This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 974 More TV stations come to buy copyright

Then, Li Han also heard Jared say that there should be TV stations in many countries in the West intending to introduce "Transformers".

Some of the TV station people should have already been on their way to Yuanxi Village.

Li Han was not surprised by this.

The high ratings of Hughton TV will definitely attract the attention of TV stations in other countries.

And this is of course a good thing for Li Han.

"Transformers" officially opened the prelude to more countries in the world after entering the island country and the Lan country.

And animation is just the beginning.

"Transformers" toys and other peripheral products are also destined to follow the pace of animation to the world.

Li Han estimated that a toy dealer would soon come to Lan Guo.

Such a huge business opportunity, any toy dealer with a slightly more sensitive sense of smell should be able to smell it.

Of course it is.

There are two largest toy dealers in Lanzhou, Zhimei Toys and Baileys Toys.

Headquarters of Zhimei Toys Company.

The chief Caleri called an emergency high-level meeting.

Caleri said: "The animation "Transformers" introduced by Houghton TV from Yan Guo has achieved amazing results. Now, if "Transformers" is made into a toy, what do you think of the market prospects?"

Marketing Director Embalba said: "Mr Caleri, we are still discussing this issue. We think the market is very promising. The toys that will be made will be very popular with children. Even adults may not be able to. some interest."

Caleri nodded and said, "I think so too. This will be a huge business opportunity. So, I'm going to fly to Yan Kingdom soon, and personally go to Yuanxi Village to talk to Li Han about cooperation."

Embalba said, "Will Mr. Caleri go in person?"

Carrey said: "Yes, I will go in person. It's not just our Wisdom Toys who found business opportunities. Therefore, it is not easy to negotiate a successful cooperation this time. I hope our luck can be better. "

Embalba said: "There should be no problem. I think our luck will be very good."

"I hope so," Caleri said.



Baileys toy company headquarters.

The person in charge, Roca, said: "Okay. I'm going to Yan Kingdom. I hope my negotiation this time will go smoothly."

Marketing Director Lopez said: "Good luck, Mr. Rocca. I heard that Caleri will also go to Chimei in person. This time the negotiation is not easy."

Roca said: "Lopez, as you said. But I will not come back empty-handed."

Lopez said: "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Rocca."


In addition to Zhimei Toys and Baili Toys, the heads of other toy companies in Languo also set off to Yuanxi Village in Yanguo.

They knew they shouldn't be able to compete with Chimei and Baileys this time around.

However, if such a huge business opportunity is not as good as fighting for it, how can it be reconciled?

Zhimei toys and Baileys toys eat meat, and it is also good for them to drink soup.


At the same time, countless viewers and ordinary netizens in Lan Guo are still discussing enthusiastically on the Internet, Li Han, the author of "Transformers".

Everyone is very interested to know more about Li Han.

Jared thinks the time has finally come.

He finally planned to post what he saw and heard in Yuanxi Village, including the photos and videos he took, on the Internet.

When he was still in Yuanxi Village, he planned to do this.

He wanted to let more Lan people know about Yuanxi Village and Li Han.

But after he returned to Lan, he did not do so immediately.

At that time, "Transformers" had just started broadcasting, and its influence was still limited, and everyone had no interest in the author Li Han.

If it is uploaded at that time, the effect will obviously not be very good.

He has to wait for the best time.

Now, the best time has come.

Therefore, Jared no longer hesitated to upload the edited document.

Then start to read the comments of netizens.

He is very interested to see how netizens will comment?

When I first started, I saw not many netizens and not many comments.

However, as the popularity continued to rise, more and more people saw it, and the comments kept going "swoosh".

"Oh! God! Is this true? This is unbelievable!"

"This is the personal experience of Mr. Jared of Hughton TV. It is absolutely 100% credible. I believe Mr. Jared."

"But these photos and videos are really unbelievable. Is there such a magical place in the Yan Kingdom?"

"Mr. Jared is also saying that the ingredients produced by Li Han's farm are the best in the world. Moreover, this is the conclusion that Mr. Jared came to after tasting it himself. The previous statement is actually true?"

"It does appear to be true. It is unimaginable."

"What is the taste of the best ingredients in the world? I really hope to have the opportunity to taste it. It's a pity that Yuanxi Village is in the distant Yan Kingdom."

"Friends with conditions can go there! Then tell us if it's true?"

"You must find a chance to go there once."

"Let's look at Li Han's other materials. It turns out that Li Han is so strong, no wonder he was able to create works like "Transformers"."

"It turns out that Li Han is so famous in the Yan Kingdom. I wonder if he will be famous in the world in the future?"

"That's for sure. And, it's started now. At least in our country, he's starting to gain fame."

"Yes, it has indeed begun."


Jared was very happy watching the various comments from netizens.

The effect is better than he imagined.

He had said to Li Han in Yuanxi Village, and now he has done it.

He is very much looking forward to embarking on a trip to Yuanxi Village again.


Yuanxi Village.

Heads of TV stations from many western countries have arrived at Yuanxi Village one after another.

For example, Melendo, the head of Baiguo Bass TV.

Another example is Ronaldo, the head of Keqin TV in Denmark.

Li Han warmly received all the guests.

Regardless of whether the final cooperation can be negotiated? Visitors are always guests.

Yuanxi Village is very hospitable.

The negotiation was easier than Li Han imagined.

Li Han offered a price of 450,000 yuan per episode, and the heads of each TV station agreed directly without any hesitation.

He also urged Li Han to sign the contract quickly, as if he was afraid that Li Han would go back on it.

Li Han's asking price was much higher than what he had previously offered to Jared.

It's not because he's sitting on the ground and raising prices. But because Jared, as the first person to come to him, deserves a relatively low price.

Therefore, Li Han's asking price is much higher than before, so as to reflect that what Jared received before was a low price.

He originally thought that the heads of the TV stations would be a little hesitant, but he didn't expect them to be so straightforward and look impatient.

Some surprises, but when you think about it, it's not surprising.

"Transformers" can achieve such amazing results on Houghton TV.

What is the price of a mere 450,000 episodes?


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