This star is from the earth

Chapter 470 On Campus

It was once a regret in Zhang Yiman's heart that he failed to fall in love during his studies.

In the impenetrable vocal training schedule, while waiting for the recovery of the voice and the healing of the finger wounds, sneaking in to watch love TV dramas and reading romantic novels are the few leisure activities of Zhang Yiman.

Most of those novels and TV series were secretly watched by her at school. During the lunch break, put a novel on your lap, rest your forehead on your arm, lower your head, and giggle or shed tears for the ups and downs of love in the book. He raised his head and looked at the clouds floating outside the window in a daze, hoping that a love as meaningful as in the book would come to him.

She wants to write a love letter full of heart, she wants to say the name of the person she has a crush on when she blush when talking to her sister, she wants to walk round and round in the playground side by side with people after school, and she wants to eat desserts outside of school Staying in the store until the sun is about to set, I want to do many, many things with my boyfriend, and want to squander my youth.

But from elementary school to high school, until Zhang Yiman left the campus, she never got a relationship.

She knows too few boys.

In other words, there are too few boys who dare to take the initiative to chase her.

"Hey, no one is chasing you?" Han Jue raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhang Yiman with disbelief on his face, "I don't read much, so don't lie to me."

"Really!" Zhang Yiman's eyes widened, "No one chased me when I was studying!"

"I don't believe it. I've seen photos of you when you were young. In just a few years, the aesthetics of Chinese people won't change that much... Ah, I see. You went to a girls' school?"

"No!" Zhang Yiman shouted and punched Han Jue.

Zhang Yiman touched Han Jue's arm where she just hit, and said, "Master wants me to go home early every day after school. I can't stay in school, and I can't play with my classmates..."

Zhang Yiman has been busy learning vocal music, leaving after school, can't call out on weekends and holidays, sometimes I can't see Zhang Yiman when there are occasional activities on campus, usually I don't chat with my classmates very much online, and I even go to the toilet together in class I don't have any good friends. Always taking time off from school to participate in competitions, almost everyone knows that Zhang Yiman is going to be a singer in the future, so it feels very far away and difficult to get close to. At that time, the boys were still at the age when their cheeks were full of youth, and their stature had not yet fully grown. Facing the shining Zhang Yiman, they were all ashamed of themselves, thinking [she must have a boyfriend], and only dared to look at it from a distance.

Some arrogant and daring school bullies dared to contact Zhang Yiman. She gave small gifts one after another and shouted her name in full view, causing the onlookers to boo and think a lot. Although this approach is almost the same as in the TV series, Zhang Yiman is not happy, and even very disgusted. She knew what the other party wanted, not what she wanted to give.

Zhang Yiman didn't give those people a good look, and bluntly said that he didn't want to make friends. If someone is not willing to stalk, Zhang Yiman didn't hesitate, and told his master Tan Nian about it later.

Zhang Yaohui was busy with work and missed Zhang Yiman's teenage growth. During those few years, only Sister Qin and Tan Nian took care of Zhang Yiman. If Sister Qin played half of Zhang Yiman's mother in Zhang Yiman's life, then Tan Nian played half of Zhang Yiman's father to a certain extent.

Before Tan Nian went to university to do research and lead apprentices, he was a famous performer on the stage of state banquet level many times. He had a lot of friends in the system, and there were also teachers and brothers in the same school who devoted themselves to the political arena. He had enough ability to take care of Zhang Yiman Growing up with innocence. Hearing that a gangster wanted to pester Zhang Yiman, Tan Nian greeted his friends in the army, and the next afternoon, a few military vehicles stopped at the school gate, picked up Zhang Yiman under the watchful eyes of hundreds of people, and went home . On the third day, school bullies and gangsters didn't dare to provoke them anymore, and even consciously avoided Zhang Yiman's 20-meter radius.

It's a big deal if it gets to other people's ears, just like acting on TV. Since then, Zhang Yiman has become an unattainable legend in several schools around him. The suitors who originally only had single digits were completely zeroed out.

"But it's a good thing I didn't fall in love at that time," Zhang Yiman felt very lucky, "It's also a good thing we don't belong to the same school."

"Are you stupid? I'm eight years older than you. Even if I'm from the same school, I'd have graduated long ago."

"Oh! You man! Why is your focus always in such a strange place? You should ask me why!"

Han Jue brewed his emotions: "...why?"

Zhang Yiman smiled and took Han Jue's hand: "Because everything I have experienced before was to meet you at the most suitable time when I was twenty~"

Han Jue was silent for a while, looked at Zhang Yiman seriously, and asked, "Do you want to act?"


"Are you fighting for a role and want to be the heroine in my next play? Otherwise, why would you say such a shameful line?"


"Crack!" Zhang Yiman gritted her teeth and slapped Han Jue's back hard.

After meeting Han Jue, Zhang Yiman felt that "I didn't fall in love when I was studying" was no longer a regret. Instead, she began to rejoice that she hadn't been able to have a relationship.

If she had talked about it in school, she might not have met the later Han Jue. Even if they met, her enthusiasm for love had faded by then, and if she didn't hold the idea of ​​crashing into the south wall, she wouldn't have anything to do with Han Jue.

As for the past that didn't involve Han Jue, she is making up for it in another way.

Revisiting the old place, looking at the familiar storefronts and street scenes around, Zhang Yiman held Han Jue's arm, jumped up and down, and happily shared his past with Han Jue.

"That milk tea shop is full of lovers after school. I have always wanted to find a boyfriend to go with my boyfriend, but I have never been able to!"

"I often buy books in that bookstore."

"Hey, this place used to be a flower shop..."


Neighbors who sold stationery, opened convenience stores, and opened printing shops around saw a group of people on the street following two students who seemed to be skipping classes in school uniforms, and there was a camera behind them, so they all leaned out to look at Zhang Yiman and Han Sleep.

Facing the searching gaze, Zhang Yiman was not shy, and loudly introduced Han Jue to the bosses: "This is my boyfriend!"

The bosses didn't know if they recognized them, they just kept laughing at Zhang Yiman and Han Jue.

After registering with the school gate guard, they entered the school.

Today is Monday, and the students on campus are still in class.

One could faintly hear the sound of books in the distance, as well as the teacher's yelling.

Zhang Yiman was very excited when he arrived at a familiar place. Pulling Han Juexu and talking about the canteen that was crowded with students after class, about the chef in the cafeteria with the most trembling hands, and about the graffiti on the bricks on the playground steps, it was as if she had never left.

Han Jue doesn't like school and has no good memories of school. It's not that he hates studying, he likes studying, it's just that he doesn't like being forced to learn things he doesn't like. Economic freedom gives Han Jue the confidence to do what he likes. I usually read some miscellaneous books and have little communication with my classmates. For the campus, he has neither nostalgia nor awe. In this regard, he is the same as his predecessor.

Zhang Yiman found her class teacher in the teacher's office, and the principal, who had received the news a long time ago, was also there. After Zhang Yiman greeted and said hello, he introduced Han Jue with a smile. The two sat down on the sofa and chatted about Zhang Yiman's past in school. At a school celebration, Zhang Yiman sang a song, and the boys in the whole school shouted her name louder than they shouted during military training.

When Han Jue asked about Zhang Yiman's study, Zhang Yiman, the teacher and the principal laughed together. After laughing, he abruptly changed the subject, saying that Zhang Yiman was good at sports, and Zhang Yiman could take him there later. Playground around.

Next, Zhang Yiman rejected the proposal to speak a few words to the juniors, bid farewell to the teacher and the principal, and took Han Jue to the playground.

The playground is huge with bleachers on one side of the playground. As soon as they walked to the football field, Zhang Yiman suddenly ran out of the camera and had fun on the lawn. Han Juela couldn't help it.

Zhang Yiman ran for half the field, looked back and saw Han Jue walking slowly, ran back in a big circle, and asked Han Jue to run with her to the circle in the middle of the field and lie down.

Han Jue felt too stupid and did not agree.

Zhang Yiman climbed straight onto Han Jue's back, and said loudly, if I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have forgiven you so early!

Han Jue had no choice but to be led by Zhang Yiman to the middle of the court, lay down, put her head together and looked up at the blue sky, she also took out a book and pretended to put it on her chest, and called the cameraman to take pictures.

For the sake of leaving a message and lying today, Han Juekan decides to be at the mercy of Zhang Yiman.

Then on the runway and in the stands, Han Jue was dragged by Zhang Yiman to take several photos.

Walking on the runway, Han Jue looked at Zhang Yiman who had a bright smile beside him, and vaguely felt that Zhang Yiman took these photos not on a whim, but should have thought about it a long time ago.

"Very happy?" Han Jue wiped the sweat off Zhang Yiman's cheeks with the back of his hand.

"Well! When I graduated before, I was participating in a competition, and I couldn't come back to take graduation photos. In the end, I was composited in the final graduation photos. Everyone also took a lot of group photos in various corners of the school. I also want to take photos , but after I came back, I walked alone on the playground, and I didn't want to shoot anything. But now I have a boyfriend..."

Before Zhang Yiman finished speaking, she sprinted out of the camera again.

Han Jue and the cameraman stood there dumbfounded.

I saw Zhang Yiman ran for 200 meters, took out a basketball in a bush, waved to Han Jue from a distance, then pointed to the basketball court next to him, patted the basketball, turned around and ran to the basketball court .

Han Jue: "..."

【Everything depends on her today, everything depends on her today...】

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