This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 945 He should have a representative song of his own

Hearing Xiao Yunsheng say this, the four mentors and all the audience were even more dejected.

It’s okay to be born blind, but after recovering a certain amount of vision, he will become blind again.

The blow is simply unimaginable.

I don't know if the ten years of having vision were lucky or unfortunate?

Must be lucky.

Thirteen years is a long time. During these thirteen years, Xiao Yunsheng was able to see the colors in the world, the people he wanted to see, and everything he wanted to see.

That should be lucky enough.

Only thirteen years later, all this disappeared from the eyes.

Moreover, it is very likely that it will disappear forever, which is too cruel.

No one knows how Xiao Yunsheng survived such a blow? Just know that it must be very, very difficult.

Maybe it was the pursuit of music and the dedication to singing that made him survive.

But the more so, the more embarrassing and unbearable he is about to be eliminated tonight.

He really shouldn't be eliminated!

But the reality is so cruel.

Maybe the four mentors regretted it at this moment, but the result could not be changed.

Fortunately, Xiao Yunsheng should be an extremely strong and optimistic person, and he has survived such a big blow before.

Tonight's blow shouldn't make him too sad.

And, you should adjust your mentality soon.

Thinking of this, I feel a lot better.

in the player lounge.

The other nineteen contestants tonight were also a little sad at this time.

"After all, there is no mentor to turn around for him, which is really cruel."

"He shouldn't be eliminated, he should go further on this stage."

"He won't give up.

He is sure to be a good singer. "

"Let's applaud him when he comes back later."


All the players were willing to send their blessings to Xiao Yunsheng.

on the stage.

Wang Junsheng said: "Xiao Yunsheng, I really regret that you are leaving this stage. At this time, I really don't know what to say? I just really want to see you singing on such a big stage again. And, no longer as a player, but as a singer."

Xiao Yunsheng said, "Thank you, Teacher Wang Junsheng. I also hope that this day will come as soon as possible. I will work hard."

Ye Xiaowen said: "Me too. When you sing as a singer on a stage like this next time, I will definitely go to the scene to cheer for you."

Xiao Yunsheng said, "Thank you, Teacher Ye Xiaowen, that will be my greatest honor."

Listening to the instructors say this, all the audience were first delighted, but soon sighed again.

The instructors' words were of course sincere, but honestly, they were basically words of comfort and encouragement.

How easy is it to sing as a singer on such a big stage?

At least for Xiao Yunsheng at the moment, it is no different from talking in the wild.

Let's take it as a kind of dream, although it is not out of reach, but there is still a long way to go.

The audience all sighed.

On the second floor.

Liang Yong also sighed: "As far as he is concerned, it is indeed very difficult to get on such a big stage as a singer. If there is a chance in the future, I will try my best to help him win it. If he can have a song If you have a song that belongs to you, and you can come up with it, I hope it should be not small."

Li Han said: "If he wants to become a real singer recognized by the outside world, he should indeed have at least one representative song of his own. With his current singing level, he can also sing his own songs."

Liang Yongdao: "It's very easy to sing your own songs. Many musicians are selling their own original songs, and some are very cheap. He just wants to buy dozens of songs. Moreover, he actually has the ability to write songs himself. It's just that, whether it's a song he bought or a song he created, it doesn't make any sense. Because the quality is too bad. Even if you sing ten or a hundred songs, there won't be any Meaning. His singing ability is really good, but his ability to write songs, to be honest, really needs to be improved to a large extent. And the quality is high enough to become his representative songs, with his current It's basically impossible to get the ability. Even if he has enough money to buy it, there is no way to buy it. Therefore, it is really difficult for him to have a representative song of his own now."

Li Han nodded and said, "What Director Liang said is indeed the truth. However, sometimes things that seem very difficult may often turn out to be very simple."

"This..." Liang Yong wondered, "Mr. Li Han means..."

Li Han smiled and said, "Meeting is fate. Director Liang, after he leaves the stage later, can you arrange for a staff member to invite him here? I want to have a few words with him."

Liang Yong was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Li Han meant, and couldn't help but be very pleasantly surprised.

At the same time, he was very emotional and said, "Xiao Yunsheng has such a chance! Good! Good! This is the best reward for his persistence in his dreams."

Su Yuqing, Qin Xiaoyue, and Xia Xiaoyu were also overjoyed.

Su Yuqing said, "It's really nice that you are willing to help him."

Li Han sighed lightly: "I just hope to add color to him in his dark world."

Liang Yong said with emotion: "Mr. Li Han's color may change his life. His life is unfortunate, but he is lucky to meet Mr. Li Han. Mr. Li Han, I am willing to go there in person. Invite him here. And, I'm thinking, maybe we can let him on this stage to realize his first, maybe also his final dream. What does Mr. Li Han think?"

Li Han said: "Of course this is good. But Director Liang, this is a live broadcast, will there be no problem?"

Liang Yongdao: "No. I will arrange everything in advance so that there will be no problems with the live broadcast. I will also discuss with the four mentors and other contestants, I believe they will understand and support. As for the audience, they should Even more pleasantly surprised.”

Li Han nodded and said, "That's fine. Director Liang, this issue of "The Voice" may be the most special issue."

Liang Yongdao: "This is also the meaning of our "Good Voice"."

Li Han smiled slightly and said, "Director Liang, I promised to help you plan such a program. It was indeed a very correct decision."

Liang Yong laughed and said, "I'm really happy to have Mr. Li Han say that."

Su Yuqing, Qin Xiaoyue, and Xia Xiaoyu also know what will happen next?

They have unprecedented expectations.



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