fans on his public account has exceeded 10,000. With such an awesome existence, will he be afraid of broadcasts from other radio stations?

Even if it is an ace broadcasting, he is not afraid.

Still, a little nervous.

Wei Wanyang said with a smile: "Xiao Tang, such an opportunity is hard to come by. This time, the broadcasts of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" by major radio stations are all their ace broadcasts. If you are among so many ace broadcasts, you Get the highest rating, and your popularity will definitely skyrocket. It's a challenge, but it's also an opportunity that can't be met."

Tang Wenliang heard a burst of enthusiasm, and said excitedly: "Director, I understand. This time, I must get the highest rating in the trump card broadcasts of various radio stations. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me. "

Wei Wanyang nodded with satisfaction and smiled, "Yes, that's what we need. Who would have thought that Mr. Li Han's "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" would bring you such a chance?"

Tang Wenliang said excitedly: "This is my luck."

This rare situation is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Tang Wenliang, and is it not the same for other radio stations?

The broadcasts of Modu Radio and Xiangnan Radio, like Tang Wenliang, were very excited at this time, thinking, "This time we must get the highest evaluation."


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