This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 858 Spring Festival Couplets Wanted by the Tavern Boss

After trying many times, Xie Wenquan was finally less nervous.

After exhaling a few long breaths, he finally began to squeeze into the crowd and slowly arrived in front of the Spring Festival couplets booth.

At this time, Li Han had already said more than ten pairs of Spring Festival couplets in one breath, which made the guests at the scene addicted.

Of course, the guests who got the Spring Festival couplets were even more delighted.

Xie Wenquan tried to calm himself down, try to be as natural as possible, and then waited for another guest to get the Spring Festival couplets, and said to Li Han: "This... this gentleman, I... I can also be numb... Please help... ...Help me come up with a couple of Spring Festival couplets?"

Xie Wenquan has tried his best not to be nervous.

But there was no way. In front of Li Han, he had to ask Li Han for a pair of Spring Festival couplets. He couldn't help but be nervous.

He didn't say Li Han's name, which was what he decided after considering it.

He is not sure whether Li Han will be unhappy after he identifies Li Han's identity?

Therefore, he did not specify Li Han's identity.

That's fine. After identifying his identity, he is expected to be even more nervous.

Among the onlookers, several of them knew Xie Wenquan. Hearing Xie Wenquan stammered just now, he couldn't help but wonder, "Boss Xie doesn't stutter! What happened just now?"

One of them joked: "Thank you, boss, you are here to ask for Spring Festival couplets too! However, please ask for it! The young man will definitely be willing to help. Why are you still stuttering?"

When the rest of the guests heard it, they all let out a burst of laughter that was not malicious.

Xie Wenquan knew that the other party was not malicious, so he was not angry, but thought in his heart, "You guys are called fearless people who don't know, this is the famous Li Han. Ask him for Spring Festival couplets, can I not be nervous?"

Of course, Li Han could feel Xie Wenquan's nervousness, and then he could guess the reason. It should be that the other party knew him and his identity.

But even if you know yourself, is there no need to be so nervous? Looking at the guests in Yuanxi Village, they would never be nervous in front of them.

Li Han felt helpless, then smiled and said, "No problem. What kind of Spring Festival couplets do you want?"

Xie Wenquan was even more nervous.

A heart beating wildly.

Is he about to get the Spring Festival couplets presented by Li Han?

It's almost like a dream.

After trying to calm himself down, Xie Wenquan said again: "Sir, I have another request. Can I ask Mr. to write this couplet in his own hand?"

This request is definitely very abrupt, after finishing speaking, Xie Wenquan felt uneasy. He didn't know if his thoughtful thinking would make Li Han unhappy?

He was very uneasy and a little regretful, he should not have made this request.

After hearing what Xie Wenquan said, the guests at the scene also talked a lot.

Everyone doesn't quite understand. The stall owner's handwriting is so good, why did the boss Xie ask the young man to write it in his own hand?

The young man is definitely a master at the Spring Festival couplets, very powerful. But if you write with a brush, you should not be as good as the stall owner, right?

The boy is too young. At such a young age, there is no way that calligraphy can be written so well.

What was the boss thinking?

The guests around were chatting.

Li Han is now 100% sure, Xie Wenquan confirmed his identity, but he didn't break it, just smiled and said, "Yes."

Encounter is fate, Li Han is willing to write a pair of Spring Festival couplets to each other in person.

After Xie Wenquan heard this, he was so excited and excited that he actually got a pair of Spring Festival couplets written by Li Han.

After this story spreads, it will definitely make countless people envious and jealous.

The more Xie Wenquan thought about it, the more excited he became. In addition to his excitement, of course, he thanked him continuously, and then said, "Sir, I opened a tavern by myself, right there."

When he said this, he also pointed to his own pub.

Li Han looked at the pub pointed to by Xie Wenquan.

He had already noticed that there was a tavern over there. It was the tavern owner.

Then Xie Wenquan continued: "So, sir, I... I want a pair of Spring Festival couplets about the tavern, can you see that?"

Xie Wenquan told the uncle before that he had been looking for Spring Festival couplets for the past few days, but he had not found a suitable one for the time being. It's true, not lying.

The Chinese New Year is approaching, and Xie Wenquan intends to open as normal during the Chinese New Year, but will be closed for half a day on the afternoon of New Year's Eve.

Therefore, Xie Wenquan really wanted to get a pair of Spring Festival couplets to stick on both sides of the tavern door to add joy, to cater to the current Chinese New Year atmosphere, and to have a beautiful meaning.

It's simply doing more than one thing.

And since it is a tavern, it is naturally best to find a pair of Spring Festival couplets related to the tavern.

This is quite difficult.

There are many Spring Festival couplets now, but almost all of them have nothing to do with taverns.

This is of course normal. Generally speaking, how can Spring Festival couplets be related to taverns?

Therefore, Xie Wenquan searched for a few days, but could not find a suitable one.

Xie Wenquan was very helpless and planned to continue searching for two more days. If he couldn't find it by then, he could only use a pair of ordinary Spring Festival couplets.

This is also impossible. Ordinary couplets are better than nothing.

But who knew the surprise would appear like this?

Xie Wenquan is now 100% sure that the Spring Festival couplets he wants about the tavern are there.

Just kidding, the first person in the couplet personally gave him the Spring Festival couplets, how could he not have them?

It's just unfortunate luck. Xie Wenquan felt another burst of emotion and excitement in his heart.

Sure enough, Li Han pondered for a while before saying, "About the Spring Festival couplets in the tavern? Yes, no problem."

Xie Wenquan was not surprised, but he was very excited and grateful for a while.

Li Han smiled, indicating that Xie Wenquan did not have to do this.

Then he walked to the booth of the Spring Festival couplets and said to the stall owner: "Boss, I'm very sorry. I'll use your pen and ink, and I also need a blank Spring Festival couplet Zhengdan paper."

The stall owner laughed and said, "You don't have to be polite, Mr. Xiao, just use whatever you want. To be honest, I'm very curious about how Mr. Xiao's calligraphy is written in brush."

Li Han smiled and said, "I hope the boss won't laugh at it."

After that, Li Han picked up a pen and dipped in ink, ready to start writing.

Xie Wenquan watched Li Han write with great excitement. The stall owner and all the guests at the scene also watched Li Han write.

They don't doubt that Li Han can write a good couplets, they just think that Li Han's calligraphy should not be very good.

Including the stall owner thinks so.

Li Han is too young, such a young man's calligraphy cannot be very good.

Li Han didn't know what everyone was thinking. After dipping in the ink, he wrote directly without hesitation:

"Pour bamboo leaves and a cup of green, and peach blossoms blush after drinking."

After writing, Xie Wenquan took the lead and drank the word "good" with great excitement.

He knew that the Spring Festival couplets he wanted were definitely available this time.

This Spring Festival couplet is simply tailor-made for the pub.

Xie Wenquan was very excited, while the stall owner and the other guests looked at Li Han in astonishment, with incredible expressions on their faces.

How could this young man write so well?

It's unbelievable.


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