This Star is a bit Salty

Chapter 990 Entering the Theater

Some scenic spots are even considering, is it possible to invite Li Han to visit their scenic spots?

It seems that you can give it a try. Even if Li Han refuses, it doesn't matter.

Many scenic spots are eager to try.


And the poetry meeting in Jianmenguan Scenic Spot finally ended in the excitement of everyone.

This time, the poetry will be an unprecedented success.

Huang Ming was excited, Jianmenguan Scenic Spot was excited, and everyone who participated in the poetry meeting was equally excited.

Of course Luo Xue was also very excited, and her eyes were full of joy.

The poetry meeting was over, because not all the people who participated in the poetry meeting were from Hongzhou, but from many parts of the country.

So, after everyone had a meal together in the capital of Funan Province, they went home separately.

And Li Han accompanied Luo Xue to Hongzhou.

Anyway, there is nothing to do at home, so I went to Hongzhou for a turn.

That afternoon, Luo Xue asked Li Han, "Do you still remember the work you created before, called "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai"?"

Li Han smiled and said, "I definitely remember it! How could I forget my own work. That work was also made into a movie. Why did you suddenly mention this?"

Luo Xue smiled and said, "Then do you know that this work has now been adapted into a drama?"

Li Han smiled and said, "I know! It was adapted by the Beijing Grand Theater. They have to buy the copyright of the adaptation from me!"

Luo Xue said again: "Then do you know that the cast of "The Liang Zhu" at the Beijing Grand Theater will be performing at the Hongzhou Theater in the next few days?"

Li Han said: "I don't know this."

Luo Xue said, "Don't you know? Have you seen "The Liang Zhu" at the theater?"

Li Han said: "There is no such thing."

Luo Xue smiled again and said, "That's good, let's go to see it today. There are three performances today, and one of them starts at 7 pm. Let's go to this one. How about it?"

Li Han smiled and said, "Okay! Just in time to see how the adaptation is going?"

Falling snow rejoices,

Said, "Then I'll buy two tickets now."

Having said that, he took out his mobile phone for a while and bought two tickets.

At 6:30 in the evening, after an early meal, the two arrived at the Hongzhou Theater.

The Hongzhou Theater looks very high-end and atmospheric, and Li Han couldn't help but praise: "This theater is not bad! At this level, it may not be worse than the Beijing Grand Theater!"

Luo Xue said proudly, "That's it."

However, he soon sighed again and said, "It's a pity that there are fewer and fewer people who like dramas. The attendance rate of Hongzhou Theater is not as good as every year."

Li Han said: "This is also something that can't be helped. Now that movies, TV dramas, and various games are constantly impacting, it is normal that the market for dramas is getting smaller and smaller."

Luo Xue nodded, it was indeed impossible.

But soon, Luo Xue laughed again: "However, the successful adaptation of "The Liang Zhu" has successfully revived a drama craze. The Beijing Grand Theater's "The Liang Zhu" crew is on a national tour this time. The response is good. The attendance rate of each performance can be guaranteed to be more than 50-60%. The highest attendance rate is even close to 100%."

Li Han smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to care so much about drama."

Luo Xue said: "This is our traditional culture, we must be concerned about it."

Li Han nodded and said, "That's right. By the way, hasn't "The Liang Zhu" been performed at the Hongzhou Theater for two days? How is the attendance rate?"

Luo Xue said happily: "Very good. The attendance rate is like 60-70%, and the highest one exceeded 80%."

Li Han nodded. For a drama, this attendance rate can indeed be said to be very high.

From this point of view, the drama market still has enough vitality.

As long as it is a drama that everyone is interested in, many people are still willing to go into the theater to watch it.

Luo Xue sighed: "That said. But the success of "The Liang Zhu" is difficult to replicate. The reason why "The Liang Zhu" is so successful is mainly because your "The Liang Zhu" is already very popular. In addition, at the end of the story, Liang Shanbo and Zhu The clips of Yingtai and Taiwan turning into butterflies are very interesting. Everyone will be very curious, how will the final butterfly clips be presented in the drama? Then, naturally, they are willing to go into the theater to see what happens. Therefore, "The Liang Zhu" The success is almost impossible to replicate.”

Li Han nodded, this is true.

There are many prerequisites for the success of "The Liang Zhu". Other dramas are almost difficult to replicate.

There should indeed be enough vitality in the drama market, but it is quite difficult to convert this vitality into attendance.

Sufficient vitality, it is almost equal to no vitality.

Li Han shook his head, forget it, don't think about it so much.

Then he asked: "That's right. In the drama "The Liang Zhu", how exactly did the final butterfly-turning fragment appear?"

Luo Xue smiled and said, "I haven't seen it yet! However, we will be able to see it soon."

Li Han nodded and said, "Okay. Then let's go in quickly."

Snowfall nodded.

The two entered the theater. It can be felt that the popularity is still quite high.

Luo Xue said: "It seems that the attendance rate of this game will be very good."

Li Han nodded and smiled: "This is a good thing."

As a result, the attendance rate was really good.

At 6:55 pm, there are still five minutes before the start.

The attendance rate is already around 70%.

While waiting for the official start of the play, everyone discussed.

"It's the first time I've watched a drama when I'm so old. It feels quite fresh."

"It was very fresh at the beginning. But after watching it for a long time, it will feel boring. Of course, I am not talking about this "The Liang Zhu". I am talking about other dramas. This is probably the reason why dramas are getting worse and worse."

"Anyway. I'm still very happy to be able to experience a drama because of "The Liang Zhu". Thanks to "The Liang Zhu"!"

"Me too. "The Liang Zhu" was the first drama I watched. However, it should be the last time."

"A lot of people are probably like that."


Hearing the comments from the surrounding audience, Luo Xue said helplessly: "Look, it's like this."

Li Han also smiled helplessly.

At this time, the play officially began.

The layout of the stage scenes is very realistic, the actors' acting skills are also very good, and the storytelling degree is also very high.

It looks very attractive!

Li Han's eyes are bright, and the adaptation is very good!

Luoxue's eyes are also bright. In any case, this "Liang Zhu" can be said to be very successful.

Even if it can't be replicated, it's enough to make people happy.

The faces of the other audience members were basically delighted.

Great performance! It was not in vain for them, who were not interested in drama, to go into the theater to watch it.

Other dramas may be boring to watch, but this "The Liang Zhu" is very exciting.

The whole play is scene after scene.

The last moment of the last scene is also the most classic moment of the entire play.

Two beautiful butterflies flew out of the tomb and lingered on the stage, casting a beautiful fluorescence all the way.

All the audiences said "wow" and were very excited to see it.

Don't know how the crew did it? It looks so realistic.

When the final scene ended, all the audience actually had a feeling of unfinished business.


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