In Han Jue's previous life, although his achievements as a screenwriter were not outstanding, at least he worked hard. Classic movies are repeatedly drawn, and even the script is printed and studied word by word. Analyze positioning, analyze composition, and analyze various reasons for success. After the analysis of classics, we analyze high-quality movies, and when we finish high-quality movies, we analyze popular movies.

Traveling to this world, it can be said that Han Jue has several sacks of high-quality movie scripts in his head.

Han Jue, who took over the position of director, has 100% support from investors. He doesn't need to worry about funds at all. He has all kinds of power in his hands and everything is ready, just waiting for him to make a movie.

At that time, Han Jue knew in his heart that it was too easy for him to become a blockbuster with a movie. Classic, unique, low-budget box-office dark horse... He can come up with it if he wants.

But Han Jue finally chose "Time and Space Traveler" as his debut work.

Because Han Jue believes that the hero Tim in "Time and Space Traveler" is too similar to him to some extent.

Han Jue traveled through time with a mind full of non-material wealth, but he didn't want to be someone who disturbed the situation, didn't want to be a king and hegemony, he just wanted to live a small life, occasionally get out the works in his head, just to please himself, At the same time, it serves as a carrier of memories, so that he will not get lost in another world.

Tim has the ability to travel in time and space with full operability, but he doesn't want to be a tycoon or a superman, he just wants to have a girlfriend, and he wants to fall in love.

Han Jue has a kind of sympathy and sympathy for Tim.

Moreover, Han Jue's experience after entering this world is similar to Tim's. Their lives have become different because they met a woman.

But before meeting that woman, Tim, like Han Jue's predecessor, also experienced a period of unrequited love.



Knowing his extraordinaryness, Tim is full of ambition and eager to fulfill his greatest wish in life-to have a girlfriend and fall in love. But Tim's country life didn't give him the opportunity to use his abilities.

Until he met a woman who made him fall in love unilaterally in the summer of the same year.

The woman, Charlotte, was a friend of Tim's sister and was going to spend the summer with them.

Charlotte is the kind of woman who comes out with soft music in the background. The sound and shape are excellent, and the colors are so vivid that the audience knows that there are no flowers on the screen, but they still have the feeling of seeing flowers.

Tim fell for the first time he saw Charlotte.

Everyone is not optimistic about Tim. Because a woman like Charlotte was at the top of the "food chain", Tim, who hadn't even come out of Novice Village, couldn't stand it.

Everyone who has seen the trailer remembers how clumsy Tim was in front of Charlotte, and sprayed half a bottle of sunscreen on Charlotte's back.

But everyone also remembers how Tim developed super powers to save the disaster scene, and then pretended lightly.

So the audience looked forward with great interest to how Tim would use super powers to cheat in the next relationship, turn the situation around, and make Charlotte fall in love with him.

What follows is the scene from the trailer. Charlotte and sister Tim were sunbathing and looking healthy. Charlotte asked Tim to help her apply sunscreen, and Tim obliged without hesitation, trotting over obligingly, and screwing things up. Tim shouted ten [No]s in a row, wanting to explode on the spot.

Seeing Tim's embarrassment, the younger sister laughed happily, while the father sighed while covering his forehead in the distance.

Fortunately, Tim remembered that he still has superpowers.

Superpowers save Tim.

When the camera turns, the world is at peace. Facing Charlotte's request, Tim pushed and pulled, walked over slowly, skillfully applied sunscreen on Charlotte, and shrugged nonchalantly when he was praised, saying that he was good at this. I don't know how many times he has crossed.

From this point of view, super powers are really useful when chasing girls.

However, I don't know whether it's because Tim has no experience in love, or he really has no talent. Tim's superpowers are not of much use in getting along with each other.

Until Charlotte was leaving, Tim's relationship with her didn't make much progress.

The audience couldn't accept it, thinking that Tim was an idiot, with such amazing superpowers, making infinite mistakes, and yet he still couldn't catch up with the girl?

Tim has a kind heart and doesn't get angry and use his superpowers in a bad way.

On Charlotte's last night before leaving, Tim decided to confess his love.

Tim clenched his fists and came to Charlotte's room nervously: "I want to ask you a question."

Charlotte smiled and waited for Tim to ask him. However, I don't know what Charlotte thought of. Her face changed, and before Tim asked the question, she said, "Wait! The question you want to ask...isn't it related to feelings?"

Just blocked Tim's question in one shot.

Tim wanted to say no coolly, but finally admitted that it was a relationship problem.

"It's a pity you didn't speak until the last night." Charlotte looked regretful, as if blaming Tim for confessing earlier. He also said that the confession on the last night was a bit insulting to her.

Tim was so excited to hear that!

The passage of time is irreversible for others, but for him, he can go back to the past to achieve what [I knew it earlier] and [I should do this].

Tim time-traveled to the halfway point of the summer vacation. At this time, he had been together for a month, and his confession would not be abrupt.

"We've known each other for a month, and I found that I couldn't help falling in love with you. I can't help but like you, because you are so beautiful..." Tim said affectionately, and then praised Charlotte's appearance, boasting After that, he praised his character, "Of course, even if you are not so good-looking, I will still like you... I just want to know, do you have feelings for me?"

Tim looked directly at Charlotte.

Charlotte is a very smart girl, showing the intelligence of the top carnivorous overlord of the "food chain". She thought for a while, and moved closer to Tim, with the same smile on her face.

"Well," Charlotte's eyes reflected the light, "Why don't you come and ask me on the last night."

"last night?"

"Yes, the last night!" Charlotte smiled brightly, as if asking her at that time would surprise her.

But Tim is someone who has lived through [The Last Night], his eyes have lost their luster, and he tries to manage the expression on his face so that it doesn't show sad, frustrated, cheated anger...

The sad piano sounded, and Tim left Charlotte's room in a daze.

"Thank you."

Tim understands that even if he has unlimited opportunities for trial and error, people who don't like him still won't like him.

"Lesson 1: Traveling through time doesn't make people fall in love with you."

Those viewers who thought Tim was too stupid and timid also fell silent after hearing this sentence.

At the end of the summer vacation, watching Charlotte leave, Tim waved his hand and watched Charlotte leave with a complicated look. After this farewell, he felt that he would never meet again.

"The love of my life just left."

Soon, Tim will be leaving the country too.

Uncle gave Tim some coins to save money in the big city.

Dad sent Tim a few words of blessing, hoping that he would take root in Shanghai, "Don't call home often, your mother doesn't like to be disturbed."

Mom didn't come to see him off, and my sister was very reluctant for him to leave.

After all, Tim left, to Modu.

In the brisk music, Tim walked through the streets and alleys of Shanghai, and stood in front of a villa: "I will live in my father's friend's house. He is a drama director and an American."

Tim thought he would get on well with the landlord and roommate.

However, the landlord's attitude is quite violent. The landlord opened the door, looked at Tim outside the door, and said word by word: "What do you want to do?"

Tim was dumbfounded, and said tremblingly that his father had introduced him.

The grumpy landlord let Tim into the house impatiently, warning: "You better not make a sound, or I will kill you."

Tim was terrified.

Then the landlord took Tim to visit the house, going up from the first floor to the first floor. There were photos and paintings hanging on the walls of the corridor, and he introduced with a bad face, "This is my wife and daughter", "This is Pei Qing's painting" ...

Tim started life in the magic city.

Tim is a lawyer and works in a law firm full of foreigners in Shanghai. There are all men there, and there is no chance for Tim to develop a relationship.

Six months passed as Tim went to and from get off work, repeating his day-to-day life. There is always only one colleague named Luo Rui who has a good relationship with him, male.

"No matter how many girls there are in the world, I'm still with Rory in the end." Tim's narration is full of helplessness and frustration about life.

Tim thought that this hopeless day would last for a long time, but the turning point in his life came so casually.

"Until one night, I went to a new place, and a miracle happened." Tim said.

A good gay friend who appeared in the country was going to take Tim to a restaurant, talking about blind people and darkness all the way.

Tim didn't seem very interested.

"Oh!" an audience in the screening hall exclaimed.

The other viewers were slightly dissatisfied, and they were enjoying watching, so don't make any strange noises.

"Oh! There is..." Immediately afterwards, a second person exclaimed.

Then the third, the fourth.

The rest of the viewers now know that the problem is in the picture, and they look carefully, trying to find something surprising in the picture.


"Bite of Tongue Road!" Someone pointed out the road that Tim took, which was near [Bite of Tongue Road] in Shanghai.

The rest of the audience suddenly realized, but they didn't find this surprising. After all, the background of the movie is set in Shanghai, so it is not uncommon for [Road on the Tip of the Tongue] to appear.

Then, a restaurant appeared on the screen.

"This is the restaurant!" Now many people know. Because many people recognized the restaurant that Tim and his colleagues went to, it was the restaurant where Han Jue and Zhang Yiman met in the first issue of "My Love"!

"Welcome both of you, I hope you will like the characteristics of our store," the restaurant owner welcomed Tim.

Even the boss in the movie is the real restaurant boss himself!

Everyone understands. Combining with Tim's previous narration, Han Jue wanted to film the place where the "miracle" that Tim said happened in this restaurant that meant a lot to him and Zhang Yiman.

[What miracle can there be, that is, the hero and heroine met! ] Countless people thought.

"Whoa~~~" The audience booing became louder and louder.

Looking at the movie again, some people feel that the next story between the hero and heroine is the story between Han Jue and Zhang Yiman.

On the screen, the boss said with a smile: "In addition, Zhang Yiman likes this restaurant very much and often comes here. Maybe after you go in, Zhang Yiman is sitting at the next table."

After hearing this, Tim's tired expression slightly improved. He, who was originally lacking in interest, inevitably became a little interested in this restaurant.


Amidst the uproar, Zhang Yiman looked at the familiar scene on the screen, covered his mouth and smiled happily: "Hahahaha!~"

Zhang Yiman turned to look at Han Jue, but Han Jue's eyes were already on her. Han Jue was smiling, his eyes reflected the light from the screen very brightly, as if he was asking: [How is it? Do you like this anniversary gift? 】

Zhang Yiman didn't answer, just laughed.

It's just that she smiled and laughed, and the tears couldn't stop flowing out.

She loves this anniversary gift so much!

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