This star just wants to learn

Chapter 497 The Way to Death

"By the way, what is your name..."

Xie Mu suppressed his voice, hesitated for a long time, and finally asked this sentence into the phone.

He had known Ling Ling for such a long time and didn't know any other information except that she was a student at the High School Affiliated to the Normal University.

"Nothing else, I just went in to visit the old man later. It would be strange if I couldn't even say your name."

Xie Mu quietly waited for the next step on the phone. The word nervousness was written on her face. Will she tell herself her name?

Pu Tong was eating melon clearly on the side. With Ding Lingling's character, she probably wouldn't tell him her name easily.

"Shen Lingling."

Ding Lingling was silent for a long time on the phone, as if she couldn't bear to lie, but after weighing it for a long time, she still told Xie Mu her previous name.

Her mother's surname is Shen. She grew up with her mother, so naturally she always had the surname "Shen", but later she changed her surname to Ding.

To be honest, she really didn't want to take that man's last name, but her mother wanted her to have someone to rely on in the future, so she took her to change it.

"So your name is really Ling Ling..."

Xie Mu suddenly beamed when he heard this. He had been thinking about how much she liked the word Ling so she wore it everywhere with her ID. He didn't expect that Ling Ling was really her name.

I already know her name, which is a big improvement!

He just felt that his whole body was instantly filled with a sense of happiness. Then he might be able to find her through this name...

"Master, you heard it, I finally know her name!" Xie Mu turned off the receiver and looked at Pu Tong with surprise in his eyes.


Pu Tong smiled bitterly. As expected, Ding Lingling only told him her previous name. After all, she had not yet decided to be honest with Xie Mu, so it was not a bad idea to do so.

I'm just suffering from my own name, I'm afraid I will have to think about this "fake name" for a long time.

Ding Lingling also knew all about acting. After saying her name, she repeatedly emphasized not to do human flesh to her, pretending to be afraid of being found out by him...

The more she emphasized it, the more authentic the name became, although Xie Mu couldn't find anything using the name Shen Lingling.

It's like a girl in full armor, trying to resist and welcome you. Although she shouted "Don't come over", she didn't panic at all. If you dare to mess around, she will fight back. .

Xie Mu must have started thinking about finding someone based on this name, and then he will check them all without saying a word...

Pu Tong didn't interrupt. From the perspective of the two parties involved, this kind of thing seemed quite interesting.

She ran away, he chased her, but she couldn't fly!

The two of them walked along the ancient streets of the village, and were somewhat surprised by the scenery of the local B\u0026B.

Most of the private houses in Lingqu Village are built near the water, rising up from the hillside, and are mainly made of earth, wood, stone and wood structures, with high and low contrasts.

It can only be said that Xu Lei has really good vision. The scenery here is beautiful and the environment is suitable, which is very suitable for shooting.

After the program is broadcast, this little-known paradise should attract the attention of many people. It will also provide opportunities for each other to develop tourism business and develop the regional economy.

Grandma Xin's yard is at the end of the street. The entrance to the small yard is lonely and cold, and there don't seem to be many people living there.

The courtyard is extremely clean and tidy. Except for the fallen leaves under the ancient trees in autumn, there is no other garbage to be found.

"When I was little, my grandma would often tell me stories while knitting under this tree..." Ding Lingling sighed, "I didn't expect this tree to still be there."

A tree is one hundred years old, and a person is one hundred years old. This cypress tree is still there, but grandma is already dying.

Xie Mu and Pu Tong didn't know how to comfort her. They had never experienced these things, so naturally they couldn't understand her mood at the moment.

"You're here, hang up first..."

Ding Lingling sighed. She actually wanted to keep the phone connected and hear her grandma's current condition, but seeing the door getting closer, she didn't have the courage after all.

She didn't want to see grandma weak, that would make her sad...just like grandma would be sad seeing her sitting in a wheelchair.

People who care about each other report good news but not bad news.

When Xie Mu saw the other party hang up, he put away his phone. He was just thinking about how to introduce himself and Pu Tong in front of the phone when explaining his origins to the elderly, but now he saves this trouble.

As soon as the two of them entered the courtyard, they heard a commotion at the door. It seemed that there were many guests inside.

If an old man in the village is ill, basically the whole village will pay special attention to it, and the neighbors will naturally visit him. It is best to let the old lady chat with them, so that they will be less worried.

Although, the little girl that Mrs. Xin misses most cannot come here now...

Xie Mu unconsciously took on the responsibility of Ding Lingling. He stepped forward and knocked politely on the door. The conversation in the room suddenly stopped, obviously he did not expect anyone to come at this time.

After just a moment, a middle-aged woman opened the door and looked at the two strangers she had never met before with a blank look on her face.


Seeing her standing there for so long, the people in the room were a little curious for a moment, and they all raised their heads and looked outside.

"We are Shen Linling's friends." Xie Mu calmed down and said seriously: "Come and check on grandma for her..."

The woman who opened the door was stunned, and couldn't help showing a bit of joy. The old man had been thinking about Ling Ling for a long time in the past two days, and finally someone came.

"I came for her, why didn't she come by herself?" Just as Pu Tong and Xie Mu were about to enter, an inappropriately sharp female voice came from the room.


The male voice that followed was obviously reproachful and seemed to be trying to stop her weird words.

"Isn't what I said the truth? Our mother used to love her so much, but then she left the village, climbed a high branch, entered the city and never came back. I'm afraid she has forgotten us... A white-eyed wolf is a white-eyed wolf, after all If you don’t have a father to teach you, are you raising an unfamiliar dog?”

Xie Mu really couldn't bear to hear others ridiculing her so much, so she immediately strode in and was bound to ask for an explanation.

That sentence "After all, I don't have a father to teach me" deeply hurt his heart, but Xie Mu didn't expect that Ling Ling also had such a past.

She doesn't seem to be very popular here...

For a moment, Xie Mu felt a little aggrieved. There were so many people who didn't like her, so he must treat her a thousand times better in the future.

Pu Tong frowned. Sometimes there would be one or two selfish and cunning people in the village. They were not bad people, but their selfishness and self-righteousness made them difficult to get along with. There was nothing that could be done about it.

Although this woman was scolding Ding Lingling, she emphasized one thing both inside and outside her words, that is, she envied Ding Lingling.

After entering the city and climbing up the branches, I forgot that people like me are particularly bitter. We are obviously the kind of villains who don't like other people's good things.

He was a little worried about Xie Mu, so he quickly followed him...

Don't get me wrong, he wasn't worried about Xie Mu messing around, he was just worried that Xie Mu couldn't beat him alone, so he would help.

If you dare to scold your friend, this person is already seeking death!

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