This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 943 The result is cruel

So, will there be a mentor to turn around for him?

The answer will be revealed soon.

After the applause at the scene continued for a long time, it finally stopped slowly.

The scene gradually became quiet, and everyone was waiting for Xiao Yunsheng on the stage to sing.

They hope Xiao Yunsheng sings very nicely. Only in this way can there be a mentor to turn around for him.

The audience was a little nervous.

On the stage, Xiao Yunsheng also calmed down and got ready to sing.

From the prelude music, it is a classic old song that everyone is quite familiar with.

This song is still good.

Xiao Yunsheng started to sing.

After all the audience heard Xiao Yunsheng's voice, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Yunsheng sang very well, no worse than those players who had mentors to turn around.

At least that's what the audience thinks.

As a result, there should be a mentor to turn around, right?

"Turn around! Turn around!" While listening to the song, the audience prayed in their hearts that a mentor would turn around.

This is the strongest desire for them to pray for a mentor to turn around since the "Good Voice" program was broadcast.

This young man with dark eyes should not be eliminated here, he should go further on this stage.

His dream should be continued.

On the second floor.

Su Yuqing said: "I think he sings very well. There should be a mentor to turn around, right?"

Qin Xiaoyue said: "I also think it's very good, there should be a mentor who will turn around."

Xia Xiaoyu also said: "There will definitely be."

Liang Yong said, "Mr. Li Han, what do you think?"

Li Han pondered: "This player's strength can indeed be said to be good. But the song he chose is not very suitable for him.

It is difficult for this song to bring out his strengths to the greatest extent, but it also makes his flaws in singing more obvious. Will there be a mentor to turn around? This is hard to say, it depends on how the teachers choose? "

"How could this happen!" Su Yuqing, Qin Xiaoyue, and Xia Xiaoyu were all a little frustrated after hearing what Li Han said.

Liang Yong sighed and said, "I hope there will be a mentor to turn around. If there is no mentor to turn around, it will indeed be very regrettable. All the audience will definitely hope that he can continue to stay on this stage."

Li Han said: "I also hope that he can continue to stay on this dance stage."


All the audience stared at the expressions on the faces of the four mentors.

Looking forward to seeing the expressions of the instructors moving, tangled, and hesitant.

Because once these expressions appear on the faces of the tutors, it means that there is a possibility of turning around.

When the contestants on the stage sang the chorus for the first time, the faces of several instructors showed moving and tangled expressions.

The audience was delighted for a while, and it seemed that there was a drama.

They just said, this young man will definitely stay on this stage.

Now that you're moving, turn around quickly!

All the audience shouted "turn around" in their hearts, but unfortunately, after the four tutors struggled for a while, none of them turned around.

The audience all sighed, why didn't they turn around?

But that's okay, there's still plenty of time to come.

Mentors do sometimes struggle for a long time before turning around, which is a common occurrence.

Audiences are more at ease.

Xiao Yunsheng began to sing for the second time. He couldn't see if a mentor had turned around for him? But he could feel that there should be no.

He was a little frustrated, but he didn't give up, he still tried to play at his highest level.

The mentors began to struggle and hesitate again. Among them, Wang Junsheng should be the most moved. He put his hand on the button many times.

Every time all the audience thought he was finally going to turn around, they were all ready to cheer.

But he still didn't press the button.

After being disappointed a few times, the audience has already begun to panic.

Had a bad feeling.

The contestants on the stage have sung to the second chorus, but still no mentor has turned around.

Mentors have the idea of ​​turning around, especially Wang Junsheng, his idea of ​​turning around is very obvious. It felt as though it was only a fraction of a second, and he was about to turn around.

But just didn't choose to turn around.

The audience wanted to rush up and help press the turn button.

The audience is really in a hurry.

Then it got more and more urgent.

Why is this happening? Why don't you turn around? What was wrong, so that the mentors could not make their final determination?

The second chorus is about to end, and after that, the whole singing ends.

No mentor turned around.

There is one last chance.

All the audience members have raised their hearts to their throats, feeling inexplicably nervous.

With the last two lyrics, Wang Junsheng put his hand on the button again.

The audience, who had already been desperate, suddenly became excited again.

There is still hope.

"Turn around! Turn around!" The audience at the scene shouted directly.

It was no longer enough to pray in their hearts, they shouted.

They hope that Wang Junsheng can feel their strong will and choose to turn around.

But the result... is disappointing.

Wang Junsheng put his hand on the button and never pressed it until the contestants on the stage finished singing the last word of the lyrics.

He still didn't turn around.

Ling You, Gu Zhan, and Ye Xiaowen didn't turn around either.

Xiao Yunsheng's singing had ended, and none of the instructors chose to turn around.

The place became silent.

Why is this happening? Why did he not turn around even though he was already so excited?

For the first time, all the audience felt that the mentors were cruel.

Why can't we give young people on stage, a world without light, a chance to pursue their dreams?

Of course, the audience also knows that the mentors don't know the situation of the players on the stage, which can't blame the mentors for not giving them a chance.

It can only be said that Xiao Yunsheng's singing still failed to fully impress the instructor.

But it just feels so cruel.

Why is this happening? Why is there no mentor to turn around when you most want a mentor to turn around?

All the audiences were unacceptable for such a result.

But they can only accept.

After all, things are not good, and the game is cruel after all.

I just hope that the young people on the stage will not feel particularly sad.

On the second floor.

Liang Yong let out a long sigh and said, "After all, there is still no mentor to turn around. Such a result may be especially cruel to a blind person. But this is the game, and he must accept it."

Su Yuqing, Qin Xiaoyue, and Xia Xiaoyu were all a little sad.

This is the last result they want to see.

But it turned out to be so.

Li Han sighed softly and said, "He is a person worthy of respect. If he can continue to stick to his dreams, this stage will not be his end."

Liang Yongdao: "I hope so."



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