This star just wants to learn

Chapter 481 Night Attack

The beautiful young man in Yushu stands in the wind, looking at himself in the mirror and staying up all night...

Pu Tong was lying on his side in a strange room, unable to fall asleep for a long time. This was not because he was sleeping in bed, but simply because he had too many things on his mind.

Judging from the furnishings here, he lives in the study room of Yu Wanwan's house, but because few people at home read, the room is very empty. Except for the decorations on the bookshelf and a few scattered books, the wardrobe and bedside table are just decorations.

The room was large, but also very empty. Apart from the bed he was sitting on, there was not even a hint of warmth...

Even this warmth was carefully prepared by the girl for him.

When he thought of this, Pu Tong immediately turned over and buried his face in the bed. Yu Wanwan must have been very careful when making his bed to lay out such a warm quilt.

"I'm serious..."

The weather turned cooler after autumn, and perhaps Yu Wanwan was afraid that he would freeze, so the bed prepared for him was thicker than others, which showed the girl's naked preference.

Pu Tong felt the warmth through the sheets and couldn't help but wonder, did she leave her own scent when she made the bed?

He sighed helplessly, feeling a little pity.

He originally thought that everyone would have a good time with his trip today, and he would also have more opportunities to get along with Yu Wanwan, but God is not as good as man, and that exaggerated post disrupted the plan, and also made Yu Wanwan more likely to get along. They have no intention of having fun.

Pu Tong clearly felt that it was precisely because of this incident that Yu Wanwan's expression was obviously a little unnatural, and there was a little more ambiguity in his eyes when he looked at him.

Perhaps in her eyes, she has become a "successful person" through and through. As a young couple that others say is the right couple, it is difficult for her to accept it for a while.

Just like one day, the poor wife who accompanied you eating sesame seed cakes on the street suddenly turned into a wealthy lady. In addition to being happy, you will definitely also worry about whether you can still be worthy of her...

He wanted to comfort Yu Wanwan, look into her eyes and say to her, "No matter what you become, I will always love you."

It's a pity that he didn't react when they said good night to each other. Now that he thought about it clearly, it was the wrong time... After all, he couldn't see Mimi entering someone else's room.

If you attack someone else's girl at night, doesn't it make you look vulgar?

Moreover, the rooms where Yu Wanwan and Iori Yukino and Lin Yuxi live are very close to each other. They will definitely find out if I go there!

When the time comes when he says that he just wants to say something, will others believe him?

Pu Tong arched his head on the pillow, and the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't sleep.

Just when he was extremely depressed, there was a rustling knocking sound outside the door, which immediately attracted Pu Tong's attention.

The floor of Yu Wanwan's house is made of teak, known as the king of wood. The even knocking sound is exactly like the sound of people's footsteps walking on the wooden floor.

The footsteps sounded from far to near, and finally seemed to stop at the door of the room, but there was no knock on the door. This frightened Pu Tong so much. In the middle of the night, someone suddenly stood at his door and refused to come in. Isn’t that scary if you don’t leave?

If it weren't for the obvious footsteps, he would have suspected that there was something dirty.

Pu Tong rubbed the center of his brows. The moon was shining brightly in broad daylight, and he had done nothing wrong. Naturally, he had nothing to be afraid of. After thinking about it for a moment, he had some clues.

Someone wants to attack me at night!

Yu Wanwan must have been thinking about it together with him. The two of them didn't get along too much today and it was obvious that they had some unfinished business, so they came to chat with him.

As for why she didn't come in for a long time, she must have become nervous when she walked to the door. A girl attacked a boy at night. It would be strange not to be nervous.

When he thought of this, Pu Tong suddenly felt very good. He could explain a lot of things clearly. He might as well do something else with the remaining time...

Seeing that Yu Wanwan hesitated for a long time and still didn't dare to come in, Pu Tong sighed, he had already come, how could he give up halfway.

Then let me help you!

He carefully rolled out of bed. Because of the carpet in the room, people outside could not hear his footsteps.

Pu Tong gently held the door handle, intending to suddenly open the door and scare her, so that she could attack him at night and teach her a lesson.

He chuckled, then quickly unscrewed the door handle and pushed in. The girl seemed to be lying on the door listening to the noise, but she didn't expect that the door suddenly opened. She couldn't stand firmly and fell in.


Pu Tong supported Iori Yukino who almost fell down. His head was buzzing. There was Sakura girl outside the door. Where did the shadow of Yu Wanwan come from?

What about me, a dandy? How about a dandy like me?

Everyone in Putong was dumbfounded. This guy stayed up late at night and came to listen to what he was doing in the corner. She would not come to attack him at night.

"Why did you open the door suddenly?"

Iori Yukino steadied herself and looked at him angrily.

After realizing the current situation, she first glanced outside the door in panic, then closed the door behind her back. After finishing everything, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why are you closing the door?"

Pu Tong was so frightened that he took a step back. Is this guy really greedy for his own body?

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just here to listen to the corner." Sakura Girl waved her hand and explained: "Yuxi and I were next door to Wan Wan. I heard the door next door ringing just now and thought Wan Wan was coming to attack you at night. That’s why I came here…”

"Is that why you came here to listen to what's going on in my house?"

Pu Tong rubbed his eyebrows. If Yu Wanwan really came to find him, a man and a woman living alone in the same room would make firewood and make fire... This kind of thing is what Iori Yukino really likes to hear.

All I can say is that this is something she can do.

"You really worked hard to get the melon." Pu Tong sighed, what was supposed to come didn't come, what was this guy doing here?

Iori Yukino smiled awkwardly, stuck out her tongue and planned to go back to sleep. Unfortunately, she didn't get any hot melon.

Just when she was about to open the door and leave, familiar footsteps sounded again. It was obvious that someone was walking this way.

"Ah, what the hell?"

Iori Yukino was immediately in a panic. It seemed that the Dandy was attacking at night now, but she was in Pu Tong's room now. What should she do?

When Yu Wanwan came in later, he saw his boyfriend and his best friend in the same room. He was probably heartbroken on the spot.

Iori Yukino first glanced at the window. This was the second floor. She jumped down and was dead.

The bed in the room had partitions, so she couldn't hide anyone. In panic, she stared at the unused wardrobe nearby.

Pu Tong was still thinking about how to explain, but he saw Iori Yukino getting into the closet, closing the door, and disappearing in place.

In fact, the normal explanation for this kind of thing is that it is opened, but it is even more unclear when the closet is hidden...

The footsteps had stopped at the door, and Pu Tong couldn't drag Sakura out again, so he could only make mistakes.

The same thing as before, this time the people outside the door did not choose to come in directly, but stopped quietly at the door.

Pu Tong glanced at the closet, and after confirming that Iori Yukino was hidden, he went over to open the door and explain to Yu Wanwan.

Wait a minute, why do I feel so guilty...

He shook his confused head and opened the door, only to see Lin Yuxi with a shocked look on his face.

Pu Tong was stunned for a moment. Although he was surprised, he was not that surprised... His group of friends really made him unable to complain.

They all like to listen to the corner of the wall so much?

"Is Danwan... here?"

Lin Yuxi scratched her head in embarrassment. She also came here to eat melon. As a CP fan, who doesn't want to hear what Pu Tong and Wan Wan are doing? I understand everything.

Pu Tong also understands their plan, but the problem is, Ren Yu Wanwan didn't come, and you came first. Is this appropriate?

"Are you coming too?"

Iori Yukino in the closet heard Lin Yuxi's voice and walked out of the closet door speechlessly. The two of them actually wanted to go together?

Lin Yuxi was so frightened that she found someone hiding in the room. She walked into the room and rubbed her eyes. When she found out that it was Iori Yukino, her eyes changed slightly when she looked at the two of them.

"You two, actually...poof!"

"What the hell, I'm here to hear the news just like you!" Iori Yukino muttered, everyone is a crow, no one should laugh at anyone.

Lin Yuxi touched her nose and probably guessed the purpose of Sakura Girl's visit. In the spirit of caring about her friends' lifelong events, the two of them came here. It's great, no need to say more!

The two women looked at each other with some relief, but heard the familiar footsteps outside the door again.

This time it has to be Yu Wanwan...

Pu Tong rubbed the center of his brow, now it's better, everyone is here, and we can have a table of mahjong.

He was still thinking about going out and asking Yu Wanwan to come in, but when he turned around, he found that Iori Yukino and Lin Yuxi had already started to get into the closet in tacit agreement.

It's good to hide in the closet. If the young couple does something later, they can listen to it live!

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