This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 867 Homecoming is always a joy

The assistant has brought Xia Yang's laptop over.

Xia Yang turned on the computer and said that it should have been sent.

Turn on the computer, log in to the mailbox, and it has indeed been sent.

Wu Zuo said eagerly, "Director Xia, open it up and take a look."

Xia Yang smiled and said, "Director Wu is more anxious than me!"

Saying this, Xia Yang opened the email as quickly as possible.

The Three Character Classic appeared in front of two people.

When they saw the first sentence, the two of them clenched their fists excitedly.

I can't wait to watch it all the way, the more I look, the more excited I get, the more I look at it.

After reading it, Xia Yangqiang held back his excitement and asked Wu Zuo, "What do you think of Director Wu?"

Wu Zuo didn't answer, but instead asked, "What do you think, Director Xia?"

After that, both of them laughed, and they were in a happy mood that they had never felt before.

They really didn't expect that they would suddenly get such a surprise tonight.

Is this work more than suitable for writing and directing a program? It is simply too suitable to be written and directed into a program.

Also, there are many ways of thinking.

Xia Yang and Wu Zuo had at least three ideas in their minds.

The more I think about it, the more exciting it gets.

After a while, Xia Yang sighed: "Reading this work can make people feel a faint sense of history. It even feels like reading the words of a Xianxian. To be able to write such a work, Li Han is amazing. !"

Wu Zuo also sighed and said: "This is indeed a very good gift. It is given to children all over the country, and also to parents."

Xia Yangdao: "I'll call Director Guo right now, saying that it is very suitable for writing and directing the program. I have to ask Li Han if he agrees to the "Three Character Classic" on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala?"

Wuzo nodded.

The call was connected quickly.

"Director Xia, what do you think?"

"It's very suitable. Director Guo, you gave me a big surprise! I just don't know if Li Han agrees that "Three Character Classic" will be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala?"

"It shouldn't be a big problem. If you're sure you can, I'll ask him."

"Of course there is no problem. Then please ask Director Guo about Li Han."

"Okay, I'll ask."


After hanging up the phone, Xia Yang said, "Director Guo said to ask now. There should be news soon."

Wuzo nodded.

Both of them were slightly nervous waiting for Li Han's reply.

They hoped so much that Li Han would agree.

Although it would be very troublesome to add a new program now.

But it's well worth the trouble.

Soon, Xia Yang's phone rang again, and it was Guo Xuewen who called.

Is there a chance to make amends? Just look at it now.

Xia Yang exhaled and answered the phone.

"Director Guo, what did Li Han say?"

"Director Xia, Li Han completely agrees. And let me express my thanks to Director Xia on his behalf, and thank Director Xia for approving his work."

"Where, where, Li Han is so polite."

"Then Director Xia, the next thing is up to you."

"Director Guo, rest assured, we will definitely compile and export a high-quality program."

"I'm totally relieved. Hahaha!"


After finishing the call, Xia Yang didn't need to say the answer, Wu Zuo already knew the answer through the conversation between the two.


Finally, finally really made up for the regret.

Xia Yang was also excited and said, "Director Wu, no matter how the program is written and directed, it must be a language program. Next, we have to work harder."

Wu Zuo said: "It's worth it no matter how hard it is."

No doubt the next few days will be harder. But the two are more energetic.

"Xiao Yuan, notify the director team and program director team to hold an emergency meeting immediately." Xia Yang said to his assistant.

"Okay, Director Xia."


Guo Xuewen and several colleagues were equally excited at this time.

Both Li Han and Xia Yang agreed to let "Three Characters Classic" on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Not only did they get the best work as a gift, but they also got the most perfect way to give it.

Everything is just too perfect.

"By the way, Director Guo, should this matter be announced to the outside world in advance?"

"No, no announcement in advance. I just discussed with Xia Yang, we will not announce to the outside world in advance, and they will not officially announce the news to the outside world. But they will deliberately release gossip. Then let the outside world go by themselves. Judgment. Of course, I also asked Li Han, Li Han said that everything is up to us to decide, he will not participate. "

"Is the news true or false? That's fine, it's quite interesting. Besides, it might be better than the direct official announcement of the news."

"indeed so."



Su Yuqing is at home.

Li Han has already written the Spring Festival couplets of Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue.

Guo Xuewen just called and said that he hoped that the "Three Character Classic" could be on the Spring Festival Gala. Li Han was a little surprised. He didn't expect Guo Xuewen to take advantage of the Spring Festival Gala stage, nor did he expect Xia Yang to be so interested.

But this is a good thing, so Li Han did not refuse.

"Want to be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala? It's worth looking forward to." Both Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue said so.

Li Han nodded and said, "It is indeed worth looking forward to."

How will this classic work from the previous life appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala?

Li Han is really curious and looking forward to it.

On the night of the New Year's Eve, there will be an answer.


The next day, the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month.

Li Han left the magic capital and set out on his way home.

Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue also went home separately.

The journey is in a hurry, the Spring Festival travel has begun, and most of the trains are already the footsteps of the wanderers returning home.

My heart may be a little tired, but more is the joy of returning to my hometown.

It is always the land of the hometown that makes people fascinated.

Returning is always a joy.

Of course Li Han was also very happy.

After spending the night in Shudu, Funan Province, and returning to the entrance of Yuanxi Village, it was already 9 am on the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month.

At the entrance of the village, red lanterns and various ribbons are hung everywhere.

The atmosphere of the New Year has been quite strong.

In front of the canteen at the entrance of the village, red lanterns are also hung.

Li Zhongchi is cleaning the canteen, which is different from the daily cleaning.

Since yesterday, it is the "dust cleaning day" before the Spring Festival, and every household has to clean up.

Li Zhongchi's canteen is of course the same.

Seeing Li Han, Li Zhongchi was very pleasantly surprised, he laughed and said, "Xiao Han, you can be considered to be back."

Li Han smiled and said, "Uncle Chi, Happy New Year!"

Li Zhongchi said cheerfully: "Happy, happy, the Spring Festival has never been so happy before."

Li Han said again: "How is business these days?"

Li Zhongdao: "Business is very good! However, starting from today, the number of guests who come to the village to play should gradually decrease. However, there will definitely be a new peak after the year."

Li Han smiled and said, "Uncle Chi has now thoroughly researched the market!"

Li Zhongchi laughed and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

Li Han smiled, then said goodbye to Li Zhongchi and walked into the village.


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