This star just wants to learn

Chapter 242 No What If

"You are so creative when you send a flower basket just because you have a cold!"

Lin Yuxi, who came second, almost died of laughter due to Iori Yukino's operation.

Of course it is okay to send flower baskets to patients, but usually they are for serious illness and wishing for a speedy recovery. Pu Tong has a fever, cold, headache, and brain fever, so it would be too strange to send a flower basket to the patient.

"What's wrong? It's very expensive!" Iori Yukino pursed her lips. She was so anxious that she didn't think much about it.

No wonder the girl just looked a little dumbfounded when she looked at the thing in her hand.

"No one noticed it, right?" Ni Hui brought two glasses of water over and looked at the two first comers carefully.

Iori Yukino was dressed very casually, with half-sleeves and shorts, and even a pair of sandals, her fair and petite feet a bit dazzling.

To be fair, Ni Hui likes this kind of approachable little girl, who feels like home wherever she goes.

Lin Yuxi's dress was more formal, with a white shirt and brown overalls, and her behavior was even a bit reserved.

The tutor of the Lin family is really...

"I met the little girl next door to your house!" Iori Yukino said with a smile, "Counting the time, you should have met Yuxi, right?"

Not two minutes after she walked in and sat down, Lin Yuxi came. Logically speaking, the two of them should have met each other.

"Before I entered the elevator, a little girl came out." Lin Yuxi frowned, "She stared at me for a long time, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't speak."

"I have to add!" Pu Tong interjected: "Her name is He Suyi... she is your sister's deskmate!"


It's not surprising, Lin Yuxi and Lin Yuran are similar in their eyebrows, but she is wearing a hat and mask, which shows her eyebrows...

Perhaps in He Suyi's eyes, she was just her deskmate who was one size older.

Ni Hui stood up silently and took the opportunity to put away the flower basket and fruits and leave, giving them a place for young people to communicate.

"She hasn't come yet, aren't you anxious?" When the two saw Pu Tong's mother leaving, they immediately started gossiping about talents.


Pu Tong didn't bother to answer the two of them. They almost met last night. What's there to be anxious about?

Of course, he couldn't tell this, after all, he promised to keep it a secret.

"By the way, how about the filming of the show yesterday when I wasn't there?"

"It's pretty good. Yesterday was the recording session between me and Gan Hengxu!" Lin Yuxi sighed, "I only got five words correct, but Gan Hengxu was amazing. He got nine right."


Pu Tong's pupils shrank, and Gan Hengxu wrote nine words correctly. In other words, he and the squad leader now have the same points. If there is no higher score in the end, the two of them will play a playoff.

It's not surprising that Gan Hengxu has such good writing skills. He studies opera, and many operas contain a lot of rare characters. In the basic skills of singing, reciting, and doing, the familiarity of Chinese characters in singing and reciting is indispensable.

"What do you mean, is there no hope for the song you want?" Pu Tong glanced at Lin Yuxi. He remembered that this guy also wanted a song for the first time.

"It doesn't matter, I don't have any talent for singing anyway, I just did it on a whim."

Lin Yuxi pursed her lips. She was actually a little sad, but there was nothing she could do about it because her dictation skills were not good enough.

In fact, she wanted a song to ease the relationship between the sisters. Because of the two of them getting along during this time, the relationship between her and her sister gradually began to deteriorate.

Lin Yuran was a very stubborn guy, he didn't like soft or hard things, and he didn't even have any extra hobbies other than listening to music, so she had the idea to follow his fancy.

But just now, after she heard that the little girl was her sister's deskmate, she suddenly had a new idea.

It seems that it is not impossible to use some external force appropriately...

Just when she was about to ask Pu Tong for He Suyi's contact information, there was a slight knock on the door. It should be that Yu Wanwan had arrived.

"Coming, coming!" Ni Hui responded, but had no intention of leaving. Her purpose was very clear. Of course, it would be better for her son to open the door.

Pu Tong had no choice but to go and open the door for Yu Wanwan himself.

"Are you... feeling better?" Yu Wanwan saw Pu Tong as soon as he opened the door, his expression a little unnatural.

"Much better. I'll probably be fine after taking some medicine at noon!" Pu Tong greeted her in, took the gift from her hand and put it aside.

"Look, we treat each other like guests!"

"Thank you, I learned a new idiom!"

Lin Yuxi and Iori Yukino's voices were just right, and they could be heard by the two parties involved in whispering.

"The Wanwan is here, sit down quickly!" Ni Hui was also told in advance, so of course he wouldn't let it slip. It is an adult's bounden duty to keep children's secrets.

Yu Wanwan looked around pretending to be curious, trying her best to pretend that she had just arrived. Her acting skills were already good, and Lin Yuxi and Iori Yukino didn't pay much attention to this matter, so no one became suspicious. .

"I have to say, just for a short while, I felt a little homesick." Iori Yukino sighed.

Since she came to China, she hasn't been back to Sakura's home for a long time.

Although she had gone to Lin Yuxi's home to give lessons before, to be honest, the Lin family's family tradition was very awkward, and she didn't feel anything about it.

But when we arrived at Pu Tong's house, the warm and peaceful feeling came out instantly.

"Let's go back and take a look during the summer vacation!" Lin Yuxi stretched out, it wasn't too difficult.

Iori Yukino nodded and decided to go back and take a look when she had free time, but she would definitely not stay for a long time. After all, her career was entirely in China.

"To be honest, I really want to go for a swim in Sakura!" Pu Tong murmured, "I want to see if all Sakura people are suffering from chuunibyou..."

"First of all, I'm not!"

Soon, they ran out of conversation. The four of them looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

After finally coming here, it is of course impossible to leave just like that. I need to have a meal at least.

"How about we visit your room?" Lin Yuxi smiled, "Forget it's inconvenient, just say it casually."

"What's the inconvenience of this..." Pu Tong rolled his eyes. It had to be said that Lin Yuxi was very good at talking about retreating in order to advance, and this was the dark side.

It might not be convenient for outsiders to enter a girl's boudoir, but as a grown man, he had nothing to be afraid of, not to mention that Yu Wanwan had already entered last night.

Pu Tong led the three of them into his bedroom, but they still visited.

Anything that could cause misunderstandings, even Yu Wanwan's notes from last night, were hidden by him, focusing on being foolproof.

"Look at your bookshelf, I understand why you are so good at studying!" Iori Yukino gestured and found that she couldn't even reach the top row of books.

Iori Yukino looked around the room and said, "If this were Sakura, we would have already started studying around the kotatsu."

"I don't believe you can learn, so if it doesn't work out." Yu Wanwan looked at the furnishings of Pu Tong's room, trying his best to pretend that he was a new arrival.

She suddenly discovered that practicing acting like this was quite efficient.

"I don't know about Sakura, but if this is a Japanese comic, I guess we have already started to be jealous of this guy!" Lin Yuxi pursed her lips. She couldn't blame her for the stereotype, it was the same for all the Japanese comics she had read.

Several women come to the hero's house as guests, and then they become jealous and secretly compete with each other...

Yu Wanwan was relieved when she heard this. Fortunately, her life was not a Japanese comic, otherwise she would have been under too much pressure from competition.

"If this was an American comic, we would probably have four races, a transgender person, and homosexuality and other elements."

Several people looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

I understand everything.

"If this is a Korean comic, then I have to lock the door, and then..." Pu Tong suddenly froze as he spoke, "Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything."

The expressions of the three women froze, and then they looked at her fiercely, telling her if they didn't want to live.

If this was a Korean comic, he didn't dare to think about what would happen if a man and three women were in the same room.

Fortunately this is not the case.

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