This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 939 Li Han agreed to go to the scene of

The rest of the competitors did not respond.

A little dumbfounded for a while.

This effect is too immediate, right?

Previously, competitors believed that Wanli Auto was falsely advertising, and had jointly planned to report it to the relevant departments.

Now that the competition is so fierce, since Wanli Automobile Co., Ltd. has rusted its brain and killed itself, it is no wonder they are.

Then, just when they were about to report, Wanli Automobile suddenly produced evidence.

There is no false propaganda, everything is the truth.

The major competitors were instantly dumbfounded.

The luck of such a special Wanli car dealership is so good?

For a time, the major car rental companies were very envious.

Because they know that with Li Han's influence, his rental car at Wanli Auto Shop is likely to make Wanli Auto Shop a fire.

This is definitely not good news for them.

They already had a bad hunch.

However, they never imagined that the effect would be so immediate.

Wanli Motor Co., Ltd. has just thrown out the evidence not long ago, right?

Now the Wanli Automobile Company is already in the market?

Is this too fast?

Even if the major car rental companies are ready, they will not react at all.

They originally thought that it would take at least one or two days of brewing and precipitation before they would slowly see the effect.

I didn't expect that this special does not require any brewing and precipitation at all, and it has a very good effect immediately.

This is too exaggerated, right?

Do they still underestimate Li Han's influence after all?

It's unbelievable!

After the major car rental companies reacted, for this opportunity of Wanli Automobile,

Even more envious and jealous.

This luck is really good Nima.

Their company also has a store in the southern city of Hunan! Why didn't Li Han go to their company's store?

Pity! What a pity!

What should we do now? The major car rental companies discussed with each other for a while, and finally found helplessly that there seemed to be no way.

They could only helplessly watch the thousands of miles of car dealerships.

Although many people just went to see the fun, or to see the car that Li Han rented.

However, there are indeed many people who plan to rent a car, and because of Li Han's car rental, they went to Wanli Auto.

It was possible for those people to rent a car from their company.

Now, all of them have gone to the Wanli car dealership.

There are only so many customer resources, and the market is so big, so it will definitely disappear.

It doesn't make sense!

The major car rental companies are all very depressed.

Then, all in one question. That is Li Han's influence now, is it already so big?

Simply exaggerated!


The situation of the Wanli car dealership was quickly spread on the Internet.

Countless netizens on the Internet sighed and were excited.

It's become a market so quickly, it's naturally because of Li Han's great influence.

And the greater Li Han's influence, the more excited the netizens will naturally be.

"Hahaha! Yes, yes, Li Han's influence is really getting bigger and bigger!"

"As expected of Li Han, it's a bullshit!"


Netizens are very excited, and at the same time they are envious of those guys who pretend to be on the scene.

It's a pity that they are not in the southern Hunan provincial capital, otherwise they would have to go to the scene to pretend.

Also, of course, everyone knows why Li Han went to the provincial capital of southern Hunan and why he rented a car.

After knowing the reason, everyone also knew that the reason why Wang Shao agreed to play the role of He Shen was because Li Han personally invited him.

This made it a bit difficult for netizens to understand.

Li Han even personally invited Wang Shao to play the role. In his opinion, does the role of Heshen must belong to Wang Shao?

Wang Shao's character image is obviously very different from the real image of Heshen in history, but Li Han only wants Wang Shao to play the role of Heshen.

It's really weird, it's hard to understand.

Well, stop thinking about it. Anyway, that fellow Li Han always has his reasons.

If they could figure it out, they would be Li Han.

Netizens don't understand, so do the actors in the entertainment industry and many people from all walks of life.

Then everyone stopped thinking about it.

What's the matter, Li Han's coquettish actions are not once or twice.

Although I don't think about it anymore, I am more and more curious and looking forward to the TV series "Ji Xiaolan with Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth".

Of course, that's not to say they've decided to watch the show.

They just want to know what kind of show this is going to be? You should take a look at it by then.

The reason why they look forward to it is to see what kind of results the show will achieve?

Then keep an eye on it.

Now that the three leading actors have been confirmed, it should be about to start filming, right?


Li Han and his party returned to the magic capital.

Li Han was also aware of various news about Wanli Auto on the Internet.

This was really just an accident for him.

He's just going to rent a car, and who knew this would trigger such a follow-up?

Zhang Wenliang, Zhang Hailin, Jia Xiu, and Wang Shao also sighed at the Wanli Motorsport incident.

They didn't expect that Li Han went to rent a car and rented out such a lively event.

It can only be said that Li Han's influence is really bigger than they think!

It was already like this at a young age, and several people were envious.

In addition to envy, of course, it is urgent to prepare for the shooting of "Iron Teeth Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan".

There are many things that need to be prepared.

Actors' costumes, the choice of shooting locations, etc.

Fortunately, Li Han personally participated in the preparation, and the preparation speed was still very fast.

The filming is expected to begin in a week.


"Mr. Li Han, tomorrow and Saturday, the second episode of the first season of "The Voice" will be broadcast. I wonder if Mr. Li Han is interested in watching the show live?" Liang Yongda, head of the program group and chief director of "The Voice" Call and invite Li Han again to watch the show on "The Voice".

Liang Yong knew that Li Han was in the magic capital now, so he sent an invitation again.

He really hoped that Li Han could go to the scene to watch the show once.

This time Li Han did not refuse and agreed to Liang Yong's invitation.

Liang Yong has invited many times, with full sincerity. In addition, this is a program that Li Han brought from his previous life, and he is willing to go to the scene to watch it.

Now people happen to be in the magic capital.

Therefore, Li Han agreed this time.

Liang Yong laughed and seemed very excited, saying that he would be waiting for Li Han on Modu TV tomorrow.

At the same time, Liang Yong also asked Li Han if he could inform the outside world that he will be at the scene tomorrow night?

Li Han said yes. Where he is going, there is no need to hide it.

Liang Yong was even more excited, saying that the news would be officially announced now.



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