This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 924 Shooting the Unpopular Subjects

Li Han smiled and said, "That's very good. The TV series we are going to shoot this time is a historical drama. Has anyone of you filmed this type of drama before?"

When I heard it was a historical drama, the eight directors including Jia Xiu and Zeng Yu were a little surprised.

Historical dramas are an unpopular subject, even one of the most unpopular.

The first work of Legendary Film and Television came with such an unpopular theme, isn't it good?

Even if you don't shoot "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", should you choose a popular theme?

Jia Xiu said hesitantly: "Mr. Li Han, historical dramas are quite unpopular. After all, this is our first work. Is it a little bit to choose historical dramas..."

Li Han understood what Jia Xiu meant, and said with a smile, "I understand what Director Jia meant. However, even if it is an unpopular subject, as long as the filming is done well, I believe that many people will like to watch it. At that time, the unpopular subject will naturally be It has become a popular subject.”

When Li Han said this, Jia Xiu and others were suffocated, and then they were all stunned.

Yup! What if it's an unpopular subject?

A script written by Li Han himself, even if it is an unpopular theme, it will definitely become a popular theme.

For Li Han, there is no such thing as unpopular topics at all.

They only think that historical dramas are unpopular subjects, and they ignore such an important one, which is really inappropriate.

After that, several directors quickly got excited.

Jia Xiu said: "Mr. Li Han, I have filmed a historical drama before. Although the ratings are not very good, it can be regarded as a valuable experience."

Zeng Yu also said: "Mr. Li Han, I have also filmed a historical drama, and I think the experience is not bad."

Several other directors also said that they have also been exposed to historical dramas and have experience.

Everyone hopes that they will be selected by Li Han, which is all kinds of non-stop promotion of themselves.

Li Han nodded, then gave each director a script, and said, "Here is a script, let's look at it first, and then talk about it. What do you think?"

The eight directors said "OK" in unison, and they knew it was time for the assessment.

A little nervous, but more excited.

I read the script carefully, I read it very carefully, and the more I read it, the more delighted I am.

What they said before was really good, and when the unpopular subject came into Li Han's hands, it would no longer be unpopular.

This TV show is on fire!

Several directors are quite sure about this. It also made their desire to direct the show even stronger and more urgent.

After carefully reading the script, several people successively stated their understanding and views on the script.

Li Han nodded slowly, very satisfied with the performance of several people.

Li Han was relieved to hand over the show to them for filming.

This drama consists of six unit stories, then one chief director, and then each unit story is handed over to one person to shoot.

The only one left is to be the assistant director of the chief director.

Everyone has the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities.

Li Han announced Jia Xiu as the chief director of the show, and then Zeng Yu and other six people each directed a unit story.

The youngest and most junior director, Liu Wenhao, serves as Jia Xiu's assistant director.

As a result, the most excited person is naturally Jia Xiu.

Lianlian expressed his gratitude to Li Han and thanked Li Han for his trust in him.

Of course, Zeng Yu, Liu Wenhao and others were also very excited, and finally had the opportunity to show their abilities.

They know that this is equivalent to an assessment for them.

If Li Han can be satisfied this time, there will be more opportunities in the future.

All of them are energetic.

The director's work is done, and the next thing is the actors.

As for the actors, it's definitely not going to be so smooth.

But it doesn't matter, choose slowly, anyway, you must choose well.

Li Han, Jia Xiu, Zeng Yu and other directors went to the actors' lounge together.

in the showroom.

All the signing actors have also arrived.

Everyone whispered while waiting for Li Han to arrive.

Some nervousness, but more excitement and anticipation.

Li Han personally selected actors, wondering if he would be selected?

Excited to think about.

As for what kind of TV show? Is it an unpopular subject? Or a popular theme? Everyone didn't think about it at all.

Anyway, even if it is an unpopular theme, it will not be unpopular again when it comes to Li Han.

What everyone thought and hoped was to be selected by Li Han.

Li Han and several directors pushed the door and walked in.

All the actors stopped talking immediately, all stood up and looked at Li Han.

It was the first time for all the actors to face Li Han, and they were very nervous and getting more and more nervous.

Li Han felt everyone's nervousness, smiled, and said, "Everyone, relax, just sit as you please."

"Thank you, Mr. Li Han!" the actors said at the same time.

Then I sat down slowly, not so nervous as expected.

Li Han and several directors also sat down.

Li Han said: "Everyone knows that our legendary film and television is going to shoot the first TV series. Unfortunately, it is not the "Legend of the Condor Heroes" that everyone expects."

The actors all laughed after hearing this, and they felt a little more relaxed.

Li Han continued: "The TV series we are going to shoot this time is called "Ji Xiaolan with Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth". It is a historical drama telling the story of Ji Xiaolan. This is obviously an unpopular theme, but our legendary film is an unpopular theme."

The actors laughed again, and someone said: "As long as it is Mr. Li Han's work, the unpopular subject will also become a popular subject."

"Yes, since our works are from Mr. Li Han, there is no such thing as unpopular subjects."

"Hahaha! Our legendary film and television is to shoot unpopular subjects."


The more the actors talked, the more excited they became, the more relaxed they became, and the atmosphere at the scene got better and better.

A historical drama about Ji Xiaolan's story?

Very good, it is this kind of unpopular subject.

Because, shooting a TV series with an unpopular theme is much more exciting and fulfilling than shooting a popular theme.

Originally, if it was just themselves, they could almost experience this sense of accomplishment.

But now, they are all mixed with Li Han.

It is simply too easy to experience this sense of achievement.

This show has to be experienced.

Of course, the premise is that he is successfully selected by Li Han and can play a role in the play.

It doesn't have to be a protagonist, as long as it's a character with a name and lines.

Thinking about it, the hearts of the actors are getting more and more throbbing.

When Li Han saw that the atmosphere was active, he told the actors about the director's arrangement.

The actors were inexplicably excited when they heard that there were six unit stories.

Because it shows that there will be a lot of characters in the show. It shouldn't be a big problem to get one or two less important roles.

And so, in addition to the main characters that run through the show. Each unit story also has its own unit story protagonist.

The main characters are not extravagant, but the protagonist of the unit story can be extravagant.

Just thinking about it more and more excited.

Li Han said: "Our play has several main characters running through the whole play. Then, in different unit stories, there are different unit story protagonists and other characters. There are many characters, and I believe everyone will have the opportunity."

The actors nodded hurriedly, each with a look of anticipation in their eyes.

Afterwards, Li Han announced the character information, so that the actors could make some self-recommendations after understanding what kind of roles they had.

If the audition can satisfy Li Han, it will be determined directly.

Of course, Li Han will also consult the opinions of several directors.

The atmosphere at the scene was very lively.


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