This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 947 This news is too unexpected, too surprising

Xiao Yunsheng's mood was always difficult to calm down.

I was just sad because I was eliminated, but now I have such an opportunity.

The great joy after the great sorrow is the most unbelievable.

Liang Yong also said in surprise: "Mr. Li Han, has the song been written yet?"

Li Han nodded and said, "Director Liang wrote it during the time he went to invite Mr. Xiao."

Liang Yong laughed and said: "I have heard that Mr. Li Han is writing songs very fast, and today I finally saw it. I wonder if I can take a look?"

Liang Yong is looking forward to it, Li Han's song! It's the most coveted thing for almost any singer.

Li Han smiled and said, "Of course you can."

Saying that, he gave Liang Yong the musical notation he just wrote.

Liang Yong took it and couldn't wait to look at it. He could barely understand the musical notation.

Excited at a glance.

Although it wasn't a song written for him, he was excited.

Seeing a song like this is an exciting thing.

Also, he was very happy for Xiao Yunsheng. With this song, Xiao Yunsheng will officially become a singer who will be known and recognized by the outside world.

It used to be a rough road, but now it has become a smooth road in an instant.

Things that are very complicated can sometimes be very simple.

As long as there is enough chance.

Liang Yong sighed in his heart.

Then, there is another reason why he is so excited, and that is to let Xiao Yunsheng sing this song on the stage of "The Voice" later.

As soon as this song is sung, the ratings will skyrocket again, which is the most basic.

More importantly, this will make this issue of "The Voice" more meaningful, and the word-of-mouth will definitely take it to a higher level.

This show will become like the king of talent shows.

Liang Yong was naturally excited.

Of course, the premise is that Xiao Yunsheng can quickly master this song and dare to return to the stage of "The Voice" to sing this song.

Can Xiao Yunsheng do it?

At this time, Xiao Yunsheng finally slowly regained his calm.

Liang Yong told Xiao Yunsheng of his plans.

Xiao Yunsheng was extremely surprised and surprised, and trembled, "Director Liang, you mean I can return to the stage of "The Voice" and sing this song?"

Liang Yongdao: "Yes, I am willing to arrange this for Mr. Xiao. Of course, the premise is that Mr. Xiao can quickly master the song."

Xiao Yunsheng was very excited after hearing this.

He thought he would never have the chance to be on the stage of "The Voice" again, but he didn't expect to be able to return to the stage of "The Voice" so soon.

As for whether you can master that song quickly? Xiao Yunsheng thinks that there is no problem, he must do it.

He's confident, as long as the songs aren't too complicated.

For nearly three decades, his world has only been music.

Although he has no talent in songwriting, he cannot create good works. But it's not a problem to quickly master a song in a short period of time.

Of course, the premise is that someone will help him "see" the score, after all, his own eyes can't see it.

He said, "Director Liang, Mr. Li Han, thank you for giving me this opportunity. I will definitely master this song in a short time."

Li Han said: "This song is not complicated, plus I personally helped Mr. Xiao. It shouldn't be a big problem."

Xiao Yunsheng said with deep gratitude, "Thank you, Mr. Li Han!"

Li Han added: "Mr. Xiao doesn't have to be so polite. However, when Mr. Xiao returns to the stage of "The Voice", he will no longer be a contestant, and the mentors will no longer turn around for you. This stage is only for you A chance to show yourself. However, if Mr. Xiao is confident enough, you will be on stage as a singer."

"Singer?" Xiao Yunsheng trembled again and said solemnly, "Thank you Mr. Li Han, I will not disappoint Mr. Li Han."

Then he said to Liang Yong, "I won't let Director Liang down. Thank you very much for everything you have done for me."

Li Han and Liang Yong looked at each other and smiled, both of them felt that all this was very meaningful.

Afterwards, Li Han said, "We believe in you and look forward to your return to the stage of "The Voice" and rebirth."

"Nirvana rebirth?" Xiao Yunsheng trembled again, and then bowed deeply.

Afterwards, the group went to the music room of Magic Capital TV, where Li Han personally instructed Xiao Yunsheng to practice songs.

And let the band of Magic City TV practice playing the soundtrack.

There is no time to make a backing tape, only to let the band score live.

For professional bands, this is not difficult.


The show is still going on.

After Xiao Yunsheng, the players came on stage one after another, and each player still had something very impressive and impressive.

But about Xiao Yunsheng's situation, it was always in the minds of all the audience, lingering.

Every now and then, he would sigh.

On the Internet, attention has always been on Xiao Yunsheng, and Xiao Yunsheng's name has always been on the hot search list.

Many people still feel regret and sigh for Xiao Yunsheng's elimination.

In their hearts, the four mentors also remembered Xiao Yunsheng.

They all still regret not turning around for Xiao Yunsheng.

I don't know if Xiao Yunsheng's dream of becoming a singer can be realized.

Then, the voice of the chief director Liang Yong suddenly came out of their headphones.

Liang Yong personally communicated with the four mentors.

After the connection, the four mentors were all surprised that Xiao Yunsheng had such an opportunity.

For what Liang Yong said, they fully supported and said they would cooperate well.

They were sincerely happy for Xiao Yunsheng.

In this case, Xiao Yunsheng was eliminated from the competition, which was definitely a blessing in disguise.

If it hadn't been eliminated, there would certainly not have been such a chance.

God really loves those who are obsessed with their dreams.

Finally, there is no need to regret not turning around for Xiao Yunsheng.

The instructors only felt that their mood suddenly relaxed a lot.

The audience still didn't know what Liang Yong discussed with the tutors, so the audience's mood was not yet relaxed.

However, after several more players appeared, the host Yang Sheng came on stage and announced something that made all the audience feel extremely surprised, excited and excited.

Yang Sheng said that after Xiao Yunsheng was eliminated from the competition, Li Han, who witnessed the whole thing at the scene, took the initiative to write a song for Xiao Yunsheng.

After all the contestants have finished singing later, Xiao Yunsheng will return to the stage of "The Voice" and sing the songs that Li Han wrote for him live.

No longer as a contestant, but as a singer.

This news surprised all the audience, and was extremely surprised, excited and excited.

This surprise was too sudden and shocking!

It shocked all the audience, not knowing how to express their excitement.

It just feels like they've never been so excited and excited!

Xiao Yunsheng had such a chance!

The song that Li Han wrote for Xiao Yunsheng himself was so exciting!


It's the Dragon Boat Festival again.

Year by year.

I wish everyone a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


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