Sometimes after a breakup, a person gets angry and says that he has forgotten all the things with his ex. One possibility is that he was absent-minded in love at the time, and the other possibility is that he denies himself at that time by denying the past, just for the sake of looking good. Covering up the broken self-esteem, you can't lose if you lose.

Weng Nanxi usually only encounters the latter possibility - when she is in love with someone, she is always the only one who is absent-minded, while others fly to the flame. In the face of the last ex-boyfriends who told her "I almost forgot the days I was with you" and "I forgot a little bit, I just remember that I was stupid before", Weng Nanxi would not point out the other party's stubbornness, but would bless her The other party, and then get together and leave. I am happy that the other party can't come to cause trouble for myself.

In fact, there is another possibility of saying "forget the past", which is to arouse the other party's competitive spirit. The principle is similar to saying "I liked you before". People who are said this way will first reflect on themselves, thinking that they have lost a certain charm, and then can't help but devote part of their energy to paying attention to the other party. The opponent's purpose has succeeded.

It's just that this kind of trick never works in front of Weng Nanxi.

After Weng Nanxi has seen the other party's careful thoughts, she will not be aroused to prove anything, nor will she reveal the other party's truth. She will only show the other party's true colors, hoping to start a new life with her. Before the relationship, he said that he met a good person, and he would bring the growth he gained in the previous relationship to make good use of it in this relationship. The other party usually felt sore, and some begged her to get back together after a few days, while others pretended that they really forgot.

When Han Jue said that he had forgotten the experience with her due to illness, Weng Nanxi was not sure of Han Jue's intentions, and didn't know which kind he was.

A depression test sheet was thrown out, and everyone believed Han Jue's reasons, only Weng Nanxi did not believe it. It's not like she doesn't have friends with depression patients around her. She hasn't seen Han Jue in such a state of being stuck in a quagmire with nothing to ask for. So Weng Nanxi knew very well that even if Han Jue was sick before being with her, he definitely did not reach the point of severe depression afterwards, and it would not affect his memory ability at all.

So absent-minded?

Weng Nanxi immediately denied it, thinking it was impossible.

So is it out of anger? Or do you want to arouse her competitiveness?


Combined with the fact that Han Jue stepped forward to protect her without even thinking about it in "Extreme Man", Weng Nanxi felt that Han Jue still cared about her. This caring does not necessarily mean liking. Whether it is becoming a thorn in the heart or a thorn in the throat, as long as she can still affect him, it is better than letting her go and letting her go.

However, what I didn't expect was that Weng Nanxi began to suspect that Han Jue had really forgotten about that trial at the New Year's Eve party.

Han Jue's acting is as bad as ever. Weng Nanxi clearly saw many irresistible interactions between Han Jue and Zhang Yiman, such as body parts and eyes, which proved that even if he and Zhang Yiman got out of the car, they sang "When Love Is Made" that made countless fans cry. They also maintain a close relationship.

However, it is such a person who can't act, who is indifferent to the bait thrown by her, completely unresponsive, and invulnerable. Every expression on his face, every movement of his body, every look in his eyes, told one thing—I don’t remember.

Weng Nanxi originally thought that the time with Han Jue was lacklustre, even if everything was forgotten, it would be fine.

She regards all interactions as experiences in the game. From the very beginning, she warned herself never to use her sincerity. Because as long as there is a little bit of sincerity mixed in, other falsehoods will be exposed.

Over the past ten years, Weng Nanxi has done all the love affairs.

Except this time with Han Jue.

This is the longest relationship she has been in, and it is also the only relationship that did not adhere to the principle of "Don't Pay Your Heart".

When she knew that Han Jue might really have forgotten some of her previous memories, an unspeakable sadness and a little bit of panic that she didn't want to admit swept over her.

Do you remember the days when you taught her to sing word by word and taught her how to play the piano by hand?

"Do it again." She held the guitar and looked at him with a frown.

"It's not difficult to master." He scratched his face helplessly, then sank down, his fingers fluttering on the strings, as gorgeous as wild bees around flowers.

"Teaching in this way, how can I learn." She put down the guitar, a little irritated.

"That's how my teacher taught..." He replied, thinking of something, his voice was a little soft, and his expression was a little downcast.

She sighed and picked up the guitar again: "Then come on slowly."

He perked up.

"Slow down ten times!"


Remember the clumsy look when you held hands for the first time? He held her hand so painfully that he wouldn't let go even when he got home.

"Home," she said.

"Huh?" He didn't know why.

"Hand," she shook the held hand, "I want to get the key."

"Oh oh oh!" He quickly let go as if he was afraid of doing something wrong. Then I was afraid of doing something wrong and wanted to hold him but dared not.

Do you still remember the summer when we ate together and raised our wings and clinked glasses? That was the first time she had a chat with him about the future, and it was also the first time she had him in her planned future.

What about the memories of playing together? Except for Qiong Xing, have you forgotten everything else?

Weng Nanxi always had doubts in his heart, and there was also a trace of suspicion. Why did he say that he couldn't remember things when he was not depressed?

Knowing that he will appear at the [Modu Film Festival] this time, she also followed.

She wanted to figure it out.



Although it was exposed that he had a relationship with Han Jue, this did not affect Weng Nanxi's fame and popularity in the film industry.

[Magic City Film Festival] As a world-class film festival, if you can get an invitation to the opening, you can pick up any one who can be named more or less.

And Weng Nanxi relies on a literary film and a commercial film, even in this level of occasion, she can feel like a fish in water.

Weng Nanxi can chat with domestic colleagues, foreign filmmakers, or executives of theaters and major production companies. Whether it's talking about art, business, or even health preservation, she can keep up with everything, and she can't say what others say. Of course, there are also people who have bad intentions for her. Faced with the disrespect in these people's words, Weng Nanxi either pretended not to understand, or dealt with it seamlessly.

"If you don't want to be an actor someday, you can just come to [Ai Du]'s film company and become an executive. You can choose from the president down." When Zhang Yaohui met Weng Nanxi, his tone was very sincere. He had just witnessed the whole process of several producers who were known for their lust in the circle, molested Weng Nanxi but were choked up, and finally walked away in embarrassment.

Weng Nanxi first agreed with a half-truth and half-fake smile, and then said: "I think [Ai Du]'s music company is also quite suitable for me. In fact, I can sing too."

Zhang Yaohui let out a sigh, and seemed to remember that Weng Nanxi had also released a single, so he proposed: "Why don't you sign a record contract first and release an album to play?"

Weng Nanxi smiled and refused, saying: "I still have this self-knowledge. If I can't become a singer, I'll forget it."

Zhang Yaohui's eyes moved, he smiled and said nothing.

After turning around, Weng Nanxi thought about what Zhang Yaohui saw in his eyes just now, and speculated about his attitude towards Han Jue and Zhang Yiman's love affair, maybe he might be an ally.

After meeting several European directors and actors in the venue, Weng Nanxi turned around and saw Han Jue walking in from the door.

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