This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 949 Return to the stage, rebirth of Nirvana

Everyone is looking forward to Xiao Yunsheng's return to the stage and the songs that Li Han wrote for Xiao Yunsheng.

Time is running out.

Today's last contestant has taken the stage to sing.

The singing is still very good, but unfortunately there is no mentor to turn around for him.

The players were very frustrated and regretted leaving the field.

Of course all the spectators feel sorry for the players too.

In fact, when every player is eliminated, the audience will feel sorry for the player.

It's just that Xiao Yunsheng was eliminated, and the audience felt the most regret.

Of course, now everyone no longer regrets Xiao Yunsheng being eliminated.

On the contrary, he was very fortunate that Xiao Yunsheng was eliminated.

Now, the last contestant leaves the field.

Originally, this issue of "The Voice" should have ended here.

All the viewers should be left with unfinished emotion, "How come it's over! I haven't seen enough of it yet" and the like.

Just like the end of the last issue of The Voice.

But now, no audience is so emotional, and no audience feels reluctant.

Everyone was even more excited and excited.

The reason is of course because Xiao Yunsheng should return to the stage next.

Finally waited.

All the audiences were very excited, including the new audiences who came specially for Li Han's new song.

At this time, they also fully understood Xiao Yunsheng's story, were moved by Xiao Yunsheng's dedication to his dream, and were happy that Xiao Yunsheng received a song from Li Han.

Xiao Yunsheng's situation was so special, what kind of song did Li Han write for Xiao Yunsheng at the scene? I can finally hear it right away.

Excited, like never before.

Almost all the singers in the entertainment industry were all waiting in front of the TV, and they were also a little excited.

Of course, the envy of Xiao Yunsheng never stopped.

In the player lounge in the backcourt, all 19 players who had finished singing should have left.

But all the players have not left yet, they will not leave until Xiao Yunsheng finishes singing.

On the stage, the four mentors were also waiting for Xiao Yunsheng to appear again.

With the songs that Li Han wrote for Xiao Yunsheng, they finally no longer have to regret not turning around for Xiao Yunsheng.

They were sincerely happy for Xiao Yunsheng.

They also did not expect that Xiao Yunsheng would be able to sing on such a big stage as a singer so quickly.

Li Han's songwriting speed is as fast as rumored.

So, what kind of song is it?

The four mentors are also very curious and looking forward to it.

And Xiao Yunsheng was ready to appear.

With Li Han's personal help, he has completely mastered the song.

At this time, his heart was unprecedentedly excited.

He got a song that, for him, was the best song in the world.

Xiao Yunsheng was very sure that there would not be any song that was more suitable for him than this one.

For him, there is no song better than this one.

This song made him see colors, see the world, and see hope.

He has never liked a song so much as he does now. Never before have I felt like hope was at hand.

This song is a priceless gift from Li Han to him.

The gratitude to Li Han in my heart is much better than before.

He walked out of the player tunnel again, still walking very slowly, still unable to see the stage and the enthusiastic audience in front of him.

But this time, his steps were more steady and firm.

After this song, he may become a real singer.

When Xiao Yunsheng's figure appeared on the stage again, the audience immediately burst into tsunami-like applause.

All the audience and the four mentors applauded.

There were no cheers and screams, only applause.

Applause is the most appropriate.

Xiao Yunsheng stood on the stage and bowed deeply in the direction of the four mentors and the audience.

After a while, he slowly straightened up.

The applause only slowly stopped at this time.

Xiao Yunsheng tried his best to adjust his emotions and said: "Hello everyone, I'm back again. I really feel like I'm in a dream now. Thank you Mr. Li Han, thank you Director Liang, thank you for the "Voice" program, and thank you Magic Capital TV , and thank you all.”

After speaking, Xiao Yunsheng bowed deeply again. There was applause once again.

After that, Xiao Yunsheng said again: "Now I will sing this song here, the song that Mr. Li Han wrote to me. It is the best song for me. I hope everyone likes it. The title of the song is "" you are my eye"."

"You Are My Eyes", finally knowing the song title, everyone nodded slowly.

Just by looking at the title of the song, you know that this song was written specifically for Xiao Yunsheng.

So much looking forward to it!

Everyone, including the four mentors, was ready to listen.

The prelude music is soothing, soft, and very comfortable to listen to.

Xiao Yunsheng slowly put the microphone to his mouth and sang:

"If I could see,

You can easily distinguish between day and night.

accurately in the crowd,

hold your hand.

If I could see,

can take you around in a car,

You can be surprised from behind,

Give you a hug.


The melody was soothing, Xiao Yunsheng sang in a low voice.

Everyone was listening quietly, as if they were gradually entering Xiao Yunsheng's inner world.

What he sang was not so much the lyrics as the monologue of Xiao Yunsheng's heart.

This is what he desires most.

For normal people, these are normal things that can be seen as soon as they open their eyes.

But for Xiao Yunsheng, these are the biggest desires in his heart.

Everyone was touched.

At the same time, I also understood why Xiao Yunsheng said that this song was the best song for him.

It's really the best song.

Perhaps, for Xiao Yunsheng, there will be no better song than this song.

This song can be said to be completely created from Xiao Yunsheng's perspective. After listening to the song, people can really feel Xiao Yunsheng's heart, a real world that can be heard, touched, and smelled.

Is this the song that Li Han wrote specifically for Xiao Yunsheng?

To create such a song can be said to be extremely difficult.

But Li Han easily created it in a short period of time, and everyone really felt it again. Why is Li Han called the first person in music?

The four mentors shook their heads with emotion, and Li Han was indeed much stronger than them.

Can they create such a song from Xiao Yunsheng's perspective?

Disaster! Very difficult! Maybe not at all.

Perhaps only Li Han can do it.

This is the thought of the four mentors at this time.

"If I could see,

Life may be completely different.

Maybe what I want, what I like, what I love,

are not the same.

The black in front of you is not black,

What white are you talking about?

You said the sky is blue,

In my memory, the blue sky behind the white clouds.


The melody is melodious, and Xiao Yunsheng's inner monologue continues.

Everyone, including the four mentors, still listened carefully.

Listen, listen, and gradually become a little sentimental.

They thought that Xiao Yunsheng could regain his sight again, even for a moment.

A moment is too short to see a lot of things, but at least you can look up at the sky. "Sky blue" is indeed the blue sky behind the white clouds in his memory.

But even such a small wish may not come true.

Xiao Yunsheng might not be able to regain his sight even for a moment.

However, everyone was quite sure that the song Xiao Yunsheng sang back on stage had brought him back to life.

He has seen hope and seen the future.


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