This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 907 The battle of grabbing people is more interesting than imagined

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On the Internet, this time is also very lively.

Countless audiences were very pleasantly surprised and happy for Wang Yu.

The four mentors turned around at the same time. Such a situation is definitely rare, and Wang Yu is proud enough.

A singer with disabilities in both legs went on the stage of "The Voice", and the news that four mentors turned around at the same time quickly spread on the Internet.

Some people who are still waiting and hesitating have finally developed a strong interest.

They suddenly wanted to see, what kind of a player with disabilities in both legs is?

So, they turned on the TV.

And some people who didn't pay much attention to it before also turned on the TV out of curiosity at this time.

"The Voice" continues to rise in ratings.

According to preliminary indications of live ratings, it has now reached 4.5.

This number isn't entirely accurate, but it's generally not too far off.

The audience rating record of 5.2 can be regarded as being able to see the tail.

The people of Shonan Satellite TV are getting more and more panic, but they can only helplessly watch the ratings of "The Voice" approaching step by step, and there is no way to do it.

And the rest of the TV station circles were full of emotion.

It seems that the ratings records of singing talent shows are really going to be rewritten by "The Voice".

Even now, watching things happen step by step with my own eyes, it still feels incredible.

The program planned by Li Han himself was so ferocious.

Of course there are also people who feel gloated and excited.

Many people from Shonan Satellite TV are stunned by singing talent shows.

Although they do have the capital.

The ratings record is set by them, the highest rated program of this type in recent years,

Also from their Hunan Satellite TV.

But now, The Voice is having the record rewritten.

People from Shonan Satellite TV don't dare to talk anymore, right?

You must be shivering now, right?

Thinking about it makes me feel comfortable.

The Internet is lively, and of course the scene is equally lively.

Wang Yu has finished singing and is excitedly saying hello to the four mentors and all the audience.

He really couldn't believe that at the age of 35, he was no longer young and had given up on his dreams, and he could be so close to his dreams.

The four mentors turned around for him at the same time, even if he couldn't reach the end, he should have no problem becoming an ordinary singer.

He is really only one step away from his dream.

He was more excited than ever.

Under the guidance of Ling You, Wang Yu introduced himself.

He mentioned that he had participated in the audition of singing talent shows many times, but he could not pass the audition because of the problem of his legs.

In the end, he gave up completely. Until now, "The Voice" has made him stand here, and his dream has almost come true.

Everyone applauded, including the four mentors.

Everyone was very happy for Wang Yu. When it was not too late, he met "The Voice" planned by Li Han, and he was lucky after all.

For loyal audiences of singing talent shows, or audiences who have watched such shows before, this kind of heartfelt joy has never been seen before.

I used to watch similar programs, and I was very happy to see the players I liked or favored, won the competition, and successfully advanced.

But that joy is completely different from the joy that comes from the heart now.

Even when you see your favorite player win the final championship.

It is also completely different from the joy it is now.

"The Voice" is so different from previous similar programs.

The difference is exciting, exhilarating from the heart.

The loyal audience of singing talent shows have completely fallen in love with "The Voice" at this time.

They thought that "The Voice" was not worth seeing before, and they would be annoyed that "The Voice" did not follow the laws of the market.

It's really stupid to think about it now!

Thankfully, they didn't go all the way in the end and chose to watch "The Voice".

Otherwise, you will definitely regret it later.

I heard that the current real-time viewership rate of "The Voice" has exceeded 4.5, which may break the viewership record of 5.2 for this type of program.

now it's right.

The ratings records of such programs should belong to "The Voice", and other similar programs do not have this qualification.

Hurry up and break the record.

In a short period of time, the attitude of loyal audiences of singing talent shows to "The Voice" has undergone a complete change of 720 degrees.

Now, "The Voice" has become the first show in the singing talent category.

Only programs with extraordinary meaning are eligible to become the first program in their minds.

At this time, the rest of the audience also believed that "The Voice" was the right way to open singing talent shows.

How meaningful is it to help people with poor conditions like Wang Yu realize their dreams?

Of course, this does not mean that it is meaningless for good-looking men and women to participate in the competition. Instead, we must treat them equally, and we can't eliminate them regardless of whether they sing well or not because of their poor external image.

I hope that other similar programs can meet the selection criteria of "The Voice" in the future.

The interaction between Wang Yu, the four mentors, and the audience ended.

Next is the long-awaited battle between the mentors.

If you want the final championship to come from your own team, you must try your best to win all the excellent players to your own team.

Therefore, no mentor will be polite, and a battle of robbing people officially begins.

"Wang Yu, you should have seen it, I am the first person to turn around for you. Obviously I value you the most, come to my team." Ling You said.

Wang Junsheng immediately said: "Why are you the first to turn around? Obviously I pressed the button first, okay? Wang Yu, your singing skills are already very good. But there are still flaws and room for improvement. You have developed a training plan. Come to my team, I will give you the greatest help, maximize your strength, and then aim for the final championship."

Wang Junsheng's words made all the audience dumbfounded.

What the hell! Wang Junsheng, this is his debut as an orator.

This Nima said is simply too tempting.

A training plan has also been formulated. Is this Nima real or fake?

"Wang Junsheng, when did you formulate a training plan? Don't fool Wang Yu. Wang Yu, although I was the last to turn around for you. But I am in the principle of being responsible for you, and I must be sure of myself. It is true that I can help you before I can turn around for you. I am the most worthy of your trust, come to my team." Gu Zhan said.

The audience was dumbfounded once again, and Gu Zhan didn't let it go!

This Nima was the last to turn around because of hesitation, right?

Now it has become a serious responsibility for Wang Yu.

This finally turned around, and it seemed to be the biggest advantage.


The audience sighed and sighed with excitement.

The battle between mentors is more interesting and beautiful than expected!


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