After signing the contract, Li Han, Jared, and Gong Zhangming visited the village again.

At this time, Jared was in a better mood than before, and he looked very interested in everything he saw.

At noon, Li Han naturally invited two people to dinner.

Jared, who is used to eating Western food, was full of praise for the food on the table, and even said it was delicious.

When the ingredients themselves are good enough, all other problems are no longer a problem.

After eating, Jared also expressed his desire to go to Jiulong Gorge to have a look.

Li Han naturally accompanied him, and when he arrived at the riverside ferry, he shook a bamboo raft and carried Jared and Gong Zhangming to the Jiulong Gorge slowly.

Along the way, Jared naturally praised and sighed again.

The beauty of the scenery along the way is far beyond his imagination.

By the time I walked around the Jiulong Gorge and returned to the village, it was already late.

At the ferry, Jared asked Li Han curiously, what is the place to go upstream along the river? Isn't the scenery just as beautiful?

Li Han said that the scenery going upstream is completely different from the scenery going downstream.

Going upstream for 20 to 30 kilometers, we began to enter a virgin jungle with a very wide area.

When Jared heard the primitive jungle, he immediately became very interested, and even asked Li Han if he could go to the primitive jungle for a walk?

Li Han said that at most, he can move outside the jungle, but not deep into the jungle, because it is too dangerous inside.

Li Han is now a master of art and daring, with top skills and a mysterious storage space.

He dared to go deep into the jungle alone. But he will not lead others to go deep, and he will also warn others not to go deep.

At the same time, the village also prohibits tourists from entering the jungle.

Not even outside the jungle.

If anyone tries to forcibly enter, do so at their own risk.

Jared got excited and asked Li Han if he could take him to the jungle tomorrow? Indicates that only activities outside the jungle can be.

Li Han nodded,

Said that if he was only active in the outskirts of the jungle, he could take him for a walk tomorrow.

Jared was very excited. After thanking Li Han, he asked Gong Zhangming if he was going?

Gong Zhangming was a little hesitant. He had some instinctive fear of the word "primitive jungle".

But inexplicably a little excited and yearning.

Thinking of having Li Han with him, he finally gritted his teeth and expressed his willingness to go with him.

Gong Zhangming would definitely not have gone without Li Han.

Without Li Han, he felt uneasy and always felt that there would be danger.

With Li Han around, he could barely overcome the fear of the primitive jungle in his heart.

Then, we made an appointment and set off for the virgin jungle upstream tomorrow morning.

Now go to the restaurant for dinner.

After eating, Jared and Gong Zhangming went to Xunxian Town to stay.

The hotel in the village is still under construction and will be officially put into use in a few months.


Lan country.

Houghton TV.

Balis received a call from Jared from the town of Xunxian in Yan Kingdom.

Soon, Barris exclaimed in disbelief and said, "Jared, you paid 250,000 for a 25-minute cartoon episode. Are you crazy?"

"Barris, don't get excited. I know the price is really high. But I think it's worth it. Maybe, "Transformers" will bring us an unexpected surprise."

"No, Jared. I don't think I really should have agreed to bring in this work before."

"But now I've signed a contract. Barris, you should have confidence in this work."

"Jared, I'm so sorry. I don't think I'm full of confidence. Because I'm thinking now, when this news gets out, how will other TV peers, or even the outside world, laugh at us? This is really a stupid Decide."

"Barris, maybe before long you'll change your mind."

"Really? I really hope there will be that time. And now, I just hope the damn news doesn't get known to the outside world."

"Barris, we don't need to be secretive. It's up to them to laugh at the outside world now. Soon, they will know that they are laughing at us now. It is a stupid act."

"Really? But it's us who I feel stupid right now."

"Trust me, you won't feel that way any time soon."

"I really, really hope that what you say is true."


After hanging up, Barris was silent.

After a long time, he finally sighed and said to himself, "Jared, I hope your vision is right this time."

Afterwards, Barris let his assistant Johnny enter the office and said, "Johnny, notify all the staff of the cartoon column for a meeting."

Johnny nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Barris. Mr. Barris, did we succeed in introducing an animation from the Yan Kingdom?"

Balis said, "That's true. Jared has signed a contract with that person named Li Han in Yan Kingdom."

Johnny said: "This was expected. Our Houghton TV station is willing to introduce that work. That person named Li Han must be very excited and excited? He is even willing to give it to us for free without money. Yes? Mr. Barriss."

Barris twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "I'm sorry, Johnny, things are not what you think. In fact, Jared spent 250,000 per episode to introduce that work. Yan Guo's side currency unit."

"250,000 episodes?" Johnson exclaimed in disbelief. "Mr. Barris, are you sure it's 250,000 episodes, not 250,000 for the entire work?"

Ballis said: "It's definitely 250,000 episodes. One episode is 25 minutes."

Johnson said in shock: "Mr. Barris, this price is ridiculously high! Why do we need to pay such a high price?"

"I wanted to ask Jared this question too," Barris said. "But that's what it is now. We can only hope that when the cartoon airs, we'll think the price is worth it."

Johnny took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I see, Mr. Barriss. I'll go and notify the people in the cartoon column for a meeting."

Ballis nodded.

Then soon, relevant news spread inside Houghton TV.

Anyone who heard the news was amazed.

It's understandable that the cartoon column is eager to get rid of the current embarrassing situation, but it can't do such a ridiculous operation!

It is really absurd to use the price of 250,000 episodes to introduce an animation of the Yan Kingdom.

They are the fifth largest TV station, so doing this will make other colleagues, even outsiders, watch jokes!

Why is Jared doing this?

Everyone on the TV station felt incomprehensible.

Many people sighed, this time I am afraid it is really going to be a shame.

I hope none of this is true.


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