This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 888: Winning the Box Office Champion in Advance

The other crews were very helpless, but the "Three Kingdoms Movie" crew was basically relieved.

Judging from the current word of mouth, the audience is very satisfied with the film.

In this case, the box office champion should not have much problem.

I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The crew, including Jing Wenbo, felt relieved at this time.


Li Han, Su Yuqing, Qin Xiaoyue and Li Xiaoru followed the crowd out of the cinema.

Li Xiaoru said: "From the reaction of the audience just now, it is obvious that they are very satisfied. There should be no problem with today's box office exceeding 120 million, right?"

Li Han said: "It should be. We will know tomorrow."

Su Yuqing said: "It should be no problem if it exceeds 120 million today. The key is whether it can continue to have a high box office after today?"

Qin Xiaoyue said: "According to the current word-of-mouth on the Internet, it should be sustainable. Moreover, it will not last for a short time. The box office champion should be the winner."

Li Han smiled and said, "It's too early to say that it's safe to do so. Don't worry about it now. Let's find a place to eat first."

"Okay!" Li Xiaoru, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue said at the same time.


How much will "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie" make at the box office today?

This is a question that all major film crews and countless audiences are very concerned about.

On the second day, the box office of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" was finally released on the first day.

180 million yuan!

Countless people were shocked by this.

Although everyone has a hunch, the box office results will be very good, more than 120 million yuan, there should be no problem.

But I didn't expect it to be so high.

What is even more frightening is that the word of mouth is still very good, which means such a high box office,

is very likely to continue.

Moreover, the duration may not be short.

As a result, the box office champion is afraid that there is nothing to do with other movies.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie Crew".

Jing Wenbo laughed, he finally felt that the box office champion was basically stable.

On Li Han's side, he was finally able to give a perfect explanation.

The rest of the crew was of course excited too. In particular, Lu Changyuan and Sun Ming starred.

Lu Changyuan, who played Guan Yu, was just an ordinary actor before and was not familiar to the audience.

But now, Lu Changyuan has become a star actor familiar to many audiences overnight.

Moreover, the role of Guan Yu, which is very consistent with the image of Guan Yu in the original work, has also become a classic role in the eyes of the audience.

In the eyes of the audience, the Guan Yu played by Lu Changchang is the real Guan Yu in history.

This especially made Lu Changchang excited. He didn't think he would have such a day.

The story of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a great opportunity for him.

He was full of gratitude.

Sun Ming, who played the role of Liu Bei, was also excited. Although he was already a star actor before, he did not have any classic roles that impressed the audience very much.

But now there is.

The role of Liu Bei played by him, like Guan Yu played by Lu Changyuan, has become a classic role in the hearts of the audience.

This makes up for a huge regret in Liu Ming's heart. He also thinks "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a great opportunity for him, and he is also full of gratitude in his heart.

In addition, Zhang Fei, Lu Bu and other characters have also been unanimously recognized by the audience.

Their actors are equally excited...


The rest of the film crew sighed helplessly.

Zeng Nianyu, director of "Song Long's Tour" sighed: "Forget it, there should be no hope for the championship. Let's try to get the second place. It's better to be realistic."

Assistant director Wang Zhe smiled bitterly: "It seems that we will try to avoid films produced by Li Han in the future. Of course, it feels good to be able to compete with films produced by Li Han."

Like the crew of "Song Long's Tour", all the rest of the crew, including "Assassination" and "The Homeless", also aimed at the second place.

No way, the championship is really almost hopeless. Just lower the target.

Although it is not easy to get the second place, at least it can give people hope.


Countless spectators were very excited about it.

It is worthy of the movie adapted from the original work of Li Han, that is, the cow criticism.

Such a high box office can always shut up those gloating guys, right?

It feels good to think about it.


Yuanxi Village.

After seeing the box office results, Li Han felt very relieved.

Although he really doesn't care much about the box office, the good box office results always make people happy.

Li Xiaoru, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue were even happier than Li Han.

The box office on the first day was better than expected. Then we will see if the high box office can continue?

Of course, this is also an issue that major film crews and countless audiences are very concerned about.

It's exciting to have such a high box office on the first day, but it's the most important thing that the high box office can continue.

If it can't be sustained, no matter how high the box office on the first day is, it is useless.

Although from word of mouth, it is very likely that the high box office will continue, but the next box office is unknown after all, and we can only wait for time to verify.

Another day passed quickly, and the box office came out the next day.

250 million!

Everyone is surprised and not surprised.

Not surprisingly, the high box office continued. Surprisingly, the box office was so much higher than the day before.

It seems that there is still a lot of potential at the box office!

Countless people sighed.

In the next few days, the daily box office of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie" maintained at about 250 million yuan.

On the 13th day of the first lunar month, the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie" was released for a week, and the total box office reached 1.7 billion yuan.

The total box office results came from behind, and it has already led the box office score list.

And got rid of the second place by a lot.

The second place, "Song Long's Tour", had a total box office of 1.1 billion yuan.

The box office is actually very high. The crew of "Song Long's Tour" should have been ecstatic.

However, there is a much more violent presence in front of them, making them want to be ecstatic and feel a little embarrassed.

Forget it, then set your sights higher, there is nothing to be ecstatic about this result.

The next two films, "Assassination" and "The Vagabond", both exceeded 1 billion yuan at the box office.

The competition for second place is fierce.

At this time, the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie" can basically be announced in advance and won the box office champion in the golden period of the Spring Festival.

No one was surprised by such a result.


Yuanxi Village.

Of course, Li Han is also very happy that "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie" can win the box office championship.

There are also many classic stories in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" that are suitable for filming. Li Han is considering whether to take two or three more stories and make another "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Movie"?

This seems to be possible.

Of course, don't worry now, talk about it later.


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