This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 890 1 Some Magical Questions

All the guests in line thought that Li Han's answer was wrong.

They were all waiting for the boss to say that the answer was wrong, and then they could open their mouths to give their place to the three beauties.

Li Xiaoru, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue also had some doubts. Of course, they knew that Li Han's answer was definitely right.

What they wonder is why is this answer?

At this time, the boss laughed and said, "Yes, the young man answered correctly. You don't need to line up, please come directly to choose what you want to eat, and they are all 50% off."

The boss's words made the guests in line stunned.

Is the answer correct?

It's impossible, right? Completely incomprehensible.

Someone couldn't help but say: "Boss, why is this answer correct? It doesn't make sense at all. It doesn't feel as good as my previous answer. I told him to feed it something to eat. The sparrow has something to eat, so it will naturally be fast. Calm down."

The rest of the guests also nodded.

Yup! This answer feels better and easier to understand.

But unfortunately the boss said the answer was wrong.

Could it be that the boss deliberately said that the answer was correct when he saw that the three beauties were so beautiful?

The guests in the queue had to think so.

Other than that, there seems to be no other reason.

The boss laughed again and said, "I said that the young man's answer is right, and that makes sense. The reason is very simple, the crow (pressing) the bird is silent. Naturally, if you press it, the sparrow will disappear in an instant. sound."

With that said, the guests in the queue finally came to their senses.

Silent? Silent?

I really pressed it, and there was no sound.

This is really a brain teaser, and most people's brains really can't turn this corner.

This young guy is amazing, he thought of the answer in just one minute.

No wonder you can walk with three such beauties.

True Nima is enviable.

Li Xiaoru, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue, of course, suddenly realized it at the first time.

Then I jumped over the line of people with joy, came to the front and started to choose what I wanted to eat.

Of course, the guests in front of them all had no opinion.

These are the rules of the game, and they naturally have to abide by them.

They just regretted not being able to come up with the answer before Li Han.

Otherwise, it will definitely win the eyes of the three beauties, and maybe add a Fetion or something.

I'm so sorry Nima. Still the happy boy.

After the three people have chosen what they want to eat, they wait for a chef in the booth to do the final simple processing.

After waiting for a while, I took my things and left with satisfaction.

The guests who stayed in line whispered various discussions.

It's also very good to hang out while eating.

After eating what was in my hand, I felt a little satisfaction.

Along the way, there are all kinds of strange shapes, and the very beautiful lanterns are dazzling.

Various activities such as guessing riddles and meeting the next couplet are also very rich. Li Xiaoru, Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue are all very interested along the way.

Of course, Li Han is also very interested. He has always liked temple fairs.

"Huh? Are there Wang Lao, Huang Lao, Du Lao and others in front of them?" Li Xiaoru suddenly said.

"Really?" Li Han took a closer look, and it was true.

He also said that he would contact us later, but I didn't expect to meet directly now, but it was a coincidence.

The three of them were surrounded by a group of people, looking at something with interest.

Li Han said with a smile: "Let's go, let's go over and have a look, and say hello to them by the way."

Li Xiaoru, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue nodded.

Su Yuqing and Qin Xiaoyue have also met Wang Chang, Huang Jian, and Du Ruchun, and they all know each other.

Walking to Wang Chang, Huang Jian, and Du Ruchun, Li Han smiled and said, "Old Wang, Mr. Huang, Mr. Du, what are you looking at?"

When Wang Chang, Huang Jian, and Du Ruchun heard Li Han's voice, they turned around to look.

Sure enough, it was Li Han, Li Xiaoru, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue.

I am very happy.

Wang Chang said with a smile: "You are here too. Just in time, you also come to see this question, it feels a little interesting."

"Really?" Wang Chang said this, not only Li Xiaoru, Su Yuqing, Qin Xiaoyue showed interest, but Li Han was also a little curious.

So let's see what's going on?

This is also a scene for guessing lantern riddles, but the scale is much larger than other scenes.

It is almost one of the largest lantern riddle guessing scenes in the entire temple fair.

Hundreds of lanterns with hidden mysteries were hung on the scene.

And a question that Wang Chang asked Li Han and others to read was not hidden in any lantern, but was displayed directly. Anyone who had an answer could answer it directly.

The first person to answer will receive a mystery prize.

This question attracted a large number of tourists to gather at the scene to think about the answer.

Even Wang Chang, Huang Jian, and Du Ruchun were attracted.

Although there were many people at the scene, no one ever gave an answer.

It seems to be a difficult question.

Li Han became more interested, looked at the topic carefully, and there were quite a lot of words.

"There are 3 people who go to the accommodation, 30 yuan a night. The three people pay 10 yuan each to make up 30 yuan and give it to the boss.

Later, the boss said that today's discount is only 25 yuan, and he took out 5 yuan to let the waiter return it to three people.

The waiter secretly hid 2 yuan. Then the remaining 3 yuan was distributed to the three people, and each person was divided into 1 yuan.

In this way, each person paid 10 yuan at the beginning, for a total of 30 yuan. Now I have returned 1 yuan, which is only 9 yuan per person.

3 people are 9 yuan each, 3X9 = 27 yuan + 2 yuan hidden by the waiter = 29 yuan.

Ask, where did the other dollar go? "

It turned out to be this question, and Li Han's eyes lit up. In his opinion, this question was indeed very interesting.

Because, if you think about it in the usual way, it would be very strange indeed.

At first, each of the three people gave 10 yuan, and the total was 30 yuan.

And it's really only 29 yuan in the back.

Where did the other dollar go? No matter how I think about it, I don't understand.

Li Xiaoru, Su Yuqing, and Qin Xiaoyue frowned.

They also don't understand.

The rest of the people at the scene couldn't understand, and many people were muttering to themselves, or whispering.

"It's really strange, where did that dollar go? I don't understand at all!"

"Everyone did only pay 9 yuan, and the total is 27 yuan. In addition to the 2 yuan that the waiter hid, it's 29 yuan! This question is really magical."

"It is indeed a somewhat miraculous question."


Everyone thinks the question is a bit magical, wondering where did the dollar go?

Even Wang Chang, Huang Jian, and Du Ruchun didn't understand the reason for a while.

No wonder they are here to watch with great interest.


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