This star just wants to learn

Chapter 144 The best memorial

"You haven't been to the party yet!"

Yu Wanwan looked at Pu Tong, who was still reading and writing as steadily as an old dog, and was a little confused.

Logically speaking, shouldn't people who have never participated in such a large-scale event be nervous and excited when they participate for the first time?

Maybe Pu Tong is not very interested or excited about this matter, but at least he has to be nervous.

"Never participated."

Pu Tong lied, his face was not red and he was out of breath.

Although he was a small bottom before, he still participated in party activities, but no one paid much attention to it.

Compared with those star-studded parties, what is so stressful about a small school graduation party...

"It doesn't matter, just sing like you normally do." Yu Wanwan said with a smile, "I think your level is quite high, just perform normally."

Pu Tong looked at her with a strange expression and said nothing.

Are you looking down on me?

Although he was confused before, his basic skills are still solid, at least one version ahead of these high school students.

It's not that he's bragging. If he really wanted to show off, it wouldn't be a problem to undertake all the programs for the graduation party by himself...


Pu Tong nodded and continued to work on his own questions quietly. Extracurricular activities have to be rehearsed in the auditorium, so you have to seize the time to study.

Seeing his lack of interest, Yu Wanwan pouted and started thinking about his own things.

She didn't want to rely on Pu Tong at first, because it would make her look useless, like a parasite who only relies on others.

In fact, some people will definitely think that she approached Pu Tong because he was very capable...

Of course, excellence is part of the attraction, but she doesn't need to rely on Pu Tong's excellence to make a living.

"Alas!" Yu Wanwan was a little helpless. The people around him were so good that they even became troublesome occasionally.

Because she didn't want to reject Pu Tong's rare kindness to her, she accepted Pu Tong's song, but this didn't mean that she couldn't rely on her own strength.

She decided that she would play and sing this song by Pu Tong on the piano.

She had told Pu Tong before in music class that she played the piano very well, but she had never had the chance to show it off. This time she had to let him take a good look.

When the time comes, you will definitely be amazed by this girl!

"What are you laughing at?" Pu Tong just glanced at him and noticed Yu Wanwan's silly smile. He knew that she was thinking about something weird again.

"It's nothing!" Yu Wanwan immediately stopped smiling, intending to leave some suspense.

There's no way he can play the piano...

She has also seen Putong's community, which is a type with very dense residents. If he really practices piano, it will definitely disturb the residents, and he will definitely have no chance to learn it.

The day was actually not that long, but perhaps out of anticipation, Yu Wanwan always felt that it took a long time to get to the extracurricular activities.

"By the way, where is the school's auditorium?" Iori Yukino asked from the bottom of her heart as they prepared to leave. They have only been here for half a semester and have never been to that place...

Several people looked at Pu Tong in unison. They had no choice. Who said he was an aborigine?

"Okay, come with me." Pu Tong was helpless and could only lead a few people towards the auditorium.

During this period, a large number of people passed through extracurricular activities, and he was walking at the front. He looked like a big brother leading a group of younger brothers. These "younger brothers" were even famous little stars in the industry. This was very spectacular. On the way, there are countless heads turning.

Maybe countless years later, people will see that the several superstars who occupy different parts of the entertainment industry are just the younger brothers of that man, and this can be traced back to this day.

Although Pu Tong had never been here before, he still had memories, and soon he led everyone to the school's auditorium.

"Welcome to the world's tallest city auditorium, it's so beautiful..."

"What are you talking about?" Yu Wanwan poked Pu Tong in the back to tell him to pay attention to his image.

Pu Tong just smiled and did not speak.

Everyone saw that the door was open and there were many people inside, so they walked in silently.

There are already many people participating in the program in the auditorium, and they are moving equipment. There is still some time before the official performance, so the equipment is placed very casually and is convenient for rehearsal.

When they heard the noise, they turned around and found that it was Pu Tong and his party. They immediately stopped what they were doing and stared blankly.

They have never seen this battle before.

"Here we go, help us move the equipment!" The people in charge of the rehearsal were several music teachers from the school. They didn't intend to give any privileges to the stars and they treated them equally.

Several star students were also very knowledgeable and started to help.

"Pu Tong!"

Pu Tong was rolling up his sleeves and preparing to move things when he was stopped by the leading female teacher.

"What's wrong, teacher?"

"As expected, he is very handsome!" The female teacher looked him up and down, and the more he looked at him, the more he liked him. "The songs are great, he is a good young talent!"

The music teacher's name is Han Nian. She is one of the most beautiful female teachers in their school. She is a top student in the music school. I heard she is also a part-time musician.

As if he couldn't see anyone else, Han Nian immediately started to praise Pu Tong, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

"I heard that you are also very good at studying. Have you considered music school? Can I help you contact it?"

"Not yet." Pu Tong had never thought about art schools, but out of politeness, he could only refuse temporarily.

"I guess you are not interested. To be honest, you are qualified to be a teacher at a music conservatory, hahaha..."

The other students were carrying the things in their hands and felt very sad. They didn't have to work but still listened to rainbow farts. How could such a good thing happen?

But considering that this was Pu Tong, they felt it was reasonable.

Fortunately, the teacher didn't praise him for too long, and Pu Tong was able to get away to move things and integrate into the group.

On the first day of rehearsal, the main thing was to clean up the venue. By the time they put the equipment in place, there were only about ten minutes left before school was over.

"It's too late to rehearse again today." Han Nian sighed, and then turned his attention to Pu Tong.

Pu Tong's scalp felt numb after being stared at by her, and he had a bad feeling.

"I looked at the program list. Pu Tong seems to have two original songs!"

As soon as these words came out, a few star students arrived, but other students immediately exclaimed and composed two original songs, which was a fantasy for them.

Classmate Pu Tong is truly a god!

"Yes..." Pu Tong could only nod his head.

"We don't have much time. We can only practice one or two programs. Why don't you, Pu Tong, make a sample first and demonstrate it." Han Nian had a thick smile on his face.

As a musician, she was very curious about what works Pu Tong could produce.


Didn't everyone practice together in rehearsal? Why did it become his personal display session?

The music teacher must have done it on purpose.

"Do you all want to hear it?" Han Nian smiled and asked the students for their opinions.


"I miss you so much!"

The enthusiastic support was heard endlessly. Pu Tong turned around and glared at Iori Yukino.

Damn Sakura girl, just scream the loudest...

"Hey!" Iori Yukino chuckled and raised his hands in approval.

Anyway, he was rehearsing, and he would have to sing sooner or later, and it wouldn't be on these two days. Pu Tong sighed and accepted the proposal.

"Teacher, you brought your mobile phone, can you help me record a voice?"

It’s all about singing anyway, so why not just record a note and send it to Yu Wanwan so that she can practice. If you want to learn the song, just record it on your mobile phone. It's still a long time since the show, so she'll definitely learn it.

Han Nian smiled and accepted it happily. After Pu Tong came on stage and adjusted his guitar, he opened the recording and placed it on the music stand in front of him.

Pu Tong didn't need the sheet music. After all, the song hadn't come out yet and was only in his mind for the time being.

"This song is called "Remembrance"."

Yu Wanwan in the audience blinked and immediately began to listen attentively.

She knew the name of the song Pu Tong gave her, and it was "Remembrance". In other words, this was the song she would sing when the time came.

[“Three years have passed in the blink of an eye,

Everything opens so brightly in my heart,

There are only a few days left in the countdown now.

The piece of paper at your feet,

There was no time to pick it up. ”]

The simple lyrics, as if Wanwan had arrived, instantly attracted everyone's ears.

Just like the title of the song, each line of the song is like telling a story, telling the trivial things on campus and the memorable student days.

This class is too arrogant, they don’t speak in any class, they copy their homework from the textbooks, they look at each other during exams, they have dark circles under their eyes in the morning, they feel sleepy in class, they chat among classmates...

These lyrics are the little things that happen around every student. They listened quietly and felt extremely friendly.

["I just want to hold on to the fleeting time,

Say goodbye properly,

Carve your smiling faces in my heart,

Watch the shooting stars streak across the sky,

Make our wishes,

Let now be forever. ”]

During the final repetition of "Forever", the entire song ended, but no one in the auditorium made a sound.

Everyone was silent until suddenly someone cried.

"I'm sorry, I'm a senior in high school... Maybe you will feel friendly to me, but in the classroom we are familiar with from now on, we will not be..."

She was still choking, and it was extremely clear in the silent auditorium.

They all suddenly felt that their noses were a little sore...

In order not to delay the college entrance examination for senior high school students, there were only a few high school seniors performing the show, and there were only two hosts, one male and one female. Only those who are about to graduate can experience this kind of touching memory.

From now on, they are no longer sitting in the classroom. They can only say goodbye properly and let the memory spread in reality. The separation will be the same as the encounter. This is the best memorial to each other.

"In Memory" is really a song that I loved when I graduated from high school. Even now in the dead of night, I still feel sore when I listen to it...

I remember when I was a freshman, I shared this song on my space. I was about to interview for a club. The senior sister who was the president added me as a friend. After seeing this song on my space, she said that she also liked it very much. He said that people who like this song must be very gentle people, and then they asked me to join directly without an interview. Ha ha.

Therefore, I am deeply impressed by this song and I really like it.

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