This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 905 Players with handicapped legs

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According to the current trend, the first issue of "The Voice" may really break the ratings record of singing talent shows.

Today, when the market for singing talent shows has been seriously declining, is it possible for such a thing to happen?

It's unbelievable.

People in the entire TV circle are collectively stunned.

And after being confused, different people have different thoughts.

Someone is very excited. The program planned by Li Han himself is really not simple.

Before half of the people said they would go to the street, now that half of the people have already changed their views, right?

Then there are also people who are envious and jealous, especially the program crews of various singing talent shows.

"Good Voice" is really too fierce. How good would it be if their show was so fierce?

Others were inexplicably flustered, extremely flustered.

They are the people of Hunan Satellite TV.

Originally, they thought it was impossible for them to break the 5.2 ratings record of their singing talent show set by "Your Dream" on Shonan TV.

This honor will always belong to their Hunan Satellite TV.

With such a serious decline in the live market, how is it possible that there are still programs that can break records?

But now, The Voice is trending toward breaking records.

This shocked the people from Shonan TV, but they were also extremely flustered.

Are they going to lose this honor?

They can only pray in their hearts that your ratings of "The Voice" will not continue to rise.

They really can't stand it anymore.


People with TV circles,

Share the current ratings of "The Voice" on the Internet.

Countless viewers on the Internet also felt a little weird.

They are relatively aware of the ratings.

It is known that the highest ratings of such programs in recent years is Shonan Satellite TV's "I Love to Sing", with a rating of 2.1.

I also know that the ratings record of this kind of program was set by Shonan Satellite TV's previous "Your Dream" program, with a value of 5.2.

Now the audience rating of "The Voice" has exceeded 4.0, which is simply too handsome!

While the audience was stunned, they all seemed very excited. As expected of the program planned by Li Han himself, it was a bullshit!

Moreover, the audience also believes that "The Voice" definitely deserves such ratings, it is really too good-looking and too attractive.

Now the second player to appear has finished his singing.

It's a pity that none of the mentors turned around.

This means that the player has been eliminated.

very cruel!

Looking at the hidden tears in the eyes of the players, all the audience sighed in their hearts.

The players must be very unwilling, but there is no way, the game is inherently cruel.

The four mentors gave the players their own affirmation and encouragement.

The players left the field sadly.

Without a doubt, the player failed. But his gains are actually not small.

Not only did he show his face in front of countless audiences all over the country, but he also had an intersection with four mentors.

Such a result would never have happened if it hadn't been for participating in "The Voice".

Therefore, the players who just left the stadium sadly feel very regretful and unwilling, but at the same time they are also very satisfied.

He is still very grateful to Li Han for planning the program "The Voice", so that he can stand on such a stage with very ordinary external conditions.

The third player will appear next, and all the audience have the same expectations as when the previous players appeared...


In the backstage singer's lounge, Wang Yu stroked the crutches that were put aside.

He was getting nervous again.

Because he is the fourth player to play, the next player to play will be him.

He likes to sing and dreams of becoming a singer, but he had to give up his dream because he had disabilities in both legs. Later, he revived his dream because of "The Voice". Naturally, he attaches great importance to this opportunity.

This may be his only chance to realize his dream, and the stage of "The Voice" is also his only stage.

Because it is absolutely impossible for other similar programs to let him pass the audition.

So he was really nervous.

Especially after seeing that the third contestant finished singing, and no mentor turned around, he was even more nervous.

Except for Yan Zhongwen, who was the first to appear, after a mentor turned around, the second and third players who appeared next were all eliminated.

This made Wang Yu feel an invisible pressure.

It seems that the instructors have high requirements for selecting students, and they are also very cautious.

Is he really okay?

Wang Yu suddenly lost the confidence he had before.

And then it's his turn.

That's all, no matter what, just sing well.

The opportunity to sing on such a luxurious stage may only be this once, so cherish and enjoy it.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Yu slowly stood up, leaned on the crutches, and slowly walked into the contestant passage and towards the stage.


Just now the third player was eliminated again, and all the audience felt regretful once again.

In fact, they felt that the third player sang well, better than the second player.

But unfortunately, the instructors do not recognize it, so there is no way to do it.

Now it's time for the fourth player to play. I wonder if a mentor will turn around this time?

What about the external conditions of the players who appeared this time?

All the spectators looked towards the exit of the player passage with such doubts in their hearts.

The fourth player walked out of the player tunnel.

Before I could see the appearance clearly, I first saw the crutches that the players were leaning on under their armpits.

All the audience's eyes widened, and their mouths could not help but open into an "O" shape.

They really did not expect that the fourth player to appear would be a player with a disabled leg.

A contestant with a disabled leg actually made it to the main stage of a singing talent show, which was absolutely impossible before.

The stage of "The Voice" really provided a stage for many people who could not be on the stage of singing talent shows before.

This is a very exciting and exciting thing.

Therefore, while all the audience members were shocked, they were all excited again.

This show is really getting better and better.

The astonishment on the audience's faces was seen by the four mentors.

Ling You said: "This one of our players surprised the audience again!"

Gu Zhan said: "It looks like it is. To be honest, I am very curious."

Ye Xiaowen said, "You can turn around and take a look."

Gu Zhan said: "Isn't this illegal?"

Ye Xiaowen said: "Of course it's illegal. And in this case, if you are very satisfied with this player, you can't turn around for him. This is a good thing for us."

Gu Zhan said: "You think it is very beautiful."


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