This star just wants to learn

Chapter 485 A world of two?

"I really didn't expect that you would take the initiative to contact me..."

Yu Zhongheng held up his mobile phone with a solemn expression. He really didn't expect that his strong wife would take the initiative to call him.

The two of them have similar personalities and never give in to each other. It is impossible for them to surrender to each other first. Even if they are still husband and wife, they usually look like they have never interacted with each other.

Since the two had conflicts and separated, he would always take the initiative to ask questions about any major issues, but Ji Shutong took the initiative to put down his body and look for him very rarely. Today's incident was a bit strange.

This isn't like her...

Yu Zhongheng frowned. If he remembered correctly, the last time Shutong approached him was when Wanwan was about to transfer to another school. It was probably his daughter who begged her to be the go-between.

It seemed that the reason she took the initiative to call today was about her daughter. Apart from that, he really didn't know what other reasons there were.

"Go and check out the official website of Wanwan School." On the phone, Ji Shutong's voice was emotionless. He hung up the phone as soon as he finished speaking, obviously not planning to formally reconcile with him.

Can the conflicts and knots between an old husband and wife be sorted out in just a few words?

When Yu Zhongheng heard this, he didn't react a little. The school's official website, what's so interesting about it? If he hadn't known about his wife's temper, he would have subconsciously wanted to ask why.

Although she didn't understand something, she must have a reason for saying that. Yu Zhongheng listened to the busy signal on the phone, and the hand holding the phone shook unconsciously.

When can they quarrel at the end of the bed and have peace at the end of the bed like ordinary couples?

Yu Zhongheng smiled bitterly, and immediately found the official website of Huailin No. 1 Middle School. He remembered that this school was quite good, so something must have happened...

The school's official website is very clean. Apart from the recent meeting minutes and the list of commendations for outstanding individuals, there is only one newly released video, which seems to be a short documentary.

"Let me see this, what do you mean?"

He clicked on it and looked at it for a while, and found that it was all high-sounding nonsense, with absolutely no value worthy of attention.

Could it be that Shu Tong wanted to use this method to hint that Wan Wan's school was not working well? It shouldn’t be, schools nowadays are basically like this, they like to engage in formalism.

Just when Yu Zhongheng was looking at it with a confused look on his face, the camera of the documentary turned and happened to stop on a vehicle at the gate of the school.

"This is not my car?"

He recognized it at a glance as his own car, the one Xiaoyun used to pick up and drop off Danwan.

Sure enough, when the car door opened, the first person to get out of the car was his baby daughter, followed by his daughter's two friends.

Obviously, the school did not delete the footage of the photographer's mistake, but instead included it in the feature film...

After all, the appearance of these four little ones is so amazing that it would be useless if you don’t take pictures.

As Pu Tong got off the bus last, the smile on Yu Zhongheng's face froze and he couldn't laugh anymore.

Why did this kid get out of his car? This was school time in the morning. They came by car at the same time. It was obvious that they came together.

Doesn't that mean that this kid slept at his own home last night?

Then my precious daughter...

Yu Zhongheng suddenly took a breath of cold air, okay, this brat promised well at the time, but now Shutong sneaked away to his home as soon as he left the country.

"This bastard boy!"

He pounded the table and immediately called his assistant. Don't ask him what he wants to do, just ask him to buy a ticket to Huailin...

"Why do I have an ominous premonition?"

The sun was shining brightly, and Pu Tong actually felt a bit cold on his neck. This was obviously unreasonable.

"Then it looks like the teacher is going to ask you questions in the next class, so damn meow!"

Iori Yukino sighed. Anyway, every time she had a bad premonition, she would be asked by the teacher, but without exception, she would not do it.

"Asking questions is not a bad thing for me..." It's not that Pu Tong is self-righteous. His self-study progress is already far ahead. If he can't answer the teacher's questions in class, then his studies will be in vain.

"But for me, after the teacher asks you a question, the next one will most likely ask his deskmate directly."

This kind of thing happens all the time. The teacher will always ask questions around the first person asking the question, adhering to the principle of proximity.

Pu Tong is fine, but it will be miserable if she is implicated.

"If I were a teacher, I would be the first to ask you a question. You are actually talking nonsense during the interview. If you don't ask questions, who are you asking?" Lin Yuxi chuckled.

During the previous campus interview, this guy actually said that he was so fresh and refined that the school leader's face turned green with anger.

"Didn't my part get cut out? Damn it!"

Iori Yukino shrugged indifferently. The four of them were interviewed at the same time. As a result, there were only three of them in the finished video, and her witty remarks were not included.

There are many netizens in the video comment area who want to see her interview video, but unfortunately the school has not released it.

Partiality, this is too partial!

"Come on, if your part is released, where will it go to save the school's reputation?"

There is no one who talks too much about study plans or talks about vacation plans. I don’t know whether I should say this guy is naive or simply careless.

"Let me tell you the truth..." Iori Yukino muttered: "I don't believe that the three of you really plan to study hard during the holidays, okay, except Pu Tong."

She would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than believe that her two best friends would bury themselves in books.

Yu Wanwan and Lin Yuxi looked at each other, and they were guessed right by this guy. For them, good grades were not strictly necessary, just being passable was enough, so there was no need to work too hard.

"We still have to cooperate with school work." Yu Wanwan smiled and said, "So what are your plans for the holidays?"

It's a seven-day long vacation. You can't just spend time at home. You have to take this opportunity to relax and unwind.

"Of course I'm going to eat fried dumplings..."

"Stop!" Lin Yuxi directly interrupted Yinghua girl's act of naming the dishes. Everyone knew that she planned to eat and drink during the holiday. There was really no need to do it again.

"As for me, I plan to go back to the Magic City. The choreography of "Spring River Flower Moonlight Night" encountered some troubles. I plan to discuss it with my grandma. After all, she has more experience."

Pu Tong nodded. He only remembered the music, not the dance moves, so he couldn't help.

Let the choreographers do it professionally.

"Where are you Pu Tong?"

Yu Wanwan finally turned her attention to Pu Tong. Her holiday arrangements basically revolved around Pu Tong, and it would be great to be with him.

"As for me, I plan to do a challenge!"

The three women were stunned when they heard this. They thought Pu Tong had no plans, but they didn't expect that this guy would actually have vacation plans?

"What challenge?"

"Challenge not leaving home for seven days."

Pu Tong yawned. The seven-day long holiday sounds like the peak tourist season. If you go out at this time, you might be crowded to death!

What kind of challenge is this? Yu Wanwan rubbed his eyebrows. He just stayed at home. How boring.

If Pu Tong squats at his house and doesn't go out, then he would be embarrassed to go find him. After all, his parents are at home.

"No, you can't do this!"

Yu Wanwan was extremely unhappy. Since the beginning of school, apart from that night, where had the two of them looked like a couple?

Now that he has finally endured the long vacation, he has such a good opportunity, but he actually plans to stay at home. This is not possible, absolutely not possible.

"But I have to study. If I don't study today, I will become rubbish tomorrow..." He also has to prepare for the selection for the mathematics competition after the holidays, so he has to take it seriously.

"Then, then you come to my house to study!"

Yu Wanwan didn't pretend anymore. She knew that this guy liked to study. It would be better to study at her home.

He has parents at home and it is inconvenient for him to go there, so just let him come to his house, and his parents are not here...

Moreover, this time Yukino and Yuxi are going to the Magic City. Without the troublesome guy, wouldn't they be able to do whatever they want?

Iori Yukino and Lin Yuxi noticed Yu Wanwan's smile, and they felt a sigh of relief in their hearts. What a cunning plan. How much fun would they have to miss in seven days?

The two looked at each other and said, "Why don't we go?"

"No, please leave quickly!"

Yu Wanwan waved his hand and immediately decided to help her buy the tickets. This time, he would not let anyone disturb their world.

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