This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 884 1 song

In the cinema where Li Han was, the movie officially started.

At the same time, some movie theaters in many movie theaters across the country officially started at this time.

All the audience were in high spirits, and it finally officially started.

Everyone's eyes are staring at the big screen without blinking.

Everyone wants to see, what does the first official picture look like?

Soon, the answer will be revealed.

It is a surging river with surging waves.

On the boundless river surface, the big waves rolled in and kept hitting the big screen, as if they were about to rush out of the big screen.

All the audience suddenly had a kind of pride in their hearts, the pride of riding the waves on the tumbling river.

Then, accompanied by the rolling waves, the background music that seemed to be low and eager to play slowly sounded.

After the music is together, it will no longer stop. In the background music that seems to be slow, there is another drum beat.

The drum beat rhythmically, and after a series of drum beats, there was another gong.

After that, another series of drum sounds, followed by a gong sound, more and more eager, more and more high-pitched...

The audience listened to such background music, and became more and more excited, and there seemed to be a rush of pride in their hearts.

Then, the audience was excited to discover that the background music did not seem to be a simple soundtrack, but more like a prelude to a song.

Does this movie have a theme song?

Some movies have a theme song, some don't. When people watch movies, they often don't have the habit of listening to the theme song.

But now, everyone is getting more and more excited.

Because, if there is a theme song, it can be absolutely 100% sure that the theme song was created by Li Han himself.

Doesn't this mean that they can still hear a new song by Li Han before the plot of the movie officially begins?

This surprise was really too big and too sudden.

Li Han's new song,

Enough to get everyone excited and looking forward to it.

Moreover, as the theme song of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie", it must have been specially created by Li Han for the work of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Well, it can also be said that it was specially created for the Three Kingdoms era when heroes were born in large numbers.

The Three Kingdoms is a tragic and troubled era, but at the same time it is also a glorious era in which heroes are born in large numbers.

What kind of song is it that can qualify as the theme song of that glorious era?

This is so exciting and looking forward to it.

At this moment, all the audiences in the cinema are all excited and looking forward to it.

Of course, it is not yet 100% sure that this must be a prelude to a song, not just background music.

But it's becoming more and more like a prelude to a song.

Because, after the sound of the gong just now, three short and rapid trombone sounds were heard, and the high-pitched horn was quickly blown, and the whole melody became more rapid and high-pitched.

It's really more and more like a prelude to a song.

All the audience got more and more excited, and then all prayed in their hearts, this is really the theme song.

They are looking forward to a theme song written for the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms.

The music continues, drums, gongs, and trombones appear alternately, sometimes high-pitched and eager, sometimes low and tactful.

Let every audience's mind be immersed in the music.

After a few low and tactful trombone sounds, there were several guzheng sounds, which were crisp, tactful and distant.

All the audience felt relieved for a while, and some tragic and desolate.

At this time, it is almost certain that this is 100% the prelude to a song.

Moreover, it is definitely a song written by Li Han himself.

Only songs written by Li Han himself can make people gradually immersed in music just through the prelude.

The prelude is already like this, what will the next lyrics and melody look like?

It's really looking forward to it.

Everyone in the audience was excitedly waiting for the first lyric to be sung.

Of course, everyone is also very curious about who sang the song?

Li Han himself sang it? Or which singer did it sing?

Very curious.

Finally, the first lyric sings out:

"the river is long and tempestuous, it was like a hero.


All the audience shuddered, and just the first lyrics completely conquered them.

This lyric can no longer be described with just one "good" word.

The audience only felt that there was a kind of grandeur in their hearts that had never been seen before, and some desolation and tragic.

the river is long and tempestuous, it was like a hero.

The lyrics are heartwarming and full of meaning.

The tumbling river water went eastward and never returned.

Throughout the ages, how many heroes have disappeared like this flying wave. Just leave a paragraph or an uplifting or sad story for future generations to tell.

For a while, all the audiences were in a trance.

Then, I can be sure that this song was not sung by Li Han himself.

The voice of this song is a certain age, but it is definitely a very strong singer.

The voice is deep and full, and the words are eloquent. Many audiences feel that this voice is a bit familiar. They should know who the singer is? Just need time to think about it a bit.

However, they don't take the time to think about who the singer is now?

Because they don't have time.

They just want to listen to music now.

"Success and failure turn empty.

Aoyama is still there, How Many Suns.


In the end, success or failure will be all in vain, but it is just a passing experience.

Those are short-lived, not long-term, only the green hills are always there, and the sunset is always red.

"The white-haired fisherman on the river Nagisa is used to watching the autumn moon and the spring breeze.

A pot of turbid wine is happy to meet.

How many things in the past and the present are all in jokes. "

Since everything is fleeting, it is better to let go of everything, and from now on, put your love on the landscape, take pleasure in the fishing and firewood, and be with the autumn moon and spring breeze.

Meeting friends, drinking a glass of turbid wine happily, all the things from the past to the present are put into jokes.

After this sentence, the whole song ends.

All the audience is still completely immersed in the song.

It's not a long song, but it's heartwarming and memorable.

Listening to such a song, the audience only feels that their mood has changed many times.

At first, there was sigh and regret for the heroes disappearing like waves, and then suddenly I saw it again.

Heroes are gone, but their stories live on forever.

Finally, there is a kind of detachment that is indifferent to fame and fortune, as well as a kind of leisure and leisure that is not afraid of humiliation.

Of course, this doesn't mean that the audience really thinks they have reached that state, they just listen to this song and suddenly feel it.

So, is such a song qualified to be the theme song of that glorious Three Kingdoms era?

The answer is of course yes.

Every viewer is convinced of this.

If this song is not eligible, then it is estimated that no other song is eligible.


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