This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 873 Listening to the ears, deafening!

Here, the next thing is more clear.

The work that was given to all children and teenagers in the country must have been written by Li Han.

It turns out that Li Han's new work is a work for children and teenagers.

Then, it should be a fairy tale, a fable, or a collection of prose and poetry.

This answer was almost unexpected to everyone.

However, some people have guessed that it is a written work, which should be regarded as a correct guess.

The audience thought so, and the performance on the stage continued.

Several people have said that the idea is definitely a good one. But, what kind of work can be done? To qualify for such a gift?

Since it is a gift for all children and children in the country, the general works are definitely not available.

Several colleagues were all troubled by this.

The idea is a good idea, but the key is that there is no good work!

Guo Xuewen said with a smile: "You don't have to worry. As long as one person is willing to take action, this matter will be solved."

"Who is it?" Several colleagues asked in unison.

Guo Xuewen smiled without saying a word, then took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

The call was connected quickly.

"Mr. Li Han, Happy New Year!"

"Director Guo, Happy New Year!"


The call was made to Li Han, which was expected by all the audience.

But even if it was expected before, and now seeing the phone call to Li Han, the audience is still inexplicably excited.

It would be even more perfect if the voice on the other end of the phone was really Li Han's original voice.

And it is.

The big screen behind the stage prompts,

The conversation that everyone is hearing now is the original sound of the two people when Guo Xuewen called Li Han a few days ago.

It turned out to be the original sound, and all the audience immediately became extremely excited.

No wonder Guo Xuewen's voice in the dialogue sounds a little different from the voice of the actor who played Guo Xuewen just now.

It turned out to be the original voice of Guo Xuewen.

In the dialogue, after listening to Guo Xuewen's invitation, Li Han agreed without hesitation, and said that it was his honor to have such an opportunity to send a work to children and children across the country.

This made all the listeners even more inexplicably excited.

This is one of the reasons why they like Li Han so much.

So, what kind of work will Li Han send?

fairy tale? fable? Poetry? prose? Or something else?

All the audiences were very curious and looking forward to it.

This is especially true for parents with children.

Li Han's gifts to the children must be no trivial matter.

After the call, Guo Xuewen's actor laughed and said that Mr. Li Han had agreed, and then they just had to wait.

Then the scene turned and the lights on the stage dimmed.

At the same time, the big screen lights up.

On the big screen, a figure appeared, whose appearance was unclear, but it must be very young.

The figure traveled through time and came to the door of an antique classroom.

In the classroom, a group of children in ancient costumes are shaking their heads and reading.

The figure was listening to the children's reading, and then suddenly seemed to have a feeling in his heart. He picked up a brush next to him and wrote on a blank page: "In the beginning of human beings, nature is inherently good.

Meanwhile, the stage lights up.

On the stage, there appeared an antique classroom like the one on the big screen.

In the classroom, there are still more than 20 children dressed in ancient costumes.

Same as on the big screen.

The children used their childish voices to read the words written by the figure on the big screen just now.

"In the beginning of human beings, nature is inherently good. The nature is similar, but the habits are far away."

Then, the figure on the screen continued to write: "If you don't teach, your sex will change. The way of teaching is more precious."

After writing, the children on the stage read together in their immature voices: "If you don't teach, your sexuality will change. The way of teaching is more precious."

Then, the figure wrote another sentence.

After writing, the children read it again together.

Every time the figure wrote a sentence, the children on the stage read it out.

And all the audience, whether it was the audience on the spot, the audience in front of the TV or on the online platform, were already shocked.

When they heard the first sentence, they were shocked.

Everyone understood that the figure on the big screen was Li Han.

And the sentences he is writing are the gifts he gave to the children of the whole country this time.

The name of the work composed of these sentences has been typed out on the big screen, called "Three Character Classic".

All the audiences were completely shocked. They only felt that the children's voices were not so loud and tender, but they were so deafening in their ears.

These voices seem to have traveled through a thousand years, as if listening to the words of the sages a thousand years ago.

It turns out that Li Han's work this time is not a fairy tale, not a fable, nor a prose poem, but such a heartwarming sound of history.

They already knew before that the works from Li Han's hands must be no trivial matter.

But no matter what, I never thought that a work for children and teenagers would be so deafening.

These words are very simple, and the way of combining three words and sentences is also very simple.

The combined text is still simple.

However, the meaning expressed is no longer simple.

There are twelve characters in a sentence, but the meaning it expresses is hundreds of words, and it can’t be finished in thousands of words.

Moreover, the content involved is extremely extensive.

Literature, history, philosophy, astronomy and geography, human ethics, loyalty and filial piety, and so on.

This kind of text is catchy to read, written in one go, and has infinite charm, which makes people want to read the voice.

Some of the audience at the scene couldn't help it.

When the figure on the big screen wrote a sentence, they couldn't help but want to read the voice along with the children.

But they were embarrassed and felt a little embarrassed.

So, they just opened their mouths and didn't make a sound.

However, after reading two or three sentences, a small voice finally came out.

Then I felt that others around me seemed to be reading, and I suddenly felt less embarrassed.

Then, the sound will be louder.

getting bigger.

Until the last excited voice read aloud.

Those who were still reserved, finally stopped being reserved, and read their voices together.

More and more viewers read out the voice.

The more I read, the more excited I get, and I can't stop.

In the end, more than 80% of the people at the scene were reading the voice along with the children.

Even those who didn't read the voice were opening and closing their lips slightly.

Apparently, they were also reading along. Just really embarrassed to make a sound.

This is true of the audience at the scene, and the same is true of the audience in front of TV and online platforms.

Countless people are reading along with excitement.


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