This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 898 1 opening is confusing

This kind of thing is just a relatively common thing for Li Han.

In comparison, Li Han still pays more attention to the upcoming "The Voice" program.

Is there an audience market in this world for this unconventional selection method? The answer will be revealed soon.

At this moment, the Internet is extremely lively, and there are voices about "The Voice" everywhere.

There is a question that everyone has always wondered about, and that is why "The Voice" refers to the four guests as four mentors?

Is there any special purpose in changing the concept of "guest" to "mentor"?

Are the responsibilities of the instructor on the show different from the responsibilities of the previous guests?

These issues have been discussed by many people on the Internet, and everyone is very curious about this issue.

Now that the show is about to start, the discussion on this issue has once again become one of the focuses of everyone's attention.

But the result is the same as before, everyone still doesn't know why, and no valuable answers have been obtained.

Everyone is still confused.

Fortunately, the show is about to start now. After the show starts, there should be an answer, right?

That is for sure. Everyone was curious about the answer.

If the mentor's responsibilities on the show are no different from the previous guests, there will definitely be many people who say that Li Han is grandstanding.

The guest is just a guest, what about a mentor? Does this make the "Voice of Good" show different?

Well, The Voice is indeed different.

But there is no need to change the title of "guest" to "mentor" deliberately, right?

Of course, in addition to this question, you have many other questions.

For example, since "The Voice" only looks at the sound, no matter what else, the entire audition process is so mysterious.

So, what kind of contestants will there be?

It won't really be like what some thoughtful people say,

All of them are crooked melons and cracked dates, right?

This statement is of course very rude, and everyone does not agree with this statement.

However, the meaning it expresses makes people have to worry a little.

If the external conditions of the players are not very good, can the show still be watched?

This is also the main reason why almost half of the people think "The Voice" is going to hit the street.

These are different from the few who stand on the opposite side of Li Han. They are all supporters of Li Han. They just objectively analyze and judge that "The Voice" is going to hit the streets.

Of course, they also hope that "The Voice" will not hit the street, but no matter what they think, they feel that "The Voice" will hit the street.

Then there is no way.

Now, as the show is about to start, they just hope they don't thrash the street too hard.

They will try to keep watching.

If they really can't watch it, they don't change the channel or turn off the TV. They can only express their support to Li Han like this.

In short, almost all the audience, with all kinds of questions in their hearts, are waiting for the official start of "The Voice".

At 7:39 p.m., Magic Capital TV began to broadcast the advertisement of Tuojiang Liquor Industry.

The Tuojiang wine industry used 30 million to buy advertising space.

Judging from the current viewing traffic, 30 million is completely worth it, and it is also very profitable.

There is no doubt that the viewing traffic of Magic Capital TV must be very high at this moment.

But it is a pity that it is only once, and it is impossible to have such a high viewing flow in the future.

It must be a big loss in the end.

After one minute of the advertisement, the TV signal cut into the studio hall No. 1 of Magic Capital TV.

The first season of "The Voice of Yan Kingdom", the first episode of the show finally officially started.

Moreover, it still adopts a live broadcast format that no similar program dares to try.

The scene of the game finally appeared on the TV screen.

All the audience in front of the TV were in high spirits, staring at the TV screen with wide eyes.

Originally, everyone did not think that the layout of the scene would be anything special.

But at first glance, they found that there was something special about the scene.

That is, in front of the stage, in front of the auditorium, there are four chairs that look quite special.

The chair is large and looks very luxurious, and there seems to be a large button on the handle that can be touched.

The location of the chair and the special nature of the chair itself made all the audience in front of the TV very puzzled.

There are four chairs, so that should be for four guests... well, it should be for four mentors.

But how can a mentor sit in that position? This is too strange, right?

Besides, even the chairs for the four mentors don't need to be so special, right?

What is that button for?

From the very beginning of the show, all the viewers in front of the TV watched in a foggy way.

In fact, not only the audience in front of the TV, but also the audience at the scene.

Of course the place was full. After entering the stage, all the audience noticed the four seats placed in front of the stage.

Everyone was discussing with each other for the first time, guessing what the four hundred seats were used for? Why put it there?

After discussing for a while, there was no answer.

Now, they are as confused as the audience in front of the TV.

Then, the live lights were focused, and the host came on stage.

The host is called Yang Sheng, the ace host of Magic Capital TV, and the audience is very familiar with it.

Yang Sheng was quite calm on the surface, but his heart was not at all calm, he was very excited.

The host of "The Voice" was won by him by competing with two other ace hosts.

Because after he learned about "The Voice", he knew that the show was definitely a hit.

Of course, the other two ace presenters think so too.

Therefore, after some fierce competition among the three, Yang Sheng finally got the chance.

Yang Sheng is very excited and a little nervous. This is a live broadcast, and mistakes cannot be made.

But if you can host this show well, your strength and popularity will definitely go further.

Yang Sheng walked to the middle of the stage, the spotlight hit him, and he first said hello to the scene and the audience in front of the TV.

Then he said: "Authentic good pharmaceutical, authentic good voice, welcome to the exclusive title broadcast by Chengzhi Pharmaceutical, a leading brand in the pharmaceutical industry, just watch the sound, no matter what else, the large-scale talent show "The Voice of Yan Kingdom" ” live broadcast.”

Although the audience at the scene had all kinds of doubts in their hearts, they gave the most enthusiastic response at this time, with continuous applause and cheers.

Yang Sheng continued: "Mr. Li Han personally planned the program "The Voice of Yan Kingdom", and personally participated in the preparation of the program. Thank you, Mr. Li Han!"

This time, the audience applauded, cheered, and screamed even louder.

After that, Yang Sheng said: "Mr. Li Han proposed to only look at the voice, regardless of other selection requirements. Then, our "The Voice of Yan Kingdom" will strictly follow this standard. As long as your singing voice is good, no matter what you want No matter what other conditions are, here will be the stage for you to show yourself."

The audience cheered again.


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