This star just wants to learn

Chapter 227 Cause and Effect

"Aren't you going home this year?"

"Yes, the schedule is too full, so I have to work all day long." Pu Tong answered the phone and explained vaguely.

"I have forgotten that you are a big star!" The female voice on the phone sighed, "Don't just focus on making money, you must take care of yourself when you are alone outside, you know?"

"Auntie, do you still have enough money? If not enough, I will give you some more?" Pu Tong felt a little hot on his face, and his three-digit balance seemed to be of little help.

"That's enough, that's enough. The orphanage doesn't have much expenses. There's still a lot left over from what you called me before... You should also keep some for yourself. If you have a headache and a cold these days, you can't do it without some spare money!"

"Auntie, it's okay. I'll hang up. I'm busy."

His voice was trembling a little, and he was afraid that he would lose control of his emotions if he continued talking.

"Okay, Tongtong, you are the most promising person in our orphanage. You must come back and take a look when you are free!" On the phone, the aunt's voice seemed to be a little choked, "You have always been my pride... …”

Pu Tong's throat seemed to be blocked by something, and it ached.

"Xiaohai and the others have missed you. They have always wanted to see you on TV. They all said that they must become as powerful as you in the future."

I hope you won't be like me.

He hung up the phone and looked at the small rental house in front of him.

In fact, I spent the Spring Festival last year alone in this empty city. Just watching the lively fireworks outside on New Year's Eve, I ate frozen dumplings bought from the supermarket.

If possible, who would want to face this kind of loneliness and helplessness alone?

To be honest, every time he reported good news or not bad news, it was not for the sake of face, he just didn't want to make those people worry.

In the eyes of the children in the orphanage, he is a powerful big brother... In the eyes of them, who have no father to love and no mother to love, the future is their only desire.

Pu Tong didn't want those hopeful children to know that the adult world was a mess...

The so-called "big star" himself is just an abandoned son of the company, and he is just one of countless ordinary workers.

For them, this is too cruel.

Everyone has their own difficulties, and Pu Tong doesn't feel how miserable he is. Even if life is a piece of cake, he still wants to live hard.

It's just that sometimes I do feel a little lonely...

I stay alone in a rental house every day with no one to talk to. I practice hard during the day and often suffer from insomnia at night. He felt that if he continued like this, he would go crazy or lose his social skills.

Sometimes it is like this, people become animals who have to endure loneliness alone, blowing the wind all night, smoking all night, and looking at the darkness all night.

That night, the fireworks outside the window were particularly brilliant.

"Why don't you speak?"

Pu Tong's sudden silence made some of them nervous.

Could it be that they did this on their own initiative, and wouldn't he be able to accept it?

"I remember something from the past." Pu Tong cleared his throat and said with a smile, "It's great to have you..."

The loneliest thing is not walking home from work alone, watching movies and eating hot pot... It's just that when you have emotions, thoughts and things to say, you find that no one can say them.

This is how I used to be.

But now, and no longer.

"Ah?" Yu Wanwan and others were confused by his unreasonable words.

"Don't you let me talk to myself?" Pu Tong said with a smile, "Isn't it normal for a genius to have his own little problems?"


Although in a sense, this guy is indeed a genius, no one will admit that their friend is a genius, because in the eyes of their friends, everyone is a fool.

"Son, your group of friends is so interesting!"

Pu Tong was about to read the discussion about this matter on the Internet, but was interrupted by his mother's shout outside the house.

"Wait a moment, I'll turn off the mic first."

This was a poem and an apology. My parents were also surfing the Internet, so they naturally understood the whole story immediately, so they came over to ask.

Ni Hui opened the door and came in, smiling happily.

To be honest, when the program aired just now during the poem-writing session, although she was quite proud, she was not overjoyed.

But when she saw that her son had a group of friends who thought about him, Ni Hui felt sincerely happy.

She will also be happy for her son's achievements, but more importantly, rather than how capable or awesome her son is, Ni Hui still hopes that he will be safe and happy and have a group of like-minded friends.

So, it wasn't until the show reached this point that she decided to come and take a look.

"I only know three of them, when are you going to introduce the other four to me?"

"Definitely next time." Pu Tong pursed his lips. This guy really doesn't accept old age and always wants to mingle with young people.

Ni Hui sat beside Pu Tong's bed, seeming hesitant.

"How do you want to deal with this matter?" Her expression was serious, and she seemed to have a lot of feasible plans.

As parents, they must attach great importance to their son's rights and interests, but how to deal with it depends on what the person involved thinks.

She also understands her son's character. She didn't speak up before just because it was troublesome, but now even if the matter has been revealed, there must be a specific solution.

"If you want to force it, I'll do it." Ni Hui made a motion to hold up her glasses. Although she didn't wear glasses at all, the atmosphere was so intense that it was pointless not to pretend.

"Actually, your Aunt Chen has already asked me. As long as you want, with an order now, our two reporters will work together to make this program pornographic..."

Why does it sound so strange?

"Don't engage in pornography!" Pu Tong touched his chin, and there was no need to offend everyone for the problems caused by Xu Lei and the program team.

At least, if the show is really pornographic, it will definitely be a heavy blow to Yu Wanwan and the others.

"Well...since their wish is to apologize, let's first see how they apologize." Pu Tong was stunned for a moment. At that time, the program team released the footage without his permission. This is a fact. If you do something wrong, you will have to pay. cost.

In fact, even if Yu Wanwan and others hadn't intervened this time, he wouldn't have let it go. He originally thought that he would take action against Xu Lei when there was a suitable opportunity, but he didn't expect that they would advance the matter now.

But things have actually developed like this, so we might as well wait and see what the so-called apology from this program team looks like.

"You mean, if you're just perfunctory, you're going to be tough?" Ni Hui's eyes lit up, and she seemed a little eager to give it a try.

"What the hell is this inexplicable excitement of yours? Do you want to strike hard?"

"Mainly because I have never done this before, so I have little expectations!"

Pu Tong is a bit difficult to break up. There are two major cancers in the reporter circle, Ni Hui in the south and Chen Ying in the north. If these two people join forces to cause trouble, the matter will be very serious. Even if the gods come, they will be slapped.

Seeing that they were still chatting, Ni Hui was too embarrassed to disturb them any more and quietly left.

The show ended with a barrage of curses. In fact, many viewers just watched the variety show and did not take the initiative to understand so many twists and turns. Many people thought that the first episode of the show was a setup, but they did not expect that it was actually a candid shot.

Netizens also instantly understood why Pu Tong, who appeared in the first two issues, basically never appeared in the subsequent episodes.

If you secretly photograph someone, can they still cooperate with you?

"What did Auntie say?" Yu Wanwan was still a little curious. She still liked Pu Tong's mother.

She also wanted to know how her aunt, as a reporter who deals with hot news all year round, viewed this matter.

"She wants to team up with Chen Ying to run the show...including you." Pu Tong laughed himself. Is this really a bit too indifferent?

Except for Yu Wanwan and the other three who knew about the relationship between Pu Tong's mother and Chen Ying, everyone else was shocked. Pu Tong was so powerful, but they didn't expect him to have such a strong background?

I'm following the right brother...

"Tell Auntie to beat it gently." Iori Yukino muttered, "I came to film the show because I haven't received any business in recent years. If I get kicked off the show, all my work for the past six months will be in vain."

Except for Yu Wanwan, others also agreed. For them, this program is still very important. If it is completely eliminated, there is no need.

"That's not the case." Pu Tong rubbed his brows. He was not crazy. Canceling the show would not do him any good. Instead, it would bring trouble.

Making the culprit pay a corresponding price is the purpose of pursuing rights, not indiscriminate attacks.

It was Xu Lei's initial self-righteousness that caused all this, so now he has to bear the insults from the entire Internet.

Because of Him, it will also come to fruition.

"Speaking of which, the program has finished airing. Where is the apology promised by the program team?"

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