This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 886 The 3rd Story: 3 British Battles against Lu Bu

People on the Internet feel very surprised and satisfied just by seeing the lyrics.

As for the melody, there is no way to hear it for the time being.

However, you will always hear it.

And in the movie theater, the movie story has officially begun.

It begins with a narration that everyone is very familiar with, "Speaking of the general trend of the world, if the world is divided for a long time, it will be united. …”

After the narration, is the first story.

This story is also the "Taoyuan Three Knots" that everyone is already very familiar with.

Everyone is just praying that the effect of the film must be good, and don't destroy the original work.

According to the original work, the first character to appear should be Guan Yu.

Sure enough, Guan Yu appeared in the crowd watching the recruitment notice at the gate of Zhuo County.

All the audience felt their eyes lit up.

The description of Guan Yu in the original work is "a big man with a red face, nine feet long, with a beard two feet long, his face like a heavy date, his lips like smeared fat, red phoenix eyes, lying silkworm eyebrows, and a dignified appearance, majestic."

And now Guan Yu, played by Lu Changchang, is quite consistent with the image of Guan Yu described in the original book.

This is another surprise for the audience.

Either way, the character cast has at least been absolutely successful.

That movie was at least a quarter of the way through.

The audience all put their hearts down and looked forward to the movie even more.

Then Liu Bei and Zhang Fei appeared one after another, and their characters' appearances were also quite consistent with the description in the original work.

Then the performances of the actors, the setting of the scenes, etc. also made the audience's eyes shine.

The audience became more and more reassured. After seeing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei fighting in the downtown over the pork issue, and then Liu Bei appeared, and then staged "one dragon divides two tigers" and other episodes, they were completely relieved and quite at ease. excitement and excitement.

This movie doesn't ruin the original book at all.

Completely based on the original, very wonderful.

Moreover, this kind of direct visual splendor is different from the splendor of the original text.

The book is good, and the movie is good too.

All the audiences were extremely satisfied at this time.

Then I still think in my heart that there are many people who don't like it, or don't like watching this type of movie. Now if they see this movie, they should like it too, right?

If you don't read the original book, just watch this movie and it will be very good.

Now there should be people who haven't read the original book and are watching this movie. They must also think it's very good, right?

After the movie is over, I will go to the Internet and make an appeal, so that more people who have not seen the original book will also come to watch the movie.

Many viewers have this in their minds, and they want to contribute to the box office of the film.

Since the film did not destroy the original book, they naturally hoped that the film would be the box office champion.

The movie continues, and what follows is as exciting as ever.

The first story "Taoyuan Sanjie" ends.

The following second story, "Warm Wine Kills Huaxiong", is also very familiar to the audience.

In this story, Guan Yu is absolutely awesome.

The mighty Hua Xiong was easily beheaded by Guan Yu in a short period of time when the temperature of the wine was not cold.

Guan Yu, who was unknown before, can be said to be famous all over the world through this battle.

The performance was also very exciting, and all the audience were extremely satisfied.

When the story of "Warm Wine Killing Huaxiong" ended, all the audiences were refreshed, and their faces showed an unprecedented look of anticipation.

Because what follows is the mysterious third story.

The audience has been looking forward to this story since the beginning of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie" shooting plan was announced.

The first two stories were so wonderful, and this third one is bound to be just as wonderful.

All the audiences are so sure about it, so they expect it.

Now, the time has finally come to reveal the answer.

Huaxiong was defeated, Dong Zhuo hurriedly asked his subordinates to discuss the next battle plan, and at the same time, which general should be sent to fight?

At this time, a character appeared.

This figure wears a purple-gold crown with three-pronged hair on his head, a red brocade robe of Xichuan on his body, a chain armor with a beast-faced swallowing head, and an exquisite lion belt around his waist.

At the same time, the bow and arrow were with him, and he held a painted halberd, and sat down on a red warhorse neighing in the wind.

As soon as this character appeared, all the audience felt a burst of amazement.

Simply majestic, handsome and cool.

Then someone quickly guessed the identity of this handsome and cool general.

With a halberd in his hand and a red war horse sitting down, this is a very obvious sign.

It is Lu Bu who is known as "Lu Bu among people, and red rabbits among horses".

Sure enough, the character's name annotation: "Lu Bu" quickly appeared on the screen.

Then the answer is already very obvious, the protagonist of this third story is Lu Bu.

Or one of the protagonists.

Lu Bu was a famous general during the Three Kingdoms period. Such a famous character, since he has appeared on the stage, it is impossible to come out to make soy sauce, at least he will be one of the protagonists.

The answer was revealed, and the audience was all excited.

Then I agreed before. When the protagonist of the third story was revealed, the audience who immediately shared it on the Internet did not forget their commitment.

They shared their answers on the Internet as soon as possible, and then continued to stare at the big screen without waiting for netizens' replies.

Although it is already known that the protagonist is Lu Bu, what kind of story is it about Lu Bu? On the contrary, it is more curious and hopeful.

The audience can't wait to watch the big screen.

On the Internet, after they shared their answers, it quickly became more lively.

"Hahaha! It turned out to be Lu Bu. I guessed it right. I guessed about 20 people before, and there was Lu Bu among them. Is this a guess?"

"If you are shameless, you can indeed guess."

"Hahaha! Just kidding, just kidding. By the way, Lu Bu is definitely a famous figure in the Three Kingdoms period. What kind of story will his story be? It really makes people very curious and looking forward to it."

"No matter what kind of story it is, it will definitely be very exciting."

"I know the answer, but my heart is even more itchy. This is really stupid."

"Who said no?"


People on the Internet are even more itchy, and in the theater, the movie continues.

Lu Bu was the number one general under Dong Zhuo's command, and he was extremely brave.

As soon as he appeared on the field, Cao Cao's side was defeated again and again, and his bravery was unmatched.

Cao Cao saw that Lü Bu was brave and invincible, and hurriedly summoned various princes to discuss good strategies. He said that as long as Lü Bu could be captured, it would be easy to punish Dong Zhuo.

But the key is who can take Lu Bu?

During the discussion, Lü Bu came to kill him again. Gongsun Zan saw this and fought against Lü Bu himself.

But after just a few rounds, Gongsun Zan was defeated.

The little-known Zhang Fei saw this and took the initiative to attack Lu Bu.

The two fought 50 rounds, no winner or loser.

Seeing this, Guan Yu waved the Qinglong Yanyue Saber and went to help, fighting Lu Bu together with Zhang Fei.

The two fought against Lu Bu for 30 rounds, but still no winner.

Seeing this, Liu Bei also rushed up.

Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, and Liu Bei fought together against Lu Bu.

Facing Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, and Liu Bei, Lu Bu was finally defeated and found an opportunity to escape quickly.

Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, and Liu Bei were in hot pursuit, but in the end they let Lu Bu escape back to the base camp.

Although Lu Bu was defeated, he was able to fight against Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei together, which showed that his strength was higher than any one of Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the number one general of the Three Kingdoms.

And Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei fought together against Lu Bu and it became an absolutely classic story.

It's called "Three British Battles against Lu Bu"!

Exactly, "The three people have been fighting around for a long time, and the barriers have never stopped.

The shouts shook the world, and the murderous aura filled the bulls and the cold.

Lu Buli was looking for a walk, looking at Jiashan and slapping his horse back. "


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