This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 865 Sending gifts on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala?

After that, Guo Xuewen walked to the computer and opened the email.

It was indeed Li Han who sent the work.

"The Three Character Classic?" When he saw the title of the work, Guo Xuewen also had some doubts that it was a scripture.

After muttering to himself, he opened the text.

Soon his eyes widened with a surprised expression on his face.

Then I couldn't wait to read it, until I finished reading the last sentence, I slowly exhaled a breath of great enjoyment.

Li Han really gave him a huge surprise this time.

Although he knew before that Li Han's works would not disappoint him, and he was well prepared.

However, now he still felt a huge surprise.

This work even gave him a sense of shock.

Because, when he was just reading, he had an illusion in his heart that he was not reading a work created by a modern person, but a literary work with some historical precipitation.

He seemed to feel a strong historical atmosphere in it.

He seemed to be able to see and hear that in a quaint classroom, there were a group of ten-year-old children, under the leadership of their husband, shaking their heads and reciting, "In the beginning of human beings, nature is inherently good. …”

These naive reading sounds, which have traveled through thousands of years of time and space, are deafening in the ears.

It's an illusion, of course, but it's enough to feel surprising and incredible.

Li Han actually created such a work this time, which is really unbelievable.

Guo Xuewen sighed in his heart that he did not explain the situation of Li Han's works to a few colleagues for a while.

The more colleagues waited, the more anxious they became.

"Director Guo, it's been so long, you should have finished it, right? If it's a medium-length novel, just read the beginning part! Tell us what kind of work it is? Fairy tales? Fables? Poetry? Or something else?"

"That's right! Director Guo. We are waiting impatiently!"


After being urged by colleagues for a while,

Guo Xuewen took a look at the phone and saw the various urgings from his colleagues, and suddenly realized that a long time had passed.

So I expressed my apology first, "Everyone, I'm really sorry. I was very emotional just now, so I didn't notice the time."

Hearing Guo Xuewen say this, several colleagues were stunned.

What's the meaning? Why is Guo Xuewen so emotional?

Is Li Han's work so good? Still too bad?

Either it is too good or it is too bad, that will make Guo Xuewen so emotional.

As a result, the colleagues became more curious, and asked Guo Xuewen to tell them what was going on?

In their hearts, of course, hope that the work is too good.

Guo Xuewen said: "The whole work is only about a thousand words. I will forward it to your mailbox. You can go and see for yourself."

"Okay, then I will trouble Director Guo." Several colleagues said yes, but they were even more puzzled.

A work in the early 1000s, a fable or a fairy tale?

No matter how good this kind of story is, it shouldn't be too emotional, right?

Soon they received the email forwarded by Guo Xuewen.

Go to your computer and open the email.

"Three Characters"? what does this mean?

Several colleagues also muttered for a while, and then clicked on the text.

After this point was opened, his eyes soon became condensed, and his face was full of surprise and incredible expression.

At the same time, they finally understood why Guo Xuewen was so emotional?

It is indeed worth sighing, the more you read, the more you will find that this work is really not simple.

Li Han gave an amazing gift this time!

After reading it two or three times in a row, several colleagues decided that they were still not satisfied.

"Hahaha! Director Guo, this "Three Character Classic" by Li Han this time is not simple! It's simple and catchy, but it contains literature, history, philosophy, astronomy and geography, human ethics, loyalty and filial piety. The content of righteousness and so on. It's amazing!"

"And it also contains many famous allusions in history. Meng's mother moved three times, Kong Rong let Li at the age of four, etc. This is very helpful for children to remember and learn these allusions!"

"Not only allusions, but also other aspects of content can easily arouse children's interest in learning. At that time, teachers and parents will definitely get twice the result with half the effort through proper explanation and guidance. Very helpful work."

"The reader of this work has a historical flavor, like a classic passed down from history. It's really not simple."

"Li Han really gave us a very big surprise this time."


Guo Xuewen was in a particularly good mood when he saw that his colleagues highly praised the "Three Character Classic".

Haha laughed: "Well, my decision to invite Li Han to create a work is very correct, right? Otherwise, how can we see such a work now?"

"Hahaha! It is indeed very correct, and Director Guo thought it well."

Colleagues naturally affirmed, making Guo Xuewen more happy.

Then, another colleague said: "So Director Guo, how are we going to launch this work?"

"This work has few words. It can be launched directly on the Internet, or it can be published in a single book. The method is more flexible."

How to launch this work? You can really think about it carefully.

No matter how you roll it out, it will definitely have a very good effect.

But since it is a gift for all children and teenagers in the country, it is still necessary to plan the way of giving gifts.

Anyway, there must be a sense of ceremony.

"Let's discuss whether there is a better way to give it?" Guo Xuewen said.

Is there a better way to give away?

Several colleagues also felt that if there is a good way of giving, it would be better.

But the key is what good way to give it?

It's the Spring Festival soon.

Spring Festival……

When it comes to the Spring Festival, one can always think of the Spring Festival Gala...


A colleague suddenly lit up and said, "Do you think we can use the stage of the Spring Festival Gala to send such a gift?"

The stage of the Spring Festival Gala?

Guo Xuewen and several other colleagues are all bright, this seems to be possible!

Another colleague said quite excitedly: "The Spring Festival Gala program team has invited Li Han to participate in the Spring Festival Gala many times before. I don't need to appear in person, I just need to create a program performed by others. But Li Han declined. Including the chief director Xia Yang declined the invitation in person. This made the entire program group including Xia Yang feel very sorry. At the same time, countless netizens and viewers also felt very regretful. Now, if "Three Character Classic" is sent out on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala If so, it should be able to make up for this regret.”


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